The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1189 The changes in the ‘Green Sun’ galaxy and the creation path of the principal of ‘Tian S

The Sky Demon Star Territory, the ‘Green Sun’ galaxy.

After Liang Ji reunited with Peng Yue for a period of time, Peng Yue began to practice as a seventh-level star master to improve the combat power of the seventh-level star master. However, he temporarily left the 'Dragon Snake Star' and came to the edge of the Sky Demon Star Territory. 'Green Sun' galaxy.

This 'Green Sun' galaxy was restored and rebuilt by him. One of the stars was cultivated into a life star. He later traded it to the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' and handed it over to the other party for the practice of 'creation and creation'. .

At this time, Liang Ji came to the 'Green Sun' galaxy again to watch the results of the 'Good Fortune Evolution' by the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy'.

When he arrived here, he discovered that he was not the only one. Several high-level star masters had already gathered here, and they were also watching the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy''s experiment of 'creating the way of creation'.

Among them, there are mainly seventh-level star masters, but the leader is actually an eighth-level star master, and Liang Ji also knows the other person, but he is the principal of Penglai Academy, the eighth-level star master ‘Tianpeng Star Master’.

"Star Lord Liang Ji!"

Around the 'Green Sun' galaxy, the onlookers' star masters noticed Liang Ji's arrival, and immediately some familiar star masters greeted him.

Liang Ji also stepped forward to respond and greet each other, and finally bowed to the leading eighth-level star master, the "Celestial Star Master".


The ‘Celestial Star Lord’ was quite polite to Liang Ji and nodded in response.

However, he didn't say much, and his attention was focused on the stars in the Green Sun galaxy, where the principal of the Heavenly Serpent Academy was conducting the Creation Evolution.

The seventh-level star masters who were watching around him did not say much after greeting Liang Ji. They also stared at the 'life stars' in the galaxy and watched the experiment of 'creation and creation'.

When Liang Ji saw this, he didn't disturb everyone more and also looked at the life stars in the galaxy.

That life star can be said to have been created by Liang Ji's creation of the 'Green Sun' galaxy. From the reshaping and creation of the entire galaxy to the creation of the first 'innate energy' in the life star, and then to Liang Ji almost mastered the entire process of developing the 'Life Star', and he naturally understood it very well.

However, when he left the Star Alliance and went to travel and explore the outer star seas, the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' took over the life star and began to conduct experiments on the 'creation path' on this star, exploring the eighth level of harmony. road.

At that time, the life stars were still in a state of cultivation, and no life had yet been born in the stars.

But at this time, with Liang Ji's decades of travel and exploration in the outer star sea, the life star that was being nurtured in the "Green Sun" galaxy has turned into a real life star. All kinds of creatures, life, and vitality are everywhere.

Liang Ji could see that among the stars, the star demon clan, which was born and created based on the principal's family of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', had developed a prosperous civilization in the stars.

Even in this star, the star demon clan has transformed into a half-demon form and developed a half-demon civilization, which looks almost the same as a star lord's natal star.

Liang Ji was not surprised by this.

At the beginning, when they were developing the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', Liang Ji and others had already discovered that when their star alliance was developing the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and seizing the path of the Heavenly Demon, the Heavenly Demon 'Xuan Qi' who created this star field had 'They are also taking the opportunity to study and imitate the orthodoxy and ways of the 'Star Alliance'.

That's why the sky demon created the star field, and the high-level void demon clan evolved into the star demon clan. The star demon clan embarked on the path of transformation, first transforming into a half-demon state, imitating the state of the star lord's family members.

Even later, if the Star Alliance does not capture the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', those star demons who have transformed into half-demon forms may not be able to further transform and completely become human beings.

It is estimated that by then, the Heavenly Demon will be able to ascend to the upper realm.

Unfortunately, later on, the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' was conquered by the Star Alliance, and the Celestial Demon 'Xuan Qi' was killed, and his path was also captured by the 'Sage Tian He', completing the path to ascension for the Sage Tian He.

Therefore, the civilization of star demon beasts in the ‘Celestial Demon Star Domain’ died halfway.

The remaining star demon clans in the life stars everywhere were either strangled to death by the Star Alliance star masters, or they became the people ruled by the earth immortals who refined the life stars into blessed places.

Naturally, it is impossible to continue on the path of transformation, or even become a human being.

However, the path of the Sky Demon's evolution is undoubtedly of great reference significance to the Star Alliance.

Not only was the ‘Sage Tianhe’ able to seize the sky demon’s path to ascend, but during the Star Alliance’s pioneering war, there were also many star masters who gained their own insights and wealth on the journey of the sky demon’s creation.

Just like Liang Ji obtained the light of creation from the ‘Dragon Pearl’.

The principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' obviously got inspiration from the incarnations of those star monsters, and gradually developed his own path of 'creation and evolution'.

Back then, in the 'Green Wing Galaxy', the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' had already used a life form that was being nurtured to conduct an attempt to 'create the way of creation'.

That should be the time when he initially opened up this path. Although it was not perfect yet, he was able to evolve "half-transformed" monsters similar to his own clan in the life stars.

But now, among the stars of life in the Green Sun galaxy, the principal of the Serpentine Academy has obviously taken a step further to further create and evolve this star of life, closer to its natal star.

At this time, Liang Ji looked at the various half-demon forms of snake-men in the stars of life, but it was difficult for him to tell which of them were the dependents of the principal of the 'Sky Snake Academy' and which ones were transformed from the monsters in the stars. Half demon.

But one thing he can confirm is that under the creation and development of the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', this star must be very similar to its natal star.

Apart from the fact that it may be a few levels short of the same level, its various layouts, such as the attributes of spiritual veins, the distribution of spiritual plants and minerals, the composition of life, the layout of formations, the distribution of cities, etc., must be very similar to its natal stars.

It is almost equal to a natal star shrunk by a few sizes.

Even when Liang Ji saw the entire "Green Sun" galaxy at this time, he could see that the distribution of stars and the arrangement of the galaxies had been moved and changed, and were no longer the simplest ones that he had originally created, twisted, and arranged. 'Star Map Array'.

He knew that this was also the move, transformation, and rearrangement of the entire "Green Sun" galaxy that the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' had carried out over the past few decades, in order to make the entire galaxy as consistent as possible with its natal star system.

The principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' once traded the 'Good Fortune Evolution' to Liang Ji, and he also studied it. Although he was still far from being able to attack the eighth-level star master, it did not prevent him from studying it in his spare time. .

Therefore, we know very well that the ‘Chen Deduction’ by the principal of ‘Tian Serpent Academy’ is actually a simulation experiment.

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