The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1216 Invitation from Instructor Peng Yue A Dangerous Mission

There was still no chance to capture the remaining elemental stars in the spirit world. Liang Ji was not willing to waste time here. He was discussing with Peng Yue whether to go to the God Realm first to see if there was a chance. Get the needed 'Divine Star'.

But at this moment, Peng Yue suddenly received a message from her mentor in the Vientiane Star Palace, Lord Yuxia.

After checking the message from her mentor, she raised her head and looked at Liang Ji and said, "Husband, my mentor is preparing to attack the eighth-level star master. However, before she can attack the eighth-level star master, she still needs to collect some of the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' in the spiritual world. "

"So, the mentor is preparing to organize a big operation in the spirit world. She knows that we are here in the spirit world now, so she wants to invite us to help!"

"Yuxia Star mainly attacks the eighth-level star master!"

Liang Ji was also slightly surprised when he heard this. He immediately said: "Your mentor has taken great care of you over the years and has given us a lot of help. We should repay him in return!"

"What exactly is she going to do in the spirit world, and what help does she need from us?"

Upon hearing this, Peng Yue immediately contacted her mentor. After some communication, Peng Yue said: "My mentor is also in the star sea near the spirit world. She gave me a coordinate location and asked us to go and meet her. The specific actions, The mission can only be discussed after we have gathered together.”

Liang Ji and Peng Yue checked the coordinates of that place, which was one of the several strongholds outside the spiritual world that Wanxiang Star Palace had provided to them. Without any hesitation, they left this dangerous place that had been hidden for more than ten years. Stronghold', escaped into the depths of the void, and fled towards the 'safe house' where Peng Yue's mentor Yuxia Star Master was.

A few months later, the two of them circled almost halfway around the void star sea area on the periphery of the spiritual world, and finally blocked the agreed gathering place.

This is a stronghold arranged with the help of the vision of the cosmic starry sky. After Liang Ji and Peng Yue arrived, they were able to enter it after several verifications. However, they found that not only Peng Yue's mentor Yuxia Star Lord was here, but also her Several seniors and seniors are here.

Obviously, this time, in order to prepare for the attack on the eighth-level star master, Yuxia Star Master not only invited Peng Yue and Liang Ji to help, but also asked several of Peng Yue's seniors and seniors to help.

After everyone met, Peng Yue was undoubtedly more familiar with them. After greeting each other, he introduced everyone to Liang Ji and introduced Liang Ji to them.

For Liang Ji, these high-level star masters of the Vientiane Star Palace are obviously more familiar. After all, his pioneering behavior of integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces to advance to high-level star masters is also quite famous in the Star Alliance.

Nowadays, in the Vientiane Star Palace, there are researches, teachings, etc. that integrate the inheritance of the 'Fengshen List' and the 'Bloodline Illustration'. Naturally, everyone knows a lot about the founder of this, Liang Ji.

"This operation, with the help of fellow Taoist Liang Ji, is bound to be successful!"

Someone smiled and complimented.

"Where! Where... Although I also cultivate the three-door star palace inheritance, I am far inferior to you in the way of elements. In the operation, we are still the main ones, and I am just assisting. It’s just two…”

Liang Ji also smiled and said a few words of modesty.

"Okay..." After everyone exchanged a few words, Instructor Yuxia, who had gathered everyone, took over and said, "Now that Peng Yue and Liang Ji are here, everyone I have contacted is also here."

"Next, I'm going to explain the specific tasks and goals of this operation!"

As Star Master Yuxia spoke, she stretched out her hand and touched the void in front of her. Suddenly, there was a screen of light condensed by stars, which revealed the official situation of the star field in the spiritual world.

"There are currently twenty-seven star fields in the spiritual world. Our target this time is this star field..."

As she spoke, she reached out and pointed at one of the twenty-seven star fields manifested in the light curtain. It was a star field at the edge.

And as Yuxia Star Master clicked, that star field quickly enlarged in the light screen, and other star fields quickly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, only that star field remained in the entire light screen, manifesting the situation in the star field. .

"This is the black and white star field in the spiritual world. It contains elements and stars of various attributes, and there are even rare pure yin element stars and pure yang element stars!"

"I have been in this star field for thousands of years, and there are several seventh-level elemental spirits holding leadership in the star field."

"However, what really dominates this star field are the two eighth-level elemental spirits, and there are also quite a few seventh-level elemental spirits."

"So, I need someone to help me attract the eighth-level elemental spirits in this 'black and white star field', and preferably more seventh-level elemental spirits!"

She said, looking at the invited Star Lords.

These star masters are all students she taught. They have now advanced to seventh-level star masters, and several of them have received a lot of help from her, so Yuxia star master was able to summon them to help this time.

However, I don’t know if anyone is willing to let them help lead away the eighth-level elemental spirits.

After all, not everyone can deal with the eighth-level elemental spirit.

Even if they just let the elemental spirits under their command move in the spiritual world and attract the eighth-level elemental spirits, let alone whether their elemental spirits have enough strength to lure away the eighth-level elemental spirits; even if they succeed in attracting them, , they are not sure how strong the eighth-level elemental spirits are, and whether they can attack themselves through the elemental spirits they send, these star masters are also not sure.

Therefore, no one answered the call for a while.

At this time, Star Master Yuxia turned to look at Peng Yue, obviously asking him if he could take on this task.

Obviously, as the mentor of the Vientiane Star Palace, Lord Yuxia has a better understanding of Liang Ji's strength. He knows that among the people present, only Liang Ji may have the strength to resist the attack of the eighth-level elemental spirit across levels.

This is probably also an important reason why she specifically invited Peng Yue and Liang Ji to come.

Liang Ji understood what the other party meant, thought for a while and said, "It's okay for me to lure away the eighth-order elemental spirits, but how should I lure away the two eighth-order elemental spirits?"

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Liang!" Star Master Yuxia looked much more relaxed when he saw this. He thanked Liang Ji first, and then stretched out his hand to point and draw next to the 'black and white star field' in the light screen. Suddenly the light and shadow of the star field moved sideways, manifesting the star field. In a void area outside, a shining vortex appeared, saying:

"I have been operating here in the Black and White Star Territory for many years, but I know that there is a void resource point here. It is caused by the interaction between the pure yang element stars and the pure yin element stars in the 'Black and White Star Territory'. Among them, the pure yang element and pure yin element The elements combine to form a special light of creation.”

"This light of creation is related to the advancement path of the two eighth-level elemental spirits in the star field, and it is what they attach most importance to."

"So, as long as you launch an attack here, you can lure away the two eighth-level star masters in the star field!"

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