The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1183 The first creation of life stars from scratch

In the boundless sea of ​​stars, time flies.

Liang Ji stayed in the "Five Yang Galaxy" for ten years. For high-level star masters, decades or hundreds of years are often just a blink of an eye. A practice or an experiment can consume more time.

At this time, on the largest star in the "Five Sun Galaxy", the light of creation has advanced to thirty colors, and is not far away from the final thirty-six colors.

The remaining four stars, even the newly added fifth star, which is the original star of this galaxy, have been distorted and created in various colors in these ten years.

The remaining three stars are basically in more than ten to twenty colors.

But at this time, Liang Ji's attention was not on these stars, but on a star in this experimental galaxy.

That star is located at the intersection of the rays of five stars.

If you look up from above the star, you can see five great suns in the sky.

Originally, such an environment with the same sky for five days would undoubtedly be a devastating disaster for the stars. In fact, this was indeed the case at the beginning. The land, rocks, metals, etc. on the entire star were burned into magma by the blazing light of the five great suns.

The stars and the earth are constantly torn and damaged under the magnetic field and gravity of the five stars. From time to time, volcanoes erupt and storms form.

However, now, as the five great suns are distorted and shaped by the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl', various vitality and spiritual powers of creation are gradually produced.

This star, which is at the intersection of the light of five stars, has undergone some mysterious changes.

The magma on it began to solidify, the storms began to subside, the earth began to heal, and all kinds of doomsday natural disasters began to gradually subside.

Even under the astrological observation of Liang Ji's "Pupilla of the Star Spirit", it can be seen that the origin and the law of the great road in the stars are beginning to change. There are faint signs of innate energy that is about to emerge, and there are signs of creation and derivation towards the stars of life. .

Liang Ji was naturally very concerned about this, and even deliberately slowed down the creation and distortion of the five stars, and even slowly adjusted the way the light of the stars illuminated the star, in order to create and give birth to a complete life. Stars come.

If he succeeds, it will not only represent a big step forward in his research and practice of creating life stars and life galaxies, but it will also be of great benefit to him later on in refining the void and arranging his own natal star galaxy.

After all, whether Liang Ji wants to lay out the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' or the 'Familiar Zhoutian Star Array', the first premise is to ensure the safety and security of his own natal stars.

The purpose of any arrangement and powerful means of the natal star galaxy is to better promote the growth and development of the natal star and strengthen the control of the natal star.

If the cart is put before the horse, no matter how powerful or mysterious the means, it will actually harm the natal star, causing the vitality and origin of the natal star to be damaged or even fall.

That will undoubtedly be a failure.

Therefore, the layout of Liang Ji's experiment "Five Sun Galaxy" is more important to ensure that life stars can be created and contained in this galaxy, and to ensure that life stars can survive and develop smoothly in it.

This time, if he can use these five created and twisted stars to successfully cultivate a life star, then he will do research on the refining and arrangement of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' and the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' , is undoubtedly another great progress.

It can also be a big step closer to the final goal.

Time passed by Liang Ji's slow experiments and research. In order to ensure that the stars were successfully filled with vitality, Liang Ji even began to slowly move and adjust the directions and positions of the five stars.

In the galaxy, other stars naturally began to move and shift as the star's position was adjusted to ensure that the magnetic field and gravitational field in the entire galaxy maintained normal and orderly operation.

Such fine adjustment is also a power that Liang Ji has slowly mastered after destroying several galaxies over the years. Otherwise, just moving the stars or stars slightly may cause chaos, collision, and even destruction in the entire galaxy, let alone creation and nurture. The stars of life are gone.

Time passes rapidly. Under the illumination and creation of the five created stars, the stars located at the intersection of star power are obviously changing their origins and developing vitality much faster.

It only took less than ten years for Liang Ji to clearly see under his ‘Star Spirit Eyes’ that the first ‘innate Qi’ was born from the source of the stars!


Seeing this, Liang Ji's face suddenly became overjoyed. The star's origin had successfully cultivated the 'innate energy', which meant that the star had already contained life and became the foundation and foundation of the life star.

As long as the "Five Sun Galaxy" continues to operate according to the current situation, this star will be able to generate more "innate energy" and slowly create and generate a real life star.

This can be said to be the first time that Liang Ji truly created life stars and life galaxies with his own hands.

When he was in the "Green Sun Galaxy" in the "Sky Demon Star Territory", Liang Ji only reunited and repaired it on the basis of the original destruction. It did not count that he created a living star and a living galaxy from scratch. .

Therefore, this time in this outer star sea, in this 'Five Sun Galaxy', the life stars created by creation are the first time since he mastered the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' that he can truly rely on his own strength and means. The first life star created by creation, the first life galaxy.

This can be regarded as a practical verification of the 'Dragon Ball''s light of creation, the means of creating life stars, life galaxies, and even life star fields. It also effectively proves that the subsequent creation of Nine Suns can also guarantee the life of one's own stars, The feasibility of vitality and development.

Liang Ji suddenly took a big step forward based on his plans and experiments in refining and arranging the natal star galaxy.

However, it is impossible for him to allow the "Five Sun Galaxy" to continue operating in the current arrangement and order, just to slowly cultivate and nourish the life star.

For today's Liang Ji, a life star is nothing, the refinement and arrangement of his own natal star galaxy is more important.

Therefore, Liang Ji soon began to intensify the creation and distortion of the five stars, and increased the color of the various stars on them.

At the center, the largest star began to twist and create towards the thirty-first color, and the remaining four stars also began to grow and distort more colors of creation.

During this process, Liang Ji was also constantly observing the star that had developed the 'innate energy'. The changes in the five stars had a large or small impact on this 'quasi-life star', good or bad. .

Sometimes under the influence of the Five Yangs, the 'innate energy' contained in the stars can increase rapidly, and sometimes it can dissipate or decrease.

This has undoubtedly become a direction and standard for Liang Ji to observe and test the creation and distortion experiments of the ‘Five Yangs’.

The increase in the 'innate Qi' in the stars undoubtedly indicates that the direction of his experiment is correct. If the 'innate Qi' decreases, it means that the experiment is wrong and the direction needs to be adjusted in time.

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