The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1185 Return to the Star Alliance and the transfer of family foundation

"After decades of seclusion and cultivation, Peng Yue finally broke through to the seventh level Star Master!"

Liang Ji also looked overjoyed when he received the summons from Peng Yue.

Although he had known that Peng Yue had already found his way to a high-level star master, and now that he had the 'Light of Creation' to help accelerate the growth and development of the star master's natal star, Peng Yue was very confident about advancing to the seventh-level star master. of.

However, Liang Ji also knew that more than 80% of the Star Lords in the Star Alliance would be blocked from high-level Star Lords, and many of them failed to attack the seventh-level Star Lords, or even injured themselves.

Liang Ji has personally attacked the seventh-level star master, and is fully aware of the difficulties and dangers involved.

Therefore, even though Peng Yue has all kinds of perfect conditions, Liang Ji can't guarantee that he will be able to successfully advance to the seventh-order star master before he actually advances to the seventh-order star master, and can guarantee that he will hit the seventh-order star master. The Star Master will not have problems or even fail.

But now, after finally receiving the exact news, everything has settled, and Liang Ji is completely relieved.

"It just so happens that I have been traveling alone for decades. Except when I participated in the war to open up the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', I have never been away from the Star Alliance for so long."

"Moreover, the preliminary planning for the refinement and layout of the natal star galaxy has been completed. From now on, we only need to experiment and improve step by step according to the plan."

"Now, I just happen to return to the Star Alliance, not only to attend the banquet for Peng Yue to advance to the seventh level Star Master, but also to practice some cultivation."

"Otherwise, it would be really frustrating to have been traveling alone in this outer star sea without anyone to talk to, carrying out various galaxy array experiments all the time, exploring the void, destroying galaxies, and fighting void monsters or enemies. Upset..."

Liang Ji shook his head.

"Perhaps, next time I come to travel and explore the outer sea of ​​stars, and conduct experiments on various stars, stars, and galaxies, I will no longer be alone, and I can bring Peng Yue with me."

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji looked at the 'starry sky map' in his hand again, and temporarily changed his previous plan. Instead of continuing to the next galaxy marked on the 'star map', he ordered the dragon-shaped starship to be boarded. 'Turn and head towards the Covenant.

There was no words to say all the way back. Liang Ji had traveled and explored the journey back. There was no need to explore slowly, and there was no danger. Naturally, the speed was faster.

In addition to a few life stars he discovered, Liang Ji checked them out along the way back to the city, as well as the 'Three Holy Stars' and the 'Yu Yang Star' in the Immortal Blessed Land of Chu Yue's Refining Land. , and did not waste much time elsewhere.

Therefore, it only took Liang Ji more than two years to return to the city after decades of exploration and travel, and he had already returned to the Iron Wall Galaxy outside the Covenant.

Here, Liang Ji had a little gathering with some familiar and friendly Pioneer Legion star masters and monks, presented some resources and treasures obtained from exploring and traveling in the outer star sea, and communicated with each other, and then returned directly to the Star Alliance. .

Nowadays, the main strongholds and spheres of influence of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' established by the Liang family, the Peng family, including their relatives and friends, have been moved from the original Penglai Star Territory and Tian Serpent Star Territory to the new 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' , and instead used the 'Sky Demon Star Region' as the main stronghold and development scope of the Liang family, the Peng family, and the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce'.

It was this time that after Peng Yue successfully advanced to the seventh-level star master in the 'All Things Star Palace', he also returned to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to hold a celebration banquet for his advancement to the seventh-level star master.

It can be said that Liang Ji, the Peng family, etc. have basically withdrawn from the Serpent City of the Sky Snake Star and turned to develop in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

There are only two reasons for doing this.

One is Penglai Star Territory, Tian Serpent Star, and even Xiu Snake City, etc., which are all well-established star territories and stars. Their resources, interests, rights, etc. have all been divided up by the old star master families.

Even in the small Snake Xiu City, there are several Star Lord families dividing resources and interests.

It is so large that on the entire Sky Serpent Star, there is also the ‘Sky Serpent Academy’, as well as high-level star master families such as the Yun family, and their resources and interests have long been divided.

Moving up to the entire Penglai Star Territory, there are naturally already forces such as the 'Penglai Chamber of Commerce', 'Penglai Academy', and high-level Star Lord families, who are dividing the resources, rights and interests in the Star Territory.

After the rise of Liang Ji, the Liang family, as well as relatives and friends, will naturally become new dividers of interests and rights, dividing resources, rights, and interests from the original established forces.

In the past, when Liang Ji was only a low-level or mid-level star master, his strength and voice were still limited.

Relying on the cards of 'Kunlun Star Palace', it is feasible for family, parents, etc. to advance step by step in Tian Serpent Star and Xiu Snake City and master more resources, interests, rights, etc.

After all, it is only one star and one city. As long as the Yun family, as the boss of Snake Repair City, has no objections or objections, there will basically be no problem.

But later, as Liang Ji advanced to the seventh-level star master, his strength, status, and voice became more and more powerful. Naturally, the family behind him, the family of relatives and friends, and even the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' that was later formed also began to expand. , demanding higher status, more resources, and more benefits.

This is not only the human heart, but also indispensable to support Liang Ji’s practice.

In the Star Alliance, almost every high-level Star Lord will form some large companies, forces, etc. The purpose is not that these large companies and forces are useful for their own practice!

Although the Star Lords all have the support of their natal stars and their families, the resources and interests obtained by large companies and forces from the Star Alliance often play a supporting role in supporting the Star Lords that their natal stars and their families cannot appreciate. Than.

Let me just talk about one thing. The spiritual seeds, spiritual roots and other materials that star master monks need to develop their own natal stars can only be obtained from the Star Alliance or searched for in the outer star sea, but it is difficult to cultivate them in their own natal stars. , grow out.

Therefore, even high-level star masters cannot do without the support and help of big companies and big forces.

Therefore, as Liang Ji advanced to high-level star master, his family, relatives and friends, and the "Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce" he formed, etc., had to start to seek more and larger development space.

In the original Penglai Star Territory, Sky Snake Star, and even Xiu She City, such development space, resources, interests, rights, etc., naturally did not exist. They had already been divided up by various established forces.

Unless the Liang Family, Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce, etc. are willing to fight or even go to war with those established forces, they will have no room or opportunity to develop in the original Penglai Star Territory and Serpentine Star.

On the contrary, in this newly developed ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’, the profit space and rights space have not yet been completely divided, but it is suitable for the development needs of the Liang Family, Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce and others.

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