The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1199 ‘Bloodline Star Territory’ of Taiyi Star Palace

The 'Starlight Gate' shone in the void. Liang Ji and Peng Yue walked out of the 'Starlight Gate', but they had already arrived in a star field outside the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji stood in the void and could see a star field below. There were not many life stars in it. It was not a real life star field and was worthy of exploration and occupation by the Star Alliance.

There are many star fields like this dominated by ‘Death Stars’ in the boundless sea of ​​stars, far exceeding the number of living star fields.

However, although such a 'Dead Star Territory' is not worthy of development, occupation, and management by the Star Alliance, it often becomes a place occupied and developed by some star palaces or top-level forces in the Star Alliance because of its special resources.

Being able to occupy one or more star fields in the outer star sea, operate and transform them into resource star fields and experiment star fields that they need. This is even for seventh-level star masters and large companies with seventh-level star masters. It is difficult for large groups and other forces to do this.

Basically, only the nine major star palaces, or the top forces of the Star Alliance with multiple eighth-level star masters, or even ninth-level star masters, can do this.

At this time, Liang Ji and Peng Yue teleported through the 'Starlight Gate' and arrived at the 'Dead Star Territory' located in the outer star sea. It was obviously managed and arranged and belonged to Taiyi Star Palace.

"Welcome to you two fellow Taoists." At this time, a 'Star Spirit Giant' flew out from the 'Death Star Domain' below, faced Liang Ji and the two of them, and said with a smile: "But Liang Ji and Peng Yue Fellow Taoist, welcome to the 'Bloodline Star Territory' operated by Taiyi Star Palace."

"I am a member of Xing Palace's staff on duty here. I have received a notice from Xing Palace and am here to greet the two fellow Taoists."

"You two can call me the Lord of the Golden Crow Star."

The two of them looked at the person who came. Although the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' of the 'Golden Crow Star Lord' was in human form, there was a pair of golden crow wings growing on the back that seemed to be condensed from the starlight. It looked very... unique.

Liang Ji and the two of them were not surprised. The other party was from the Taiyi Star Palace and studied the Bloodline Illustration. He was often susceptible to the influence of some special bloodlines, which was also a common thing in the Taiyi Star Palace.

"I have met fellow Taoist Golden Crow."

Liang Ji and Liang Ji smiled and greeted each other.

After the three people greeted each other and got to know each other, the Lord of the Golden Crow Star led the two people towards the 'Bloodline Star Field' below, while saying: "Fellow Daoist Liang Ji, I have heard of you a long time ago. You were the first to successfully compile the 'Bloodline Atlas' 'Inheritance' is integrated with the two inheritances of 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', thereby advancing to a high-level star master."

"Your successful fusion initiative will be of great benefit to our 'Taiyi Star Palace'. Even our 'Bloodline Star Territory' has been affected."

"I started trying to integrate the layout of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in the Kunlun Star Palace and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' layout in the Vientiane Star Palace. I want to try to see if I can integrate the inheritance of the three to cultivate better 'blood stars'."

As Liang Ji followed the other party toward the star field, he looked at the "blood star field" that was completely created and controlled by Taiyi Star Palace. He had already seen many familiar operations and arrangements.

On Ruyou's stars, he clearly saw not only the power of the Void Monster Clan's bloodline, but also the divine light of the 'Bang of Gods', or the elemental light of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'.

It is obviously the special 'bloodline star' that the Lord of the Golden Crow Star said was trying to be cultivated by integrating the powers of the 'God List' and the 'Metal Furnace'.

Not only that, in this 'bloodline star field', Liang Ji also saw stars in some galaxies that had been obviously distorted and created, and were either green sun, purple sun, golden sun, or white sun. Yang, there are even those that shine with the light of many kinds of creation.

Obviously, Taiyi Star Palace has inherited part of the "Celestial Demon Creation Power" gained in the development of the "Celestial Demon Star Territory" and used it in this "Bloodline Star Territory" to conduct new attempts and experiments.

Liang Ji still remembered that the three families in the Star Alliance that were most supportive of the development of the ‘Celestial Demon Star Territory’ were the Taiyi Star Palace, the Creation Star Palace, and the Lingbao Star Palace.

It goes without saying that the Lingbao Star Palace was born in the Lingbao Star Palace.

The Taiyi Star Palace and the Creation Star Palace are eyeing the creation power of the heavenly demon.

Nowadays, Lingbao Star Palace’s ‘Tianhe Saint’ has successfully ascended to sainthood, and Taiyi Star Palace has also used the harvest in the ‘Tianyao Star Territory’ for its own operations and experiments.

"I just don't know that the Taiyi Star Palace has twisted and created some galaxies and stars in these 'bloodline star fields'. Could it be that cultivating this 'bloodline star field' is not enough, and it also wants to manage and create it into a 'life star field'" '?"

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind, and then he suppressed it without thinking about it again.

What Taiyi Xinggong wants to do is not something he needs to pay attention to for the time being.

He came here this time just to cultivate the 'blood stars' he needed.

The 'bloodline star field' of Taiyi Star Palace is a resource area that has been managed by the star palace for hundreds of thousands of years. The 'bloodline stars' in it are all refined by Taiyi Star Palace using various means. They are placed in this 'bloodline star field'. Cultivation and creation are carried out in the star field.

Some of the 'bloodline stars' are stars that the Star Palace monks found that were occupied by the Void Monster Clan and laid eggs, just like the 'Yangyang Star' that was originally laid by the Void Mirage Monster.

Most of these stars spawned by the Void Demon Clan will eventually be swallowed up and destroyed by the Void Demon Clan born in the eggs, becoming the most important resource for the new Void Demon Clan's initial survival and growth.

However, when these spawned stars were found by Taiyi Star Palace, the Star Palace was able to completely refine the Void Demon Clan eggs into the stars, and then sacrifice the stars into special 'bloodline stars'.

There are also 'bloodline stars', which are made by the Taiyi Star Palace by directly refining some special bloodlines into the selected stars and then refining them.

These 'bloodline stars' are often excellent materials that can be used by the seventh-level star masters of the 'Taiyi Star Palace' to refine the void and arrange the galaxy.

The seventh-level star masters of the 'Taiyi Star Palace' search for 'bloodline stars' with special functions that are the same as or complementary to the bloodline power they practice and master in this 'bloodline star field', and then refine it into their own destiny. Among the stars and galaxies, it is of great benefit not only to their natal stars and natal galaxies, but also to the inheritance of the 'bloodline catalog' of their practice.

Liang Ji also practiced the 'Bloodline Illustration', and with the permission of Taiyi Star Palace, he came here to choose the appropriate 'bloodline stars'.

However, his situation is different from that of ordinary seventh-level star masters of the Taiyi Star Palace. There may not be a suitable "blood star" for him in this "blood star field", so he can only come here first to use the blood of the dependent family in his natal star. , plant the needed 'bloodline stars', and then put them here to cultivate and mature, and then harvest and use them when he needs to refine the void and set up the formation later.

Therefore, after Liang Ji and Peng Yue left the Star Alliance, they did not directly start traveling, exploring, and experimenting in the outer star sea. Instead, they first visited the 'Bloodline Star Territory' managed and arranged by Taiyi Star Palace.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to change the ‘Void Monster Clan Land’ to the ‘Bloodline Star Territory’ managed and arranged by Taiyi Star Palace itself. The previous article has also been changed! We welcome your comments.

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