The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1182 Target ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ Imitation of Zhoutian Star Array

In the outer star sea, a lifeless galaxy.

Liang Ji sacrificed a huge 'star core' blooming with twenty colors of light of creation, sent in various treasures and resources, and rekindled the twenty-color 'star core', gradually turning it into a huge star again. of stars.

There is a star in the center of this galaxy. At this time, as Liang Ji rekindled a huge 'star' in the galaxy, the magnetic field and gravitational field in the entire galaxy began to undergo violent changes and disturbances.

At this time, in this galaxy, there are many seventh-level dependents, third-level golden gods, and seventh-level elemental spirits ‘dragon beasts’, etc., following Liang Ji’s instructions, moving and pushing many stars in the galaxy.

These stars were moved and arranged according to the path arranged by Liang Ji, and soon the chaotic and churning magnetic fields and gravitational fields in this galaxy were realigned and guided back to order.

This is the result of Liang Ji's more than 40 years of traveling, exploring, conducting experiments and research in various galaxies.

He has been able to quickly and easily rearrange the magnetic field and gravitational field in the galaxy, allowing the galaxy to change and arrange in the direction he needs without causing chaos or destruction.

At this time, the observer appears that the galaxy has successfully turned into a 'dual star' galaxy, and its magnetic field and gravitational field have regained stability and order.

At the moment, Liang Ji took out another 'stellar core', rekindled it, and placed it at the location he chose in the galaxy.

Suddenly, the entire galaxy began to become turbulent and chaotic again.

Liang Ji still asked his family members, gods, elemental spirits, etc. to quickly move the stars, even move the stars from the void outside the galaxy, join this galaxy, rearrange the distribution and movement of the stars in the galaxy, and form A new order operates.

The 'Double Sun Galaxy' soon turned into the 'Three Sun Galaxy' and started operating smoothly.

Later, Liang Ji followed the same example and placed four stars in the entire galaxy. Together with the original stars in the galaxy, the entire galaxy has become a "Five Sun Galaxy".

At this point, Liang Ji also frowned and became careful and cautious. The "Five Yangs" was almost the limit of what he had researched and arranged in the past forty years.

Moreover, in such a lifeless galaxy of death, if it were in a galaxy of life, under the illumination of these five stars, I am afraid that the stars of life in the galaxy would have been burned into stars of death.

Liang Ji turned his eyes and looked at the stars everywhere in the galaxy. He could see that the fire on each star was blazing, almost burning the surface of the stars into earthly fire magma. It was impossible for living stars to survive in such an environment.

However, Liang Ji was not in a hurry about this. After years of formation and research, he naturally understood the drawbacks and disadvantages of the gathering of various stars, and he had already thought of a solution.

It is the light of creation of the ‘Dragon Ball’!

At this time, Liang Ji also somewhat understood why the 'Sage Tianhe' would seize the path of the ninth-level demon 'Xuan Qi' in the first place, and after successfully seizing it, he could successfully ascend to sainthood.

It can only be said that the path of the ninth-level heavenly demon ‘Xuan Qi’ to create the life star field perfectly complements the path of ‘Sage Tian He’.

He still remembered the layout of six stars and seven life stars in the 'Tianhe Galaxy'.

Sage Tianhe used the power of the formation to arrange six stars in his natal star system. He should have reached the limit, and he must break this limit if he wants to ascend to sainthood.

It's just a limit that has been cultivated for thousands of years. How can it be easily broken?

Sage Tianhe finally succeeded in breaking the limit with the help of the ninth-order heavenly demon 'Xuan Qi''s way of creation to create six stars in his natal star system, so that those stars have more ways of creation and less power of destruction. , reaching the conditions for ascension.

Liang Ji is now using the same method as the 'Sage Tianhe', but he sacrifices the 'Dragon Ball' and activates the light of creation in it, which shines on the five stars in the galaxy, distorting and shaping the five stars. The power of the star increases its power of creation and vitality and weakens its power of destruction.

When he created and twisted all the stars he needed into 'created stars' with thirty-six colors and fused into one color, let alone five suns and six suns, Liang Ji was even sure that in his own natal star galaxy Arrange the 'Nine Suns' in the center, and then arrange the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' to achieve the refining and arrangement of the natal star galaxy, as well as deeper control over the natal stars, master the flow of time, etc.

Jiuyang, imitating the star array in the sky, was Liang Ji's preliminary plan for refining and arranging his natal star system.

Whether it will succeed or not is still unknown, but Liang Ji is already confident of working in this direction.

At this time, under the stimulation and distortion of the light of Liang Ji's "Dragon Pearl" creation, the five stars in this experimental galaxy have each changed.

Located in the center of the newly arranged galaxy, it is the largest star. At this time, it has changed from the original twenty colors to the twenty-first color.

Three of the remaining four stars have been created by him through many experiments, distortions, and creations. They have nine colors, thirteen colors, and sixteen colors respectively. At this time, they were all created by the 'Dragon Ball' activated by Liang Ji. The light is twisted and transformed towards more colors of creation.

Soon, in this galaxy, the stars of the original galaxy were gradually changed under the distortion and creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' created by Liang Ji. The color of the original stars was gradually distorted and transformed into a round of 'green sun'. '.

Since Liang Ji has determined that the layout of his natal star system is dominated by the 'Nine Suns', he naturally has to carefully select these nine stars to determine them.

Each star will eventually be twisted and transformed into thirty-six colors and merged into one color, and basically each has its own mystery.

Ordinary stars are everywhere in the galaxies in the outer star sea, but Liang Ji still looks down upon them.

For example, the largest star is the star core left by the Nirvana star, and is contaminated with the aura of the ninth-level heavenly demon; the other three stars that are being twisted and created are also Liang Ji's decades of travel and exploration in the outer star sea. , carefully selected special stars.

Or it contains special treasures and resources, or the stars contain special origins, the power of laws, etc.

This is the deserted galaxy that Liang Ji chose as the place for his experiment. The star in it is also a special star. When Liang Ji's family members drove the "Dragon Beast Starship" to explore this place, they found that there was an eight-year-old star in this star. The remains of the corpses of the Void Monster Clan.

It can be said that this star is the result of the death of the eighth-order void demon race. It can also be regarded as a special star in the boundless void and vast sea of ​​​​stars.

Therefore, Liang Ji selected this star as the fifth star in the "Nine Suns" array in his natal star galaxy, and conducted new experiments and research arrangements based on the galaxy where this star is located.

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