The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1190 The first Hedao simulation attempt

The essence of creation and derivation is to simulate experiments and then deduce and calculate.

Just like when Liang Ji simulated the fusion of three star palace inheritances in the 'Dragon Snake Star', the 'Creation Evolution' is the process of simulating the combination of the seventh-level star master and advancing to the eighth-level and eighth-level star master.

At the beginning, Liang Ji simulated the fusion of star palace inheritance in the 'Dragon Snake Star', which was inspired by the star expansion experiment conducted by the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' in the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

It can be said that to a certain extent, he inherited the method of "creating the way of creation" from the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy'.

So there are many similarities between the two.

However, Liang Ji originally only experimented with the fusion of the three star palace inheritances in one life star, which was much simpler. The 'Dragon Snake Star' only needs to be somewhat similar to his own natal star under his creation and evolution to successfully complete the experiment.

But now, the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' has created the Dao of Creation for the purpose of experimental simulation and exploration of the path to the eighth level of harmony. The dangers are higher and the requirements are naturally higher.

Not only are the stars in their creation and path required to be as similar as possible to their natal stars and have the same origin, but the galaxy where the stars are located must also be arranged as exactly as possible with the galaxy where their natal stars are located.

After all, after the high-level star masters have gone through the seventh-level star master stage of refining and forming formations, the galaxy where their natal stars are located has turned imaginary into reality, and is closely connected and directly related to their natal stars, becoming an inseparable part.

When a star owner practices harmony in his natal star, he will also be affected by the galaxy where his natal star is.

Once the arrangement of the star galaxy in this simulation experiment is different, there will be a gap between the life stars and the star owner's natal star. It will cause huge errors, and it is very likely to cause the failure of 'harmony', causing the star owner to fall into the natal star.

Of course, no matter how many arrangements and simulation experiments are performed, it is impossible for the star owner to create a life star that is exactly the same as his own natal star, nor can he arrange a galaxy that is exactly the same as his own natal star galaxy.

Therefore, there will always be gaps and shortcomings in simulation experiments.

And this is the mystery of the 'creation derivation' created by the principal of 'Tian Serpent Academy'. It can deduce the star master as much as possible through some mysterious calculations and derivation methods under similar simulation experiments. The actual situation, process, and even results of the final 'harmony'.

If it weren't for the calculations and derivation behind it, just a few simulation experiments would not be worthy of the attention of the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' and Liang Ji. Even now, it has attracted so many high-level star masters to watch and learn, and even eighth-level stars. The Lord of the Canopy Star was present and watched.

In his mind, Liang Ji reviewed the inheritance of the "Creation Evolution" given to him by the principal of the "Tian Serpent Academy", and with thoughts in his mind, he compared the layout of the "Green Sun" galaxy and observed the situation in the life stars in the galaxy.

Soon, Liang Ji already knew the progress of the experimental project of "creating the way of creation" conducted by the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy'.

"This should be the first 'Hedao' test..."

Liang Ji looked at the situation in the stars, as well as sitting cross-legged in the void, with the light and shadow of the 'Void Serpent' manifesting around him swallowing the stars of life, and the light and shadow of the star spirit giant, the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', his eyes not only flashed with light.

He didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that he would come back this time, just in time to catch up with the principal's first 'Hedao' experiment.

No wonder the 'Green Sun' galaxy has attracted so many high-level star masters to visit, and there is even an eighth-level star master, the 'Canopy Star Master', sitting in charge.

In this case, Liang Ji also changed his mind.

Originally, he was just planning to come to see the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy''s experiment on the 'Dao of Creation' and learn from the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy'. Then he was going to leave the 'Tian Yao Star Territory' and go to the 'Tian He Galaxy'. Continue to observe and study the galaxy array arranged by the saint in the 'Tianhe Galaxy'.

It is good to compare with the experiments and research on galaxy formation layout that he has been conducting in the outer star sea for the past few decades, hoping to gain something.

And wait for Peng Yue to digest the information and improve the combat power of the seventh-level star master. After he completely masters the combat power of the seventh-level star master, the two of them can go to the outer star sea to continue traveling, exploring, and experimenting.

But now, since it was the first 'Hedao' experiment by the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', Liang Ji naturally put aside the matter of the 'Tianhe Galaxy' for the time being and stayed in the 'Green Sun' galaxy. Get ready to watch the principal's 'Hedao' experiment of 'Tian Serpent Academy'.

Although it is said that he has not even started the galaxy refining yet, and is still far away from reaching the realm of the eighth-level star master's 'hedao', there is always no harm in observing and understanding it in advance.

hiss! hold head high……

At this time, outside the 'Green Sun' galaxy, the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' transformed by the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', the 'Void Sky Serpent' transformed by the entwining starlight and the power of the void suddenly let out a roar, like the hissing of a heavenly snake. .

The next moment, I saw the figure of the 'Star Spirit Giant' sitting cross-legged in the void. A figure of 'Star Spirit' that was completely condensed by starlight, shrunk dozens of times, and seemed to be illusory and real. It looked like the 'Sky Snake' The 'celestial spirit giant' manifested by the principal of the school is almost exactly the same.

However, Liang Ji knew that this was a clone of the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', which contained part of its original origin.

The so-called harmony means that the star master and the natal star are in harmony, and they are combined in the natal star avenue.

This time, it is no longer the soul reincarnation of the third-level star master, but all the origin, strength, brand, etc. from the body, to the soul, to the mana, to the star master, all must be aligned with the natal stars, and then they can be 'integrated' .

It is precisely because of this that if one is not careful in the practice of 'He Dao', the star owner will be swallowed up by the great avenue of the natal stars, and the Tao will be transformed into the natal stars and fall completely.

This is also the reason why in the Star Alliance, it is always said that the cultivation of the eighth-level star master is a 'life and death test'.

There are many seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance who have clearly completed their cultivation at the seventh level, but still dare not attack the eighth-level star masters.

At this time, since the 'creation expansion' conducted by the principal of 'Tian Serpent Academy' is a simulation experiment of 'hedao', it is natural to separate part of the origin from itself to participate in the simulation experiment and align with the stars of the experiment. Try out the 'Hedao', understand the details and analyze the dangers of 'Hedao', so as to accumulate experience for the real 'Hedao' breakthrough later.

The figure of the 'Star Spirit' that shrunk dozens of times and seemed to be real and illusory stepped forward, stretched out its hand to grab and twitch the huge 'Void Serpent' in the light and shadow, and suddenly there was also a figure that shrunk dozens of times and seemed to be real. The illusive light and shadow of the real starlight 'Void Serpent' fell into Ru's hand and wrapped around his body.

It then took the split light and shadow of the 'Void Serpent' and directly stepped into the 'life stars' of the 'Green Sun' galaxy simulation experiment, integrating into the origin of the stars and the laws of the great road.

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