The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1191 Five Years to Master the ‘Tianhe Galaxy’ Array

hiss! hold head high……

The first 'Hedao' experiment conducted by the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' did not last long, but within a few months, a neighing of the Heavenly Serpent was heard among the stars that simulated the experiment.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, the 'celestial giant' body of the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' suddenly formed a seal on his hand, which was printed on the condensed and manifested light and shadow of the 'Void Serpent'.

Suddenly, the light and shadow of the 'Void Serpent' opened its mouth and sucked in fiercely. The whole star vibrated and shook violently. The projection of the 'Star Spirit Body' and the 'Void Serpent' projection that were integrated into the stars were all sucked out. They returned to the body of the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', the Star Spirit Giant, and the condensed light and shadow of the 'Void Serpent'.

This is the advantage of the 'Tian She Academy' principal's simulation experiment of 'Zhao Zao Yan Dao'. Even if the simulation of 'He Dao' fails, he can re-extract his own strength, origin, etc. that have been merged into the stars. , so that the Tao will not be transformed into the stars.

If there is no harmony, death will be inevitable.

Moreover, after the extracted power, origin, etc. are returned to oneself, the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' can also sense and view the information recorded in it, including the situation of the Hedao experiment, the situation of the star's origin, the factors of failure, etc.

Based on the information collected and returned, if we continue to study and deduce, we can continuously improve the 'Hedao' experiment, and finally be able to deduce the best 'Hedao' place, thus making the 'Hedao' experiment success.

When the time comes, using the successful experimental data, information, and calculations to combine the star master's own practice with the natal stars, it will naturally be possible to avoid various failure factors, greatly increase the probability of success, and help the star master Successfully attacked the eighth-level star master.

Liang Ji looked at the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', who was already checking and analyzing the failed situation and data of the 'Hedao' experiment, and did not come forward to disturb him, nor did he intend to stay any longer.

The high-level Star Lords who gather and watch around the Green Sun Galaxy, with the exception of the Eighth-level Star Lord, the Canopy Star Lord, are basically all Star Lords who have reached perfection in the seventh-level Star Lord practice, or are about to reach perfection.

They stayed here to watch the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy''s 'Good Fortune Evolution' experiment, and even waited for the other party to study and analyze the data and information about the failed 'Hedao' experiment. They had already faced, or were about to face, an impact on the eighth-level star master. Danger, naturally, people are extremely concerned about this.

As for Liang Ji himself, although he is also very concerned about the 'Creation Evolution', his seventh-level star master's virtual refining formation has not yet been completed. The violent seventh-level star master's practice has been completed, and he has yet to impact the eighth-level star master. Quite a distance.

Therefore, although I am concerned about the experiments of the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', I don't feel any urgency about it.

Therefore, it is enough to be able to witness the other party's first 'Hedao' experiment this time, and to have enough understanding and understanding of the 'Good Fortune Evolution' experimental attempt.

As for the data analysis of the failed 'Hedao' experiment, and even the subsequent step-by-step improvement and perfection process, Liang Ji has no intention of waiting here to slowly witness and understand it.

For him, what is more important now is his cultivation at the seventh-order star master stage. The cultivation and mastery of the 'Creation Evolution' is only needed when his seventh-order star master's cultivation is complete and he is ready to attack the eighth-order star master. .

And by that time, it cannot be said that the principal's research on the 'Evolution of Nature' has been completely completed. With a mature and complete system and path, Liang Ji will only need to directly study and master the mature and perfect 'Evolution of Nature'. Tao', just conduct the 'Hedao' experiment.

Therefore, at this time, I have no intention of continuing to watch and study.

Saying hello to several familiar high-level star masters, as well as the eighth-level star master 'Canopy Star Master' who is sitting here, Liang Ji left the 'Green Sun' star system, and even left the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' directly. Plan to go to the 'Tianhe Galaxy' located in the Blue Star Region.

Decades have passed, and Tianhe Star continues to be relocated and developed.

In the 'Tianhe Galaxy', there are still many star owners staying, studying the avenue of stars, the layout of the galaxy, etc.

Liang Ji returned here again. With decades of experience in researching galaxy arrays in the outer star sea, Liang Ji once again looked at the arrangement in the 'Tianhe Galaxy' and suddenly had more, newer, and deeper knowledge and understanding.

Even in the 'Tianhe Galaxy', Liang Ji gradually clarified the context of the 'Galaxy Array' arranged by the 'Tianhe Sage' and began to try to copy and restore it in the 'Star Map'.

While Peng Yue was in seclusion perfecting the methods and strength of the seventh-level star master, Liang Ji studied in the 'Tianhe Galaxy' for another five years.

In the past five years, he compared the layout in the Tianhe Galaxy with his experimental process in the outer star sea. Some of the doubts and problems accumulated over the years were gradually solved.

On top of the research and layout of the 'Galaxy Array', there was immediate progress and improvement.

Even, Liang Ji was confident that he could go to the Outer Star Sea to set up an array again. He could already try to arrange the "Six Sun Galaxy", just like the "Tianhe Galaxy" in front of him.

However, his goal is not the 'Six Suns' galaxy, but he wants to go one step further and arrange the 'Nine Suns' galaxy and the 'imitation Zhoutian star array' in his own natal star galaxy.

After all, he has a major advantage that the 'Sage Tianhe' did not have when he was refining the void and setting up formations in the seventh-level star master stage.

He holds the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball', which can shape and distort stars, giving them more power of creation and vitality. Even if it is 'Nine Suns', he is sure to make the galaxy full of vitality and creation, and be more conducive to the stars of their destiny. growth and development.

As a Star Master, there is no turning back at every level.

After completing the Void Refining and Galaxy Array formation at the seventh-level star master stage, the eighth-level star master begins to merge. This combined ‘Tao’ is the natal avenue of stars under the influence of the star systems that have been refined and arranged in the seventh stage.

Even if the star masters later transcended and advanced to the ninth level of star masters, they could no longer change the arrangement of the natal star galaxy, nor could they relocate the stars or arrange a new galaxy array.

Otherwise, it will definitely affect the origin and avenue of the natal stars and form a new origin and avenue.

At that time, it will directly shake the foundation of the ninth-level star master himself, making the previous eight-level integration and the ninth-level star master's detachment useless, becoming a false tower in the air, and directly collapse.

Even the ninth-level star master would probably die on the spot.

Therefore, even if the 'Tianhe Saint' seizes the path of the Sky Demon Xuanqi and has the qualifications to ascend, he has not changed the arrangement of his own natal star system, but continues to maintain the original arrangement of the 'Six Yangs'.

But Liang Ji could stand on the opponent's shoulders and directly arrange the 'Nine Suns' galaxy at the seventh-level star master stage.

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