The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1187 Seventh Level Celebration, Tiredness and Development

"Penglai Chamber of Commerce sent a congratulatory gift, fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones, ten seventh-level spiritual species, ten seventh-level spiritual roots..."

"Master Yuxia of the Vientiane Star Palace sent a congratulatory gift, fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones, and a set of seven-level elemental 'spiritual crystals' with all attributes..."

"Phoenix Feather Group sent a congratulatory gift, 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones, and a pair of seventh-level void monsters..."

On the 'Dragon and Snake Star', Dragon and Snake City.

At this time, there was a lot of excitement. As Peng Yue advanced to the seventh level of Star Master, the banquet was held. All parties sent congratulatory gifts. The Peng family's welcoming monks sang salutes, which resounded throughout Dragon Snake City and outside, causing exclamations and cheers.

These congratulatory gifts are represented by large companies, high-level star owners, etc., each of which represents the importance they attach to Peng Yue. For Peng Yue's goodwill, this naturally makes the Peng family, as well as relatives and friends who are dependent on the Peng family, also The 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' and others cheered.

Even the star masters, monks, forces, etc. who came to the banquet refreshed their understanding of Peng Yue, the Peng family, and the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' again and again.

In the central hall of Dragon Snake City, a lively banquet was being held. Peng Yue was waiting to thank everyone who came to the banquet, and gave a lecture before going to the back of the palace.

The banquet held in front of the main hall was to thank guests from all walks of life, and it was mainly for the fun of it.

At the back of the main hall were the guests who really needed to be received by Peng Yue seriously. They were basically close friends and relatives of her and Liang Ji, including seventh-level star masters who came to congratulate them.

At this time, Liang Ji was already in the apse, entertaining all parties on behalf of Peng Yue.

Among them were Liang Ji and Peng Yue’s classmates from Xiu She City, as well as Xia Wujiu, Lu Yuetong and others who had previously traveled and explored in teams with Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others, as well as some seventh-level people from large companies who came to congratulate them. Star Lords, and even seventh-level Star Lord mentors who represent the Star Palace.

These all need to be hosted by Liang Ji and Peng Yue personally.

That is to say, now, with the successful development of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', the Star Alliance has mastered the fusion of the 'Light of Creation', such as Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Qi Changge, Yang Yun, and Peng Yue's senior brothers and sisters, etc. Most of them are in seclusion to speed up their cultivation and hit the realm of seventh-level star masters.

Otherwise, there will only be more friends, star owners, etc. coming to congratulate them this time, and it may be even more troublesome to entertain them.

Even so, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were busy for several days before sending away these friends, cooperative forces, high-level star masters, etc. who came to congratulate them.

By the time the celebration banquet was over, even Liang Ji and Peng Yue, both seventh-level star masters, felt a little tired.

Of course, they are not tired. No matter how big the banquet is, their family, the Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce, and even the sent family members will host and handle it, so they don't have to do anything.

What really makes me feel tired is my heart. I have to negotiate with all the friends, old friends, cooperating forces, and high-level star owners who come to congratulate me. Among them, there are changes in the attitudes of old friends and friends, and they are clinging to each other.

For example, Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong were both third-level immortals from large companies such as Shandelou and Herborist Group. When Liang Ji and Peng Yue were still intermediate star masters, they represented two large companies and joined them. It was a pleasure working with them on the Snake's expedition.

But times have changed, and now that Liang Ji and Peng Yue have advanced to seventh-level star masters, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and other third-level immortals who originally formed a team to explore together have also successfully refined the life stars into the "Earth Immortal Blessed Land" and embarked on the Earth Immortal Taoism. the road.

However, Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong still don't know when they will get their own 'life stars', and they don't know if they can embark on the path of 'Earth Immortal Tradition'.

After all, although they come from large companies and large groups, it is also because of this that among these large companies and large groups, there are many third-level immortals like them, and there are very few 'life stars' that can be divided. When can they be assigned?

On the contrary, it is not as good as Chu Yue and Wu Shan who have been following Liang Ji and Peng Yue. Although they had no support and no background in the early stage, they have successfully refined the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals' and embarked on the path of Earth Immortals.

This inevitably caused some changes in their mentality.

At this banquet to congratulate Peng Yue on his advancement to the seventh-level star master, when talking with Liang Ji and Peng Yue, they couldn't help but reminisce about the time they spent exploring together. How many complaints and complaints they had about Shan De Lou, Herborist Group, and even their words There is no doubt that he wants to change jobs and join them.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally need to handle this with caution, and it is impossible to accept their job-hopping.

This not only offends large companies and groups with which they have always cooperated well, such as Shan De Lou and Herborist Group, but is also detrimental to their internal development.

After all, the Liang family, the Peng family and the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' formed by them have formed a stable order in the past few years, and their internal rights and interests have basically been divided up.

Even the order of rewards for the ‘Life Stars’ has been arranged.

If they accept the job-hopping of two old teammates Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong at this time, and if they are given too good treatment, it will directly disrupt the order and distribution of rights that have been developed in the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce'; and if If you don't want to disrupt the internal order of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce', you can't give them good treatment, especially the 'Life Stars' they want.

Naturally, this will not satisfy Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong. It will only make them complain more and blame Liang Ji and Peng Yue. When the time comes, the kindness will turn into hatred, so it is better to refuse from the beginning.

In addition, the large companies, large groups, and high-level star owners from all parties who came to congratulate them were basically people who had cooperation and contacts with the Peng family, the Liang family, and the Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, in addition to congratulating Peng Yue on his advancement, he also took the opportunity to discuss some cooperation matters with Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Even if the specific cooperation can be discussed by the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' below, it still requires Liang Ji and Peng Yue to work with these large groups, companies, high-level star owners, etc. to determine the direction and scope of cooperation.

After handling all these matters, Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally felt very tired.

However, in just a few days, Liang Ji actually missed the days of traveling, exploring, and conducting various galaxy layout experiments in the outer star sea.

"Don't worry, Peng Yue has now advanced to the seventh level of Star Master. He just takes this opportunity to finish the affairs of the two families and the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce'. When the time comes, he will take Peng Yue with him to travel and explore the outside world. It’s more enjoyable to do experiments.”

With Peng Yue advancing to the seventh-level Star Master, there are already two high-level Star Masters, Liang Ji and Peng Yue, behind the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce'. Even among the many large companies, large groups and other forces in the Star Alliance, it can be regarded as a mid-level existence. .

It is much stronger than many large companies and large groups with only one high-level star master in charge.

Naturally, the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' will also usher in more development and expansion, occupying more interests, business transactions, etc. in the Star Alliance, so that it can support the cultivation needs of the two high-level Star Masters Liang Ji and Peng Yue. .

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