The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1202: Danger and losses during travel, Nine Suns Has Been Completed

In the outer star sea, in the nameless galaxy.

Peng Yue manifested himself as a 'Starlight Giant' and stood outside this galaxy, closely watching Liang Ji's experiments and operations in the galaxy, and at the same time protecting him.

Around this nameless galaxy, far and near in the void, Liang Ji and Peng Yue's Familia, deities, elemental spirits, etc. are driving various Familia starships, sailing around, observing, and guarding and protecting the law. .

During more than sixty years of traveling and exploring the outer star sea, Liang Ji and Peng Yue not only gained a lot, but also encountered many enemies and dangers.

The high-level Void Demon Clan, the gods of the divine world who also travel and explore the outer star sea, the spirits of the spiritual world elements, and some high-level natives born from the high-level life stars created by the universe in the outer star sea, the void chaos, the universe There are some special natural disasters and unseen dangers that arise in the sea of ​​stars.

The boundless universe, the vast sea of ​​​​stars, this void chaos is too big and too vast. Under this huge base, it is always easy to give birth to something that has never appeared before.

Some of them are rare resources and treasures, but some are dangerous and vicious things that even high-level star masters find difficult to deal with.

And, it's not just that.

Even in the outer star sea, if you meet high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance who are also traveling and exploring in the outer star sea, it is not always possible to get to know and communicate happily.

In this outer sea of ​​stars, without the Star Alliance and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" to suppress it, it is a truly lawless and disordered place.

Even high-level Star Lords who also belong to the Star Alliance can't guarantee that the other party will not be malicious and attack them.

Especially when you discover some regular stars, void resources, and treasures, if you encounter other high-level star masters, it is even easier to break out into a battle for the treasures.

During their more than sixty years of travel and exploration, Liang Ji and Peng Yue had encountered almost all of these dangers and crises as they got further and further away from the Star Alliance.

In the past sixty years, they have not only fought and fought against hostile gods and elemental spirits, but also suppressed high-level natives from the stars of life in the outer world. They have also suffered heavy losses from unknown natural disasters and dangers in the void, and even more He was also attacked and taught a lesson by high-level Star Lords who were also from the Star Alliance.

Now, after more than sixty years, Liang Ji and Peng Yue are both very mature star masters traveling in the outer realm. They can judge whether there is any danger ahead through some visions in the void from a distance; they can also be able to exclude each other in the outer star sea. He no longer trusts anyone; he also knows how to cut off his tail to survive when encountering irresistible enemies and unknown dangers in the outer star sea.

Of course, such maturity comes at a price.

Almost all of the seventh-level dependents under the two men have changed over the past sixty years of traveling, exploring, and fighting.

The seventh-level Familia starships built were destroyed and built again, and built and destroyed again. The number has always been maintained at more than ten ships, and it is difficult to increase.

In Liang Ji's natal star list, almost half of the gods he had conferred on him had fallen. Later, he slowly relied on the source of the stars to nourish and restore these gods.

Similarly, many of the elemental spiritual veins created in Peng Yue's natal stars had been broken several times, and they were only restored after purchasing elemental spiritual crystals and planting them.

It was also through such dangerous battles and experiences that Liang Ji and Peng Yue finally understood that the exploration team they organized when they were Intermediate Star Masters and explored the outer star sea area could only be regarded as the offshore area outside the Star Alliance. .

Only now, after advancing to high-level star masters, and far away from the outer star sea and the chaotic depths of the void that the Star Alliance enters, can it be regarded as the real deep sea and far sea.

This is where high-level Star Lords from the Star Alliance, high-level gods from the God Realm, and high-level elemental spirits from the spiritual world travel, explore, experiment, and collide.

Of course, despite such fierce collisions, confrontations, and even losses, Liang Ji and Peng Yue have also gained huge gains in these more than sixty years.

Needless to say, there are various stars, resources, spiritual objects, and even demon pills, divine crystals, elemental spirit crystals, etc.

The two of them have gradually perfected their research and experiments on the natal star galaxy and formation formation over the past sixty years.

At this time, in the unnamed galaxy where Peng Yue watched and protected while Liang Ji conducted experiments, Liang Ji had already arranged nine stars, turning it into a real "Nine Sun Galaxy".

In this way, the "Nine Yang Galaxy", under Liang Ji's arrangement and control, has been able to maintain the most basic order of operation, without causing chaos in the magnetic field and gravitational field in the galaxy due to too many stars, causing the galaxy to collapse.

Even among the nine stars in the "Nine Sun Galaxy", six have been refined and created by Liang Ji with the "Dragon Pearl" light of creation, and merged with thirty-six colors to become one color of creation stars.

The remaining three have also completed thirteen colors, thirty colors, and thirty-six colors of creation changes respectively.

The nine stars are all special stars that Liang Ji has explored and discovered during his two trips to the outside world for more than a hundred years. Each one has some special mysteries. He picked them up and collected them. He prepared them all in a twisted and early way. Turn it into thirty-six colors and merge it into one created star, and then use it in the refining and formation of your own natal star galaxy.

At this time, Liang Ji performed the final twisting and creation on the seventh star that had been created and twisted into thirty-six colors in the "Nine Sun Galaxy" arranged here, so that it would be transformed into thirty-six colors. The light merged into one color, making this thirty-six-color star completely a star of creation.

Since the first six stars created thirty-six colors into one color, Liang Ji has already been very familiar with this experience.

If he had not to observe and maintain the normal existence and operation of the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' in the process of creating and distorting stars, otherwise it would be faster and simpler for him to create stars with thirty-six colors into one color, and there is no need to do so. Lay out the galaxy.

However, he created and twisted these 'created stars', after all, they still have to be used in the refinement and arrangement of his own natal stars and galaxies. Therefore, it is not only necessary to complete the creation and transformation of thirty-six colors into one color, but more importantly, to observe , study the impact of this creation and change process on the 'Nine Yang Galaxy'.

Record the experimental data and summarize the erroneous changes that occurred during the experiment, such as changes in the magnetic field in the galaxy and the turmoil of gravitational waves, which caused some stars to be robbed or even destroyed.

Or maybe the process of star change caused an imbalance in the existence of the nine stars, causing the power of the stars shining on one star to be too strong or too much, but the star was scorched or burned by the too strong star power, etc. .

Although Liang Ji has become more and more familiar with the layout experiments of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy', the layout of the galaxy is becoming more and more mature, and the destruction of the entire galaxy will basically never happen again.

However, it is still common for a small number of stars to be robbed and destroyed during the experiment.

He needs to record the reasons for these errors and solve them to ensure that the same problem will not occur next time he arranges a galaxy experiment.

After all, the refinement and arrangement of these galaxies will ultimately be used in his own natal star galaxy. A slight mistake may cause his natal star to be robbed and destroyed. Naturally, he needs to be more careful and conscientious.

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