The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1200 Planting your own ‘blood star’

Groan! hold head high……

In Taiyi Star Palace's "Bloodline Star Domain", Liang Ji opened the "Star Gate" in the void, and a dragon's roar sounded, and a series of prisoner cows, mocking winds, Yasui, Baxia, etc. that were completely transformed by the power of bloodline. Chiki, the half-dragon and other dragon beasts as well as the figures of the dependents flew out from it.

The shadows of these dragon beasts and the bloodline of the dependents flew directly into the "bloodline star field" and among the ten designated stars.

The next moment, the entire 'Bloodline Star Field' started to move. The power of the bloodline, starlight, etc. gathered above the starfield to form an illusory and real picture. It looked like a 'Star Map Array' and also like Taiyi. Star Palace's 'Bloodline Catalog'.

Or, it is more likely to be a large array treasure formed by the fusion of these two powers.

Under the operation of this large array of treasures, Liang Ji could clearly see that the ten types of family bloodlines he had just planted were slowly being refined and integrated into the ten stars.

"Okay!" The Golden Crow Star Master who was responsible for reception and guidance at the side smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Liang Ji, your 'Bloodline Star' has been planted. As long as it is placed here, it will be refined through the 'Bloodline Star Territory'. After cultivating it, it can be done in just one period at most.”

"When you need these bloodline stars to arrange your natal star galaxy, just come and harvest these ten 'bloodline stars' that belong to you."

At this time, Liang Ji could also clearly sense the connection between himself and the ten 'blood stars', which was a 'blood connection' different from the natal stars.

He nodded immediately, turned to the Golden Crow Star Lord aside, and said with a smile: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Golden Crow."

The Lord of the Golden Crow Star waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, you are also the honorary mentor of the Star Palace, and everyone is one of our own."

"Now, fellow Taoist Liang Ji has planted the 'Bloodline Stars'. I wonder if these two fellow Taoists are interested in visiting this 'Bloodline Starfield'? It just so happens that some of the 'Bloodline Starfield' also cooperates with Kunlun Star Palace and Vientiane Star Palace. I have encountered some problems in my project. I wonder if I could ask fellow Taoist Liang Ji for some advice?”

This time, Liang Ji sought special stars from Kunlun Star Palace, Wanxiang Star Palace, and Taiyi Star Palace, and all three star palaces gave strong support.

Liang Ji's relationship with the three star palaces also took a further step, and he directly agreed to become the honorary mentor of the three star palaces.

At this time, listening to the words of the Lord of the Golden Crow Star, Liang Ji raised his head and looked at the land of 'blood stars' shrouded in divine light, elemental light, and even the light of creation. He couldn't help but smile and nodded: "Don't take advice seriously, let's all work together Study and learn from each other.”

In the Taiyi Star Palace, these experiments related to the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods', and the Light of Creation in this 'bloodline star field' are also of great reference significance for Liang Ji.

After all, among his natal stars, he has the inheritance of the ‘List of Gods’, ‘Bloodline Catalog’, and ‘The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’, and he also holds the light of creation of the ‘Dragon Pearl’.

After he refines the void and arranges the galaxy where his natal stars are located, these powers such as the 'God List', the 'Bloodline Catalog', the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and even the light of creation of the 'Dragon Balls' will definitely be used and integrated into his own destiny. Among the stars and galaxies.

Only in this way can the galaxy and the natal stars be integrated, which is the most beneficial for the galaxy, the natal stars, and Liang Ji.

Therefore, it is naturally of great benefit to visit and study some similar arrangements of Taiyi Star Palace in this 'bloodline star field'.

Later, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also stayed in the "Bloodline Star Territory" of Taiyi Star Palace for several months, visited some of the layouts in the "Bloodline Star Territory", and saw various "bloodline stars".

There are many more kinds of Void Demon Clan bloodlines or other special bloodlines than Liang Ji and Peng Yue know about.

There are many Void Demon Clan bloodlines that they have not even heard of.

It can only be said that Xing Gong is worthy of studying the power of blood. His understanding and mastery of various void demon clans are indeed far beyond those of ordinary star masters and monks.

During the visit, Liang Ji also received some rare bloodline demon clan power, which were collected from those specially cultivated 'bloodline stars'.

These 'bloodline stars' cultivated by Taiyi Star Palace can not only be used to refine the body of seventh-level star masters and arrange their own natal star systems, but the 'bloodline stars' can often also produce some special resources and spiritual objects. They are all related to the power of blood. They are resources and treasures that can be used in large quantities by the star master monks in the 'Taiyi Star Palace' to practice the 'Bloodline Catalog' and cultivate their natal stars.

It can be said that these are the foundations of Taiyi Star Palace, which are important foundations for Taiyi Star Palace to be able to cultivate a large number of high-level star masters, master enough power, and maintain sufficient status in the Star Alliance.

Although Liang Ji does not specialize in the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog', the bloodline power, bloodline resources, treasures, etc. collected from the 'Bloodline Stars' can also be used in the cultivation of his own 'Bloodline Catalog' to improve himself. Strength.

It can be regarded as some gifts given to him by the 'Bloodline Star Territory'.

Of course, Peng Yue who was with him also received some gifts, which were also collected from some bloodline stars.

The power of blood always has various manifestations, and the most indispensable one is the control of various elemental powers. For example, the various dragon and beast bloodlines of Liang Ji's family members each control an elemental power.

Therefore, among the many bloodline stars in this 'bloodline star field', there are naturally many stars above and beyond. Because of the power of bloodline, some elemental resources and treasures are produced, which are suitable as gifts for Peng Yue.

Of course, during these months, Liang Ji was not all about receiving gifts. His main focus was on those bloodline stars that integrated the power of the 'Feng Shen Bang' or the power of the 'Millennium Furnace', as well as the stars in the galaxy. Above the twisted and created bloodline stars.

Studying the influence and changes caused by the integration of different forces on the stars, and combining his own research and practice gains, he communicated with the Golden Crow Star Master and other Taiyi Star Palace Star Master monks who were on duty and researched here. Both parties are great What you gain is much more precious than gifts such as bloodline power and bloodline resources.

After so many months, when Liang Ji said goodbye and left, he said goodbye to the Star Master of Taiyi Star Palace, including Golden Crow and others who were on duty and studying here.

"The special stars of the Five Star Palaces, the 'Lingbao Stars' of the Lingbao Star Palace, the 'Black Hole Stars' of the Guixu Star Palace, and the 'Bloodline Stars' of the Taiyi Star Palace have basically been determined to be fine!"

"Although the remaining 'divine stars' in the Kunlun Star Palace and the 'element stars' in the Vientiane Star Palace have clear goals, it is not easy to obtain them from the divine and spiritual worlds..."

Liang Ji took Peng Yue away from the 'Bloodline Star Territory' operated by Taiyi Star Palace. Thinking about the remaining special stars, his mind couldn't help but turn.

"These two special stars cannot be solved in a short time, so let's put it down first and complete the experiments on the nine-yang stars in the natal star system and the galaxy array."

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