The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1215 Fifteen years of turmoil and gains

Ten years have passed since the demonic chaos in the "Earth and Mars Realm" in the spiritual world.

In the past ten years, the entire spiritual world has been basically in a state of high tension due to the demonic chaos in the 'Earth and Mars Domain'. The elemental spirits in the spiritual world who are responsible for internal inspection and protection are tracking down the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and Traces of other types of infiltrators.

The 'Pantheon' supported by the gods of the divine world, the elemental spirit family infiltrators sent by the Star Alliance Star Lord into the spiritual world, etc. are all targets of tracking and collection by these elemental spirits of the spiritual world.

For this reason, the elemental spirits sent by Liang Ji and Peng Yue into the spiritual world have suffered considerable losses in the past ten years.

The two of them even had to open the 'Elemental Realm' through the infiltrated elemental spirits several times and send more elemental spirits to infiltrate into the spiritual world to ensure that all the infiltrated elemental spirits were not found and strangled.

However, these ten years of rigorous investigation are not without benefits.

Under the strict investigation of the elemental spirits in the spiritual world, a large number of infiltrators such as the 'Ten Thousand Demons' and the 'Pantheon' were exposed in the spiritual world, which triggered more fights and battles with the elemental spirits in the spiritual world. .

It can be said that in these ten years, the settlements and chaotic wars in various star regions in the spiritual world have almost never stopped.

And this kind of fighting and fighting environment is suitable for Liang Ji and Peng Yue to fish in troubled waters.

In the past ten years, the two of them participated in dozens of chaotic battles between infiltrators and elemental spirits in the spiritual world. Most of them achieved nothing. Even the elemental spirits participating in the battle were not able to escape and were killed by high-level spirits in the spiritual world. The elemental spirits suppress and strangle.

After all, the chaos everywhere in the spiritual world has already made many high-level elemental spirits in the spiritual world dissatisfied. Many eighth-level elemental spirits and even ninth-level elemental spirits can't help but take action.

The large number of intermediate elemental spirits sent by Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally had no chance of winning in such a battlefield, and many were killed.

However, dozens of attempts to fish in troubled waters are already worth it if they succeed only a few times, and the sacrifice of elemental spirits is also worth it.

After several successful attempts to fish in troubled waters, Liang Ji and Peng Yue each harvested several pure elemental stars. They have now each collected six elemental stars, belonging to the five elements and thunder attributes respectively.

However, as time goes by, the elemental spirits in the spiritual world gradually come to an end in their efforts to clean up and suppress the infiltrators in the spiritual world. They have infiltrated into the "Pantheon", "Ten Thousand Demons Palace", and even the elemental families of the Star Alliance Star Lords in the spiritual world. Wait, everything has been almost cleaned up.

Those that have not been discovered and cleaned up are basically too deeply integrated into the spiritual world, and it is difficult for the elemental spirits in the spiritual world to trace and clean them up in a short period of time.

In addition, the further you go, the more eighth-level elemental spirits and even ninth-level elemental spirits are taken action, so it becomes more and more difficult for Liang Ji and Peng Yue to fish in troubled waters.

After five consecutive attempts to fish in troubled waters, and all the elemental spirits they sent were suppressed and destroyed, Liang Ji and Peng Yue finally stopped sending elemental spirits to die.

Instead, let the remaining elemental spirits lurk in the spiritual world and wait for the opportunity again.

It's just that this opportunity is hard to find. Liang Ji and Peng Yue have already obtained the most numerous and common five-element element stars in the spiritual world, plus a rare thunder element.

The two thunder element stars in the hands of the two people can be said to be completely lucky. They are the elemental spirits under their command. In the spiritual world, they encountered the spirit of the elemental spirits in the spirit world to encircle and suppress the "Pantheon" of the God Realm.

I don't know if there are extremely key and important figures among the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' who were surrounded and suppressed. At the end of that clearing war, the ninth-level elemental spirits from the spiritual world took action, and the 'Pantheon' But he also opened the 'divine gate', summoned the attack of the ninth-level main god from the divine world, and attacked the ninth-level elemental spirit.

That one attack almost completely destroyed the star field. Although the ninth-level elemental spirits later used all their strength to stabilize the star field and did not completely destroy the star field, turbulence and chaos were inevitable. .

Liang Ji and Peng Yue took the opportunity to take action at that time, and each harvested a thunder element star.

For this reason, the elemental spirits that the two sent into the star field failed to escape in the end, and were all destroyed by the distributed ninth-level elemental spirits.

But it is undoubtedly worth it to harvest two rare thunder element stars.

However, it is becoming more and more difficult to harvest the remaining elemental stars that Liang Ji and Peng Yue need, such as wind, ice, poison, yin and yang attributes, etc.

What's more, Peng Yue still needs to harvest a star with pure elemental attributes from the spiritual world. It must be an elemental star in the life galaxy that successfully cultivates elemental spirits in the spiritual world.

Only in this way can the elemental stars that can produce the elemental spirits in the shining elemental stars be the most suitable for the requirements of her natal star galaxy. After being continuous and arranged, can the elemental stars in her natal stars contain the elemental spirits and increase the elements. The power, the origin of elements, etc. are all of great benefit.

And harvesting such elemental stars will undoubtedly mean destroying a life galaxy in the spiritual world that can nurture elemental spirits!

The difficulty can be imagined. Fortunately, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also put the collection of elemental stars last. When the time comes, they can make a big deal and just grab the elemental stars and run away, even if they are among the elements sent into the spiritual world. It doesn't matter if all the spirits are destroyed.

However, the elemental stars can be put to the end, but the remaining few elemental stars with rare attributes still need to be carefully planned by Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Afterwards, the two of them lurked and searched for five more years in the spirit world. However, during these five years, the spirit world gradually returned to calm, and there was no chance for them to fish in troubled waters. However, the remaining few elemental stars were all in one piece. Couldn't collect any.

Compared with the bumper harvest of the previous ten years, even Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who have long been accustomed to the passage of time and nothing, couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

Yang Yanni also left this 'dangerous stronghold'. Before the other party left, Liang Ji found the other party to inquire about intelligence information, but learned that according to the information from the Star Alliance Intelligence Department, after the cleaning up of the spiritual world some time ago, the spirit world had been cleared in a short period of time. There was no sign of civil strife or fighting.

Therefore, the other party evacuated from here and prepared to continue to pursue the traces and activities of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace'.

Obviously, it will be impossible for Liang Ji and Peng Yue to continue harvesting elemental stars in troubled waters as before.

Liang Ji was very helpless when he received the news. Seeing that he could not find any opportunities, Liang Ji had already begun to consider whether to leave the spiritual world first and let the remaining elemental spirits lurk in the spiritual world to continue waiting for opportunities. They are heading to the God Realm to see if there is a chance to harvest some 'divine stars'?

After all, the divine stars are also the special stars needed for his natal star galaxy to refine and form formations.

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