The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1226 The divine world where the temple is superior

The principal of Kunlun Star Palace is a ninth-level star master. Liang Ji naturally doesn't know his specific name. He only knows that the outside world calls him 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', just like the original 'Tianhe Immortal Lord', who has reached the ninth level. Star masters can become immortal kings.

When Liang Ji was performing the mission of the "Security Department" on the Mangyuan Star, he saw the projection of the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, the "Tianchen Immortal Lord", who consecrated the Mangyuan Star and tried to save the "Mangyuan Earth Immortal" and continue and search for it. The way forward for the Earthly Immortal Taoism.

At that time, Liang Ji couldn't see the principal's appearance clearly, but the principal came in the form of a "celestial spirit" and became a god for heaven and earth. However, he was full of magic and domineering. Compared with the ordinary appearance of the principal at this time, it was very obvious.

The principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', stood in the hall. When he saw Master Huntian and Liang Ji paying their respects, he smiled and waved his hand and said: "No need to be polite, just get up."

Liang Ji felt an irresistible force lifting him up, and felt a bit of the domineering power of the ninth-level star master and the principal of Kunlun Star Palace.

"Thank you principal!"

After Liang Ji and Vice Principal Huntian thanked them, they straightened up.

At this time, he just saw that in this ordinary temple, there was not only the principal 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', but there were nearly ten high-level star masters on the left and right sides, including the seventh-level Kunlun Star Palace whom Liang Ji knew. There are also mentors and eighth-level vice-principals whom he doesn't recognize.

However, from these people, they can more or less sense the power inherited from Kunlun Star Palace's "Feng Shen Bang". It is obvious that they are all high-level star masters from Kunlun Star Palace.

And to be invited here by the principal, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, he probably has some means and status.

At the same time, Liang Ji was also secretly shocked. These high-level star masters were in this ordinary palace and had no intention of hiding anything. However, when he entered the palace just now, all the eyes and attention were focused on him. First of all, he was attracted by the seemingly ordinary principal 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', but he actually never saw or noticed the existence of other high-level star masters around him.

It can also be seen from this that the Principal of Star Palace, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, is not as ordinary as he appears on the surface.

At this time, Vice Principal Huntian took Liang Ji to introduce each other to the high-level star masters on the left and right. Liang Ji also knew the origins of everyone. As he expected, they were all from the Kunlun Star Palace, and they were even quite famous in the Star Alliance. The high-level star master.

Although he didn't know some of the people, he had heard of each other's reputation, and after a brief introduction, he knew who they were.

After the introduction, Vice Principal Huntian and Liang Ji stood aside with the others and continued to wait.

The principal, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, didn’t say anything anymore. Apparently someone else was coming.

Sure enough, in the next hour, three more people came one after another. After paying homage to the principal, they stood in the crowd.

When the third person arrived, the principal 'Tianchen Immortal' smiled and said to everyone, "Okay, everyone is here."

Liang Ji looked at this time and saw that in addition to the principal 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', there were fifteen people in the hall, including him, who were all well-known high-level star masters in the Star Palace and Star Alliance.

"It seems that this time Xing Gong's actions in the God Realm will not be small!"

"Even, I'm afraid it will exceed the actions of 'Yuxia Star Lord' in the spiritual world!"

Liang Ji secretly thought, after all, the original operation of the 'Yuxia Star Lord' did not involve as many people as it does now, and there was no participation from the eighth-level star master or even the ninth-level star master.

"With such strength, is it possible to attack the God Realm?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

At this time, I heard the principal 'Tianchen Immortal Lord' say: "I think many of you are wondering why I came to you this time."

The principal, 'Tianchen Immortal', raised his hand and waved a piece of starlight into a light curtain. The light curtain manifested into a void star sea, with thirty-one star fields in it. The bright divine light shrouded these star fields. In these star fields, There are various temples hanging above the star field.

Different temples have different sizes and heights. In the center of all the star fields, above all the temples, there is a 'Pantheon', as if the lord of the star sea suppresses the thirty-one star fields in the entire star sea. And there are countless temples of various sizes.


"Spirit world!"

"Star Map of the God Realm..."

Seeing these scenes manifested in the light curtain, there were shouts of surprise in the hall. It was obvious that everyone in the hall recognized the area.

The situation in the God Realm is different from that of the Star Alliance and the Spirit Realm. Although Star Lord Monks and Elemental Spirits have the power and means to control stars, destroy galaxies, and even control star fields, they are basically still among the stars. To practice, live, and grow.

However, the gods of the divine world regard stars, galaxies, and even life in the star field as objects of slavery. They are just servants and slaves of gods who provide them with the power of faith. The gods have always been aloof and subject to the influence of the stars. The object of worship and belief in life.

Therefore, in the God Realm, the gods do not live among the stars. Instead, they forge "temples" above the stars, galaxies, and star fields. They live in the "temples" and accept the stars, galaxies, and All living beings in the star field worship and believe.

According to Kunlun Star Palace's survey information on the divine world, generally those who forge temples on stars are low-level gods; those who forge temples on galaxies are all mid-level gods; only those who forge temples on star fields The temple is the high-level god that accepts the worship and belief of all living beings in the entire star field.

And above the thirty-one star fields, above all the high, middle and low-level temples, the 'Pantheon' above the gods, there are several ninth-level main gods in the God Realm living in it. They enjoy the worship and belief of all living beings in the thirty-one star regions of the entire God Realm, and even many gods.

Therefore, the God Realm can be said to be the easiest to identify. Just by seeing these various temples standing densely above the stars, galaxies, and star fields, you can tell that this is the God Realm at a glance.

Such strict rule and control have resulted in a very serious class consolidation in the God Realm. Many creatures above the stars are under the control of the gods from birth to death. They can only become slaves who provide the gods with the power of faith, and have not broken the shackles at all. , the possibility of upward promotion.

Even the gods in the God Realm are often at a fixed level. Low-level gods can only enjoy the power of faith above one star. They also need to share it with many other gods and provide support to the intermediate gods, high-level gods, and several major gods. Provide more power of faith, making it difficult for them to have enough power of faith to go further.

In the God Realm, gods of all levels want to advance upwards, or even become the new ninth-level Lord God, which is far more difficult than the cultivation of Star Alliance Star Lords, the growth of elemental spirits in the spiritual world, etc.

It is also for this reason that the gods of the God Realm are the most enthusiastic about exploring and expanding outwards, looking for various suitable life stars, occupying them, and domesticating the creatures within them as their own slaves to provide themselves with the power of faith.

Only in this way is the best way for them to grow and advance.

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