The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1201: Traveling the same old road together, sixty years have passed by in the blink of an ey

Yuyangxing gathered for a while with Chu Yue, who was practicing Earth Immortal Taoism here, to discuss the 'Galaxy Formation' arranged with stars.

The Three Sacred Stars used the light of creation from the 'Dragon Balls' to create stars, and observed the impact on seventh-level stars. Liang Ji successfully distorted and created the stars in the Three Sacred Stars to more than thirty colors this time, which was larger than the first creation experiment. better.

Wooden Meteor Star, learn about this life star jointly developed and managed by the team and the Covenant Pioneer Corps, and observe the original spiritual plant of the star on it.

This star that has successfully cultivated the original spiritual plant is also a rare and special star. If it can be moved to the natal star galaxy, it will not only increase the diversity of stars in the galaxy, but also serve as a reference for Liang Ji's arrangement of 'imitation Zhoutian stars'. There are many benefits to array diagrams.

It's a pity that their "Dragon Snake" starship team had already shared part of the ownership and management rights of the star. This star did not completely belong to them. Liang Ji wanted to move it to his own star system. Neither is possible.

However, Liang Ji just sighed and did not regret much.

Each stage has its own cultivation needs. When Liang Ji was an intermediate star master, he discovered the wooden meteorite and shared the ownership and management rights of the wooden meteorite, and obtained enough spiritual stones, resources, merits, etc. The benefits supported him to complete the intermediate star master stage faster and better.

Only in this way can he rise step by step, achieve many gains in the Star Alliance's war to develop the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', and successfully advance to a high-level Star Master.

How could he regret the actions and decisions he made at the middle-level Star Master stage because of the cultivation needs of the current high-level Star Master stage?

Although the Origin Spirit Plant Star is good, it is not irreplaceable.

Therefore, Liang Ji and Peng Yue only stayed here for a while, going back to the places they had explored and traveled in the outer star sea together, and gathered with old friends to review the excitement of their original travels and adventures.

After all, the two of them are now high-level star masters. They don't need this little time to play and hang out, which is conducive to their relationship.

In this way, along the path they had traveled and explored, the two of them gradually left the area that Peng Yue was familiar with.

Liang Ji took him to some galaxies where he had conducted experiments in the outer star sea for decades, or some resource points he had discovered.

Some of these places have the layout of his original experiments, and now he just goes to observe the changes and add some experimental data for his experiments on virtual refining and array formation.

For some discovered resource points, you can also check the growth of resources and exploit some new resources.

The main thing is to take Peng Yue with him to get familiar with the life of a high-level star master traveling, exploring, and conducting experimental research in this outer star sea.

Occasionally, when they encounter some stars, stars, galaxies and other places with suitable conditions, Liang Ji and Peng Yue will also stop and conduct some experiments on the creation and arrangement of stars and galaxies.

Peng Yue also began to conduct some experimental research on some stars and galaxies to verify the layout of the 'September Galaxy' in his design.

Naturally, many problems were encountered during the process. Just like Liang Ji did at the beginning, when he first started doing experiments, he would even directly disrupt the magnetic field and gravitational field in the entire galaxy, leading to the collision and destruction of the entire galaxy.

However, what is better than him at the beginning is that now Peng Yue has Liang Ji's guidance and help, so Peng Yue only destroyed one galaxy, and during the experiment on the second galaxy, it was initially stabilized under Liang Ji's guidance.

Although the final experiment still failed, it finally did not destroy the second galaxy.

Time passed slowly, and Liang Ji and Peng Yue continued to travel, explore, and conduct various research experiments in the outer star sea.

They sent out their seventh-level Familia, gods, elemental spirits, etc., and spread out on the seventh-level Familia starships cast by the Familia in their natal stars, sailing all the way in the surrounding void star sea, exploring and looking for all kinds of special things along the way. Stars, life stars, resource points, treasures, and even high-level void monsters, etc.

With the addition of Peng Yue's family members and starships, the void star sea that can be traveled and explored is farther and wider, and naturally more good things can be discovered.

Moreover, the two of them can face more and more dangerous difficulties together.

In the void star sea, the two of them can work together to explore some cosmic natural disasters and dangerous places that are occasionally discovered. Often, such cosmic natural disasters and dangerous places can contain some special resources and treasures.

As for the route they traveled and progressed, it was not without rules. The "Starry Sky Map" given by the "Sage Tianhe" in Liang Ji's hand was not even halfway through the last time he traveled and explored, and now he happened to be carrying it with him Peng Yue continued to walk the remaining half.

In those galaxies and voids marked by the 'Sage Tianhe', look at the footprints of the 'Sage Tianhe' when he traveled to the outside world, study the experiments and research projects left by the saint, and mine some rare resources and treasures.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also continued to grow during such travels and experiments. They discovered more and more life stars, collected more and more special stars, and mined more and more various star spiritual objects, void resources, treasures, etc. There are so many, even the demon pills and demon materials obtained from hunting the Void Demon Clan are constantly increasing.

Of course, their travels in the outer star sea are not without contact with the families in the Star Alliance, the Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Not to mention that they are now high-level star masters, and they can already use their natal stars as positioning to get in touch with the Star Alliance.

Even if they occasionally find a star of life, they will take it down, arrange it in the 'Star Map Array', and connect it to the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure, the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Then, they can start teleportation and contact with the Star Alliance through the star map array of the galaxy. People from the Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce will also use the star map array to reach these places that Liang Ji and Peng Yue discovered during their travels. , won the Life Star, and took over the development and management behind the Life Star to earn more resources and benefits for Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

And Liang Ji and Peng Yue will also hand over some unused resources, spiritual objects, treasures, demon pills, demon materials, etc. that they harvested in the outer star sea to the people of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' and send them back to the stars. Alliances and transactions, processing.

At the same time, the people from the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' will also collect and purchase the seventh-order demon pills, seventh-order spiritual roots, and seventh-order spiritual seeds that Liang Ji and Peng Yue need from the Star Alliance at this time. , seventh-level inheritance and other items were handed over to the two of them.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue were able to continue to maintain the growth of their natal stars and maintain their own cultivation progress while traveling and exploring the outer star sea.

Time passed quickly in the process of traveling, exploring, experimenting, and trading, and another sixty years passed in the blink of an eye.

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