The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1214 The arrival of the ninth-level elemental spirit

The spiritual world, the earth and Mars realm!

It seemed that Liang Ji's sudden action to seize the four elemental stars completely angered the elemental spirits in the spiritual world.

Or perhaps the riots in the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and the fighting and killing of the monsters in the 'Black Hole' stirred up the chaos in the 'Earth and Mars Domain' and alarmed the upper levels of the elemental spirits in the spiritual world.

Just when Liang Ji ordered the elemental spirits of the dragon beasts under his command to completely escape from the Mars Domain and escape to all directions in the spirit world.

A huge crack suddenly opened in the void above the "Earth and Mars Domain", and a large number of "Elemental Sea" sources gathered together, forming a huge "Elemental Gate" in the void.

"not good!"

At this time, Peng Yue, who had been closing his eyes to realize and practice the power of the 'Elemental Sea', suddenly exclaimed, opened his eyes and said: "There is a ninth-level elemental spirit passing through the passage of the 'Elemental Sea'. Come to the 'Earth Mars Domain'!"

"Husband, quickly take back all your mind and consciousness."

Seeing this, Liang Ji did not dare to delay. After giving all the dragon and beast elemental spirits the order to escape and lurk with all their might, he withdrew all his mind and consciousness.

For Liang Ji, the seventh-level star master, he could still guess a thing or two about the combat power of the eighth-level beings. He could even barely withstand a blow from the eighth-level beings by using the super-limited performance of the combined inheritance of the three star palaces.

However, it was difficult for Liang Ji to even speculate on the combat power and means mastered by the ninth-level beings.

He didn't know if he continued to keep his mind and consciousness attached to those dragon beast elemental spirits, whether he would be discovered by the coming ninth-level elemental spirits, and even directly pursue and attack him through the connection between his mind and consciousness.

According to Liang Ji's calculations, the power of the ninth level is unfathomable, and it should be very possible for him to master such power.

Therefore, when Peng Yue discovered that the ninth-level elemental spirit had arrived, he immediately ended his understanding and induction of the origin of the 'Elemental Sea', took back all his mind and consciousness, and asked Liang Ji to also take back all his mind and consciousness. .

Liang Ji did as he was told without hesitation, but he just didn't want to bet on whether he would be attacked by a ninth-level elemental spirit.

As for the elemental spirits still remaining in the spirit world, Liang Ji and Peng Yue could only put them down first, and after lurking for a period of time, they would re-contact and check the status of those elemental spirits to see how they would proceed.

"It is indeed dangerous and difficult to harvest stars and other resources and treasures in the sphere of influence of a super civilization like the spiritual world."

"In it, not only are you surrounded by enemies, but you also have to be on guard against the arrival and attack of ninth-level enemies at every turn!"

"No wonder there are only a few high-level star masters in the Star Alliance who choose to use various special stars to refine the void and arrange their natal star galaxies!"

"Even among the major star palaces, one or two special stars are often chosen to form formations and refine the void, and the special stars chosen are often searched hard in the outer sea of ​​stars."

"There are even fewer high-level star masters who really choose to seize elemental stars, divine stars and other special stars from super civilizations such as the spiritual world and the divine world to refine the void and set up formations!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and he had some enlightenment.

Like him and Peng Yue, those who choose various and special star arrangements to refine the void and arrange their natal star galaxies are only a few even among the Star Alliance.

"It's just that God rewards work. The more you pay and the greater the risk you take, the more Star Master will gain!"

"Although the natal star system designed and arranged by Peng Yue and I is more complex and more difficult to refine, and even requires taking many risks in super civilizations such as the spiritual world and the divine world, after the final success, the rewards will naturally be greater. many!"

"Not to mention that after successfully refining the void and setting up the formation, our control and blessing of the natal stars will be greatly improved, and our combat power will be stronger among the same level."

"It will also be of great benefit to break through to the eighth-level star master and even the ninth-level star master in the future!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of the situation of the natal star galaxy of the 'Tianhe Saint' that he had seen before, in which six stars were in an array and seven life stars were distributed. Before the creation path of Tianyao appeared, it could be said that one galaxy had almost been able to accommodate The number of stars has accumulated to an extreme.

It even influenced the 'Tianhe Saint' to go further and almost failed to ascend to sainthood.

But Liang Ji believes that it is with such powerful cultivation and arrangement that the 'Sage of Tianhe' can surpass many of his peers, step by step reach the status of ninth-level star master, and become one of the truly top beings in the Star Alliance. .

At the same time, many in the Star Alliance are trapped in the seventh-level star master stage and dare not attack the eighth-level star master, or those star masters who failed to attack the eighth-level star master. Most of them are in the natal star system. The refining and formation are very simple. He even directly refined and arranged the galaxy according to the whiteboard model transformed from the original 'Celestial Star Array Diagram'.

After refining the void and setting up the formation, there is almost no increase in the control, blessing and assistance of the natal stars.

This kind is the lowest level among the seventh-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance, and they often can only stay at the seventh-level Star Lord level for life. They are neither able to attack the eighth-level star masters, nor dare to attack the eighth-level star masters.

As for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who are determined to ascend to sainthood, they are naturally unwilling to lower their requirements at the critical stage of seventh-level star master refining and setting up formations. They must strive to achieve the highest and best arrangements possible. , in order to have greater confidence in attacking the eighth-level star master and even the ninth-level star master in the future.

Therefore, even if he takes some risks in this spiritual world, or even continues to take some risks in the divine world later, Liang Ji will not hesitate.

With thoughts and emotions in their minds, Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not stop, and quickly found Yang Yanni and others, the main monks from the star who had also set up a stronghold in this dangerous place in the outer domain, informed them of the changes in the 'Earth and Mars Domain', and asked if Need to evacuate?

In response, Yang Yanni nodded, shook her head and said: "I have always been paying attention to the situation in the 'Earth and Mars Domain'. The ninth-level elemental spirits from the spiritual world have arrived, either smashed to pieces or captured. Most of the 'black hole' monsters, but the remaining few 'black hole' monsters took the opportunity to escape."

"Today, the ninth-level elemental spirit is still stabilizing the star field in the 'Earth and Mars Domain' and restoring the order of the star domain. The attention of the elemental spirits in the spiritual world is also focused on chasing and tracing the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace', but it is We are temporarily unable to deal with it.”

"What's more, this dangerous location has been arranged and modified by many ninth-level star masters from the Star Alliance. Even the ninth-level elemental spirits from the spiritual world generally have difficulty tracing their way here, let alone attacking them. ”

"So, there is no need to evacuate from here in a short time."

Liang Ji and Peng Yue immediately felt relieved after hearing this. It seems that this 'evil stronghold' is also an extremely high-end existence among the Star Alliance's many arrangements outside the spiritual world, and they can safely hide here for the time being.

On the other hand, Yang Yanni was able to continue to observe and understand the situation in the 'Earth and Mars Domain' despite the arrival of the ninth-order elemental spirit, which really surprised Liang Ji.

He estimated that this was probably the means and capabilities provided by the Covenant Intelligence Department.

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