The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1213 Successfully Harvesting Elemental Stars

The eighth-level elemental spirits and the eighth-level ‘black hole’ monsters were fighting in the Earth-Mars Domain, which suddenly stirred up the battlefield in the entire star domain into more and more chaos.

"The opportunity came!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji's eyes flashed with light, knowing that the opportunity he had been waiting for to 'fish in troubled waters' had finally arrived.

At the moment, he ordered the various dragon beasts and "elemental spirits" mixed in the battlefield to move closer to several targets that he had already targeted.

At the same time, he turned his eyes and looked at Peng Yue, who was still practicing with his eyes closed, obviously still digesting the benefits gained from the "Elemental Sea" in the spiritual world.

Obviously, unless Peng Yue is woken up now and asked to give up the benefits of continuing to comprehend and practice the "Elemental Sea" in the spiritual world, the other party will probably give up this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and harvest the elemental stars.

"In this way, we have to harvest an extra portion of elemental stars and prepare one for Peng Yue!"

Liang Ji made a decision in his heart instantly.

In the Earth and Mars domain, the main elemental stars are earth and fire. Liang Ji and Peng Yue originally only planned to harvest two elemental stars here, one each of the two elemental stars of earth and fire.

But now, Peng Yue is unable to harvest the stars, so Liang Ji helps him harvest two more elemental stars.

At the moment, his mind and consciousness were focused on the four dragon beast elemental spirits close to the elemental stars, waiting for the opportunity.

And the opportunity came soon. An eighth-level 'black hole' monster was directly blasted to pieces by the eighth-level fire elemental spirit in the Earth and Mars domain with the help of the original power of the 'Elemental Sea', and even destroyed its location. Black holes' all explode.

Amidst the roaring explosion, majestic demonic energy, as well as some of the stars, elemental spirits, elemental stars, void chaos power, etc. that had been swallowed by the 'black hole' before, burst out from the exploding 'black hole'. Rushing towards the inside and outside of the 'Earth-Mars Domain', the entire battlefield and the entire star domain suddenly became more and more chaotic.

Even the many stars, elemental stars, etc. in the 'Earth-Mars Domain' were turbulent and swaying amidst the roaring explosions and impacts.

"good chance!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji did not hesitate at all, and immediately asked the four dragon beast elemental spirits to open the 'Elemental Realm'. Their 'Elemental Realm' was all connected to Liang Ji's natal star, just like another form of 'star'. Door'.

The four 'elemental realms' face four elemental stars, two earth elemental stars, and two fire elemental stars.

At this time, Liang Ji's 'Body of the Heavenly Emperor' was manifested in the natal stars, and he quickly sacrificed four blank 'Star Map' spiritual treasures, and sacrificed them through the four 'elemental realms' connecting the natal stars.

Suddenly, in the chaotic "Earth and Mars Domain", outside the four elemental stars, four blank "star map" spiritual treasures suddenly appeared, controlled, and swallowed the four elemental stars.

Among the four elemental stars, there are also some elemental spirits.

However, high-level elemental spirits have already entered the void to fight and fight with various monsters. There are no high-level elemental spirits on the four elemental stars specially selected by Liang Ji. Some low- to mid-level elemental spirits exist.

Facing the devouring of the seventh-level 'Star Map' spiritual treasure offered by Liang Ji, the middle and low-level elemental spirits above these elemental stars were simply unable to resist.

The only troublesome thing is that even harvesting the elemental stars with the seventh-level ‘star map’ spiritual treasure will take a while.

At this time, even though the battlefield was in chaos, high-level elemental spirits had already received the distress message from these elemental stars. They noticed the changes here, and suddenly there were screams and angry shouts. There were several high-level elemental spirits. Ling has turned around and rushed towards him, wanting to rescue these elemental stars.

Groan! hold head high……

Accompanied by several dragon roars, several seventh-level dragon beast elemental spirits immediately passed through the four 'elemental realms' that were directly connected to Liang Ji's natal stars, and entered the spiritual world's 'Earth and Mars Realm' to greet those who returned. The rescued high-level elemental spirit protects the 'star map' and collects elemental stars.

Even taking this opportunity, Liang Ji sent some intermediate dragon beast elemental spirits through the passage of the 'Elemental Realm' and entered the Earth and Mars Realm.

These newly entered mid-level dragon beast elemental spirits do not participate in the battle. Instead, as soon as they enter the spiritual world, they quickly disperse, leaving the "Earth and Mars Domain" where the melee is ongoing, and lurking in the various star domains in the spiritual world. , spread away.

This was newly dispatched to make up for the consumption of the mid-level dragon beast elemental spirits previously dispatched.

Except for the "opener" who needs to be arranged by the Vientiane Star Palace for the first time, send their elemental spirits into the spiritual world.

Later, relying on the connection between the elemental spirits and their respective natal stars, Liang Ji and Peng Yue had more ways to send more elemental spirits, even to their families, and even their own 'star spirit bodies'. Enter directly into the spiritual world.

The reason why I haven't done this before is because there was no suitable time.

At this time, the chaos of the battle in the Earth and Mars domain, coupled with the activation and disturbance of the origin of the 'Elemental Sea', as well as his actions to seize the elemental stars, etc., all made the situation more chaotic, and more elements were officially sent in again. A great opportunity for the spirit.

In the chaotic battlefield, roaring explosions and various battles hit everywhere. From time to time, the elemental spirits sent out suffered disasters or were directly attacked during the battle, and thus perished.

Even several seventh-order dragon beast elemental spirits sent by Liang Ji to intercept those high-order elemental spirits began to suffer casualties and deaths. After all, the seventh-order elemental spirits born in his natal star were inferior to those in the spirit world. There is still a gap between the orthodox seventh-order elemental spirits.

The orthodox seventh-level elemental spirits in the spiritual world have a combat power comparable to that of the seventh-level star masters of the Star Alliance. Naturally, they cannot compete with some seventh-level family members, elemental spirits, gods, etc. on the star master's natal star.

But Liang Ji's expression did not change at all. After hundreds of years of travel and exploration on the outer star sea, he had already become accustomed to the fall and loss of these families, elemental powers, and gods, even high-level families and high-level gods. , high-level elemental spirits, etc.

As long as he and his natal star are not damaged, these sacrifices and losses will naturally be restored and nurtured in the natal star later.

And as long as their sacrifice can achieve Liang Ji's goal, it will be worthwhile.

hiss! hold head high……

Amidst the roar of the dragon, the four elemental stars were finally put into the blank 'Star Map' spiritual treasure one after another, and were taken back into the natal stars by Liang Ji again through the passage of the 'Elemental Realm'.


Seeing this, Liang Ji directly closed the passages of the four 'elemental realms', without even recalling the middle-level and high-level dragon beast elemental spirits who continued to fight and kill on the battlefield, in order to cut off the passage of the spirit world elemental spirits. The elemental realm' attacked his natal star.

As for the remaining mid-level and high-level elemental spirits on the battlefield, under Liang Ji's order, they quickly broke out of the battlefield, escaped, and lurked.

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