The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1225 Meeting with the Principal of Kunlun Star Palace

Star Alliance, Kunlun Star Palace.

Liang Ji had just finished a course on the integration of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and 'The Melting Pot of Ten Thousand Arts' and returned to the residence arranged for him by Xing Palace.

He sensed that someone was contacting him in the 'Star Directory'. He immediately took out the 'Star Directory' and opened the communication module. Suddenly a starlight shot out and a figure was projected.

When Liang Ji saw the other party, he was slightly surprised and asked: "Vice Principal Huntian, are you looking for me?"

Vice Principal Huntian nodded, looked at Liang Ji, and asked, "Have all your natal stars recovered?"

Liang Ji nodded and said: "I have almost recovered, and I am already considering going to the outer star sea again to search for the special stars I need."

"I know." Vice Principal Huntian nodded and said, "I saw your application and asked for support from Star Palace in providing relevant intelligence and information in the God Realm."

"Your next goal is to go to the God Realm to harvest the 'divine stars'?"

"Yes!" Liang Ji nodded, looked at the other party and asked, "Vice principal, what's the problem?"

Vice Principal Huntian shook his head and said: "No problem, it's just that Xing Palace has another operation related to the God Realm. I wonder if you are interested in participating?"

"What action?" Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

Vice Principal Huntian shook his head and said: "This operation is of great importance. You will not be able to obtain any relevant information until you choose to join."

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but frown and think about it, then looked at the other party, and asked Fu Zhi spiritually: "Vice Principal, I want to harvest many divine stars with various attributes from the God Realm. Do you think I should participate in this operation? Woolen cloth?"

Upon hearing this, Vice Principal Huntian suddenly smiled and nodded: "In my opinion, I recommend that you participate."

"Okay, I'll join!"

Hearing this, Liang Ji chose to believe the other party without hesitation and nodded directly in response.

"Okay!" Seeing this, Vice Principal Huntian became more and more satisfied, and the smile on his face became brighter and he said, "You won't regret making this choice."

"Since you have chosen to participate, then come to the top of the highest sacred mountain, the 'Sealing Temple'!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but his face moved slightly when he heard this. He had studied and practiced in Kunlun Star Palace for many years, and he was naturally quite clear about many key places in Kunlun Star Palace.

Kunlun Star Palace exists in the form of a sacred mountain. There are many peaks in the mountain. Each peak represents a line of inheritance in Kunlun Star Palace. Only the highest peak in the center is the most special, representing the most fundamental inheritance of the Star Palace, the "Apotheosis of the Gods".

The 'Sealing Temple' on the top of the highest mountain has not been opened for many years. I heard that it is the place where the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, the ninth-level star master, practices and works.

Liang Ji has practiced in Kunlun Star Palace for many years, and later advanced to a high-level star master through the integration of the three-door star palace inheritance, and became famous in the Star Alliance. He was invited by Kunlun Star Palace to join, and became the honorary mentor of Kunlun Star Palace, but even so He had never entered the 'Sealed Temple' on the top of the highest mountain before.

In fact, even the principal of Star Palace and the ninth-level star master only saw the other party's projection descending on the wilderness star and "canonizing the god" when he was performing his mission on the wilderness star.

In addition, they have never even seen each other in Kunlun Star Palace.

But now, Vice Principal Huntian asked him to go to the 'Fengshen Temple' on the highest sacred mountain. Liang Ji couldn't help but have thoughts in his mind. Could it be that the principal took action in Xing Palace's actions this time?

Could it be that this time, he was going to meet the principal of Kunlun Star Palace in the 'Fengshian Temple' on the highest mountain?

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, but Liang Ji's movements were slow. After a slight delay, he immediately responded and headed towards the highest sacred mountain in the Star Palace.

On the highest sacred mountain, there are naturally various formations and forbidden guards. Only when Liang Ji graduated, he went to the highest sacred mountain to pay homage to the 'Feng Shen Bang', and received the subsequent inheritance of 'Feng Shen Bang' and the protection of the Star Palace. But it did not enter the 'Sealed Temple' below.

At this time, he went through many verifications and climbed to the highest sacred mountain again. Sure enough, he saw that under the golden "Gods List", the "Gods Temple" had opened its door.

The eighth-level star master, Vice Principal Huntian, was already waiting outside the hall. When he saw him, he immediately led him into the hall.

Stepping into the 'Feng Shen Temple', Liang Ji felt keenly that he seemed to have crossed two different spaces and entered another space of heaven and earth.

Looking around in a blink of an eye, I saw no palace or other decorations, but another world.

There was a golden sun in the sky, but he could see at a glance that it was the inheritance of the Star Palace, the light shining from the golden ‘Gods List’.

There is a piece of land under your feet, and you can see the figures of various imperial gods on it, and they are running the movement of heaven and earth in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Welcome to the Heaven of Gods!"

Vice Principal Huntian looked at Liang Ji and said with a smile.

Liang Ji looked at this world of gods, but he was not surprised at all, and said: "This is the experimental site for Xing Palace to study the inheritance of 'Feng Shen'?"


Vice Principal Huntian nodded.

Sky Serpent Academy, as a school in the main star, even has an "experimental secret realm" for studying the "Sky Serpent inheritance" and various snake bloodlines. Kunlun Star Palace is one of the nine star palaces at the top of the Star Alliance. , it is naturally impossible to lack such a 'dongtiantiandi', 'experimental base', etc. inside.

Not only is the highest sacred mountain the experimental world of the ‘Heaven of the Gods’, but every branch of the Star Palace and each sacred mountain also has its own ‘experimental world’.

For example, the "Yuzi Lineage" from which Liang Ji was born, there is also a place belonging to the "Yuzi Lineage" on the top of the sacred mountain, under the red jade instructor's dojo, which is used to perform various exercises related to the "Xuanyu Nine Transformations" Experiments, research, etc.

Of course, it can also be used as a place for retreat and practice for the ‘Jade Character Lineage’ star master monks.

At the beginning, when Master Chiyu retreated to enter the realm of the eighth-level star master, it was in this sacred mountain's 'Experimental World' that belonged to the 'Jade Lineage'.

It was also because of this that after Liang Ji initially joined Star Palace and practiced under Master Chi Yu, he had almost no experience in the experimental world of the ‘Jade Lineage’.

It was not until later that the Akadera Instructor successfully advanced to the eighth-level Star Master and came out of seclusion. Liang Ji had even graduated from the Kunlun Star Palace at that time, and then he became the Akadera Instructor Void and entered the experimental world of the 'Jade Lineage' several times.

As for the ‘Heaven of Gods’ in front of us, it was naturally the first time we came in.

"Follow me to meet the principal!" At this time, Vice Principal Huntian said to Liang Ji, and then took him flying to the ground below, on an ordinary hill on the ground, and entered an ordinary temple. , met an ordinary old man.

"Principal!" Vice Principal Huntian saluted him and said, "I have brought Liang Ji."

Seeing this, Liang Ji did not dare to delay. He quickly saluted the seemingly ordinary old man in the hall and said, "Liang Ji, student of Kunlun Star Palace and honorary instructor, pays homage to the principal."

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