The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1181 Forty Years of Travel and the Beginning of Formation

The boundless sea of ​​stars, the vast void.

Due to the lack of reference objects, it is often difficult for Star Master monks to have a sense of time when traveling in the sea of ​​​​stars. Maybe you have been wandering in the void for a long time and you no longer know how many years have passed.

In this void star sea, Liang Ji always used the movement time of his own natal stars as a reference to determine the time progress of his travels in the universe star sea.

In just the blink of an eye, he has been traveling in the outer star sea for more than forty years.

In the past forty years, Liang Ji has visited more than a dozen resource points and experimental sites according to the "Starry Sky Map" left by the "Sage Tianhe".

Some of these places were 'resource points' originally discovered by the 'Tianhe Sage'. Because the time was wrong and the resources had not been fully cultivated, they were marked and given to future generations like Liang Ji for mining.

Some places are the galaxies where the 'Tianhe Sage' originally studied the 'Celestial Star Array' for experiments and research. There are many leftover traces and information of the 'Tianhe Sage''s original formation and research, which can be used by Liang Ji. Reference, research.

However, most of these marking points were left by the 'Sage Tianhe' thousands of years ago. Even in this cosmic star sea, thousands of years of vicissitudes can often cause considerable changes in some stars and galaxies.

Some of the dozens of marked points that Liang Ji visited had resources that had been successfully cultivated. When he arrived, he could mine them and make a fortune, while others found that the resources had already been mined by others when he arrived.

I just don’t know whether it was discovered and mined by other Star Lords in the Star Alliance during their travels, or by the natives of the star in the Star Sea, or by gods from the divine world, or elemental spirits from the spiritual world, or by the Void Monster Clan who ruined it?

Of course, the largest number of them is still like the original "Three Yang Galaxy". Under the thousands of years of creation of the universe, galaxies and stars have long been changed. Even if Liang Ji looks for it, he often finds nothing. He can only use those stars and galaxies to do things. Some experiments and research.

Liang Ji has almost realized it now. This should be one of the reasons why the 'Sage Tianhe' gave him this 'Star Map'.

The voids and galaxy areas recorded in this 'star map' should have been marked by his explorations and travels thousands of years ago when he was still a seventh-level star master. After thousands of years of creation and evolution, these marked voids, In galaxies and other places, it cannot be said that there is no gain or no effect.

However, the harvest was far less than Liang Ji initially expected.

As for a better 'starry sky map', such as marking the places where the eighth-level star master and even the ninth-level star master traveled and discovered in the outer star sea, the 'Sage Tianhe' would probably not give it to an outsider like Liang Ji.

Even if his family, children, etc. can ascend with the 'Sage Tianhe', in this star alliance, there are naturally relatives, friends, old friends, etc. left behind, who can inherit those eighth-level and ninth-level 'starry sky maps' and other valuable assets.

Even so, Liang Ji had no intention of complaining. He did not have such a close relationship with the 'Sage Tianhe', but he was just a little help in dealing with the ninth-order heavenly demon 'Xuan Qi'.

‘Sage Tianhe’ was able to give him this ‘starry sky map’ from when he was a seventh-level star master, and he was very optimistic about it.

What's more, at these marked void and galaxy resource points, Liang Ji harvested limited resources and treasures, but he gained a huge harvest from the star formations contained in them.

These galaxies often contain formation formations studied by the ‘Sage Tianhe’, as well as galaxy formations created by the universe.

Liang Ji conducted comparative research on the two phases, combined with his own research on the 'Celestial Star Array' formation and the situation of his own natal star galaxy, etc., and conducted experiments, and often gained huge harvests.

Although Liang Ji inevitably destroyed four or five more galaxies in the process, he also gained something from the destruction of the galaxies.

Either star cores, destroyed spiritual objects, fusion resources, or attracted void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc.

In more than forty years of travel and experiments, Liang Ji destroyed five galaxies in the previous twenty years, obtained nearly ten star cores of various kinds, and more than sixty star cores of various kinds, destroying all kinds of souls. There are countless spiritual objects that contain the way of destruction, such as fire and thunder of destruction, as well as countless other spiritual objects and resources that are fused and synthesized under the explosion of destruction.

As for the various Void Monster clans that were hunted, they were even more numerous. Even the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pills were harvested eight more, which greatly eased the need for the growth of their seventh-level natal stars.

However, in the past twenty years, there has been no exploration team encountering elements from the spiritual world or gods from the divine world.

Of course, in addition to this, during the past twenty years, Liang Ji also used his family members to explore and travel on the "Dragon Beast Starship", exploring and exploring along the way and around various voids, galaxy resource points, and markers. Discover three life stars, two special stars, and thousands of precious resources and treasures.

The three Life Stars were all conquered and captured by the Liangji Familia, and a 'Star Map Array' was arranged in the galaxy where the Life Stars were located. They were linked to the Star Alliance's 'Celestial Star Array' and brought them under the Star Alliance's command. .

In the future, these life stars will either be moved by him to his own natal star galaxy and turned into one of the foundations for the arrangement of the galaxy array, or they will be given to relatives and friends to be refined by immortals and become the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals'.

As for the two special stars discovered, one is a 'jade star' made entirely of jade; the other is a 'gas star', but the 'qi' that makes up the stars is a rare and rare thing.

Liang Ji also used a blank 'Star Map' spiritual treasure to seal the two stars into the 'Star Map' spiritual treasure.

Whether you use it to place it in your own natal star galaxy in the future, use it to set up a special galaxy array, or sell it to the Star Alliance, it is undoubtedly a good choice.

Twenty years later, Liang Ji moved the stars in the 'Galaxy' that was the thirteenth mark left by 'Sage Tianhe', and arranged the formation according to the 'Celestial Star Array' he had comprehended, and finally the first The formation was successfully completed in one go without causing chaos, collision, or final destruction of the entire galaxy.

For Liang Ji, it can be regarded as a landmark success.

In the next twenty years or so, Liang Ji continued to travel throughout the Outer Star Sea, exploring various marked galaxies and void resource points left by the ‘Sage Tianhe’, and gained a lot.

Moreover, in the research and arrangement of various large formations in the galaxy, it has continued to grow and gain more and more.

Thirty years later, he was even able to, in a galaxy, first follow his own understanding of the formation path, then follow the traces of the formation path left by the 'Sage Tianhe', and finally follow the direction of the creation and evolution of the universe. Three moves and formations can ensure that there are no problems in the galaxy, so you can understand the similarities and differences and gain a lot.

In the fortieth year, Liang Ji had already made preliminary plans for the formation that would be deployed in his natal star system.

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