The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1186 Dragon Snake Star reunites with Peng Yue

In the original Penglai Star Territory, there was no room for the development of the Liang Family and the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce. However, in the newly developed 'Tianyao Star Territory', there are various spaces and opportunities. This is the Liang Family, the Peng Family, and even the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce, etc. One of the main reasons for moving here.

Another main reason is naturally that the "Earth Blessed Land" stars refined by Liang Ji's parents, Peng Yue's parents, Peng Xuanding and others are all in the "Celestial Demon Star Territory".

With these five Earth Immortals here, there are also five "Earth Immortal Blessed Lands" for support, as well as the support of the life stars left by Liang Ji.

Whether it is in terms of territory, resources, security, or combat power, the Sky Demon Star Territory is undoubtedly more suitable for the development of the Liang Family, the Peng Family, and even the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce'.

Therefore, in the past few decades, when Liang Ji traveled and explored the outer star sea, he conducted various galaxy layout experiments.

The Liang Ji and Peng families, including their relatives and friends, as well as the Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce, have all moved their focus and foundation of development to the 'Tianyao Star Territory'.

It was this time that after Peng Yue successfully advanced to the seventh-level Star Master, she did not return to the Serpent City on the Sky Snake Star. Instead, she came directly to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to join her, Liang Ji's parents, and the Peng family. Wait, it was decided to hold a celebration banquet in this 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

The venue is the Dragon Snake Star, the last life star left by Liang Ji in the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Although the level of 'Dragon Snake Star' is not high, high-level star masters, high-level monks, etc. can also enter it. As long as they do not fight in it, or rashly disturb the laws of heaven and earth and the origin of stars, they will not attack 'Dragon Snake Star'. Star' causes any adverse effects.

Therefore, it is suitable to use for celebration banquet.

The current headquarters of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' is located on this 'Dragon and Snake Star', which just happens to host this celebration.

After all, compared to the empty 'Dragon Snake Star', the other stars that were refined into Earth Immortal Blessed Lands by Liang Ji's parents, Peng Yue's parents and others need to maintain a certain degree of privacy to facilitate their practice of Earth Immortal Tradition. .

Although the path of the Earth Immortal is not as good as the path of the Star Lord, it is also developed after the Star Lord's Taoism. The Star Lord is the most secretive about all the privacy of his own natal star. Naturally, the Earth Immortal does not want his "Earth to the Blessed Land" to go too far. Open, allowing outsiders to come in and explore.

Liang Ji still remembered that the Chishan Star, the first 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' he came into contact with, was also sealed and kept secret, and outsiders were not easily allowed to enter.

When he returned to the Star Alliance, Liang Ji did not go on his own, but directly took the "Starlight Gate" that was transported between star fields and returned to the "Sky Demon Star Territory".

After that, he did not stay in Tianyao City for a long time. Although there was also a stronghold of Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce here, Liang Ji had no intention of inspecting Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce, so he set off directly from Tianyao City. Escape into the void and rush to the 'Dragon Snake Star'.

Dragon Snake Star, at this time, a star port has been built outside the stars. Starships, starships, spaceships, etc. are coming in and out of this 'star port', or sailing into Dragon Snake Star, or It is sailing away from the Dragon Snake Star and sailing towards the distant void and star field.

Liang Ji looked at the busy star port outside Dragon Snake Star, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction on his face.

This star port was undoubtedly built on the Dragon Snake Star by the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' when he traveled and explored the outer star seas in the past few decades.

Although it only lasted a few decades, with Liang Ji, a seventh-level star master with considerable status and connections, sitting behind him, the development of the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' was obviously very rapid. You can see one or two on the star port built.

Ordinary forces do not have enough strength and resources to build a star port.

It can even be said that controlling a star port is one of the signs of a large company and power in the Star Alliance.

In just over ten years, the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' was able to develop into a large company and a powerful force. In addition to Liang Ji's own cultivation and status support, the newly developed 'Tianyao Star Territory' has large resources and profit space. The reason, of course, is the efforts and abilities of the monks and members in the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce', etc., which must also be important reasons.

After all, the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' was formed by gathering most of the elite members of the Liang family, the Peng family, and their relatives and friends, such as the Wang family, and later recruited a large number of useful talents. How could it not be without talents and abilities?

At this time, looking at the starport outside the 'Dragon Snake Star', the number of starships and starships entering the port was obviously more than the number of starships and starships leaving the port.

Apparently, the news that Peng Yue held an advanced banquet for seventh-level star masters has spread. These starships, star masters on starships, monks, forces, etc. that entered the port should all come to participate in Peng Yue's advanced banquet.

Liang Ji even saw some familiar starship flags, which were star owners, corporate forces, etc. that he had cooperated with in the past.

Shandelou, Herborist Group, Penglai Group, Phoenix Feather Company, etc.

Liang Ji even saw Senior Bian Yujiao's flagship starship 'Yujing Tower' in the starport.

I just don’t know if Senior Bian Yujiao came to the banquet in person this time.

It stands to reason that seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others should also be in retreat now, accelerating the growth of their natal stars and seeking opportunities to break through to the seventh-level star master.

However, we have yet to hear any news of successful breakthroughs from Senior Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao and others.

On the contrary, it was Peng Yue who came from behind and took the lead in breaking through to the seventh-level star master.

It can be seen from this that it is difficult to break through the high-level star master. In today's Star Alliance, even if there is the 'Light of Creation' that can accelerate the development of the natal stars of intermediate star lords, the number of high-level star lords that can be increased is probably limited.

After all, the biggest difficulty for a high-level star master to achieve a breakthrough is never the growth of the mid-level star master’s natal star, but finding a path that suits him or her.

Shaking his head, Liang Ji did not enter the star port, but escaped directly into the 'Dragon Snake Star'.

He could sense that Peng Yue was in the 'Dragon and Snake Star' at this time. Since their marriage, they have been bound to each other with a special spiritual contract and can sense each other's existence.

Even after Peng Yue also advanced to the seventh-level Star Master, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were both high-level Star Masters. There were more ways to bind their natal stars together in the Star Alliance.

Not only can the two people's natal stars directly communicate with each other, but it can even directly allow the family members and others to enter the other party's natal stars to watch and help each other.

There are many similar methods in the Star Alliance.

And these require sufficient trust and sufficient relationships between both parties to be implemented.

"Madam..." Liang Ji had a thought in his mind along the way. Following his reaction with Peng Yue, he came to Peng Yue and said with a smile on his face: "I'm back!"

"Husband!" Peng Yue was also full of surprise when she saw Liang Ji. She rushed forward and hugged him, saying: "I have finally advanced to the seventh level Star Master and I have caught up with you!"

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