The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1227 The situation inside and outside the Star Alliance: Attack on the ‘Beast God Star Terri

"Our goal is here!"

In the main hall, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, pointed at the divine realm manifested in the light curtain, and said in a deep voice to a star field on the edge.

"Is this really an attack on the God Realm?"

Seeing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but mutter.

Surrounded by the exclamations and mutterings of other Star Lords.

The principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', raised his hand and looked at the crowd and said, "Our goal is to sneak attack on the 'Beast God Star Territory' in the God Realm and cause as much destruction and chaos as possible, although it is not yet comprehensive. It’s the level of starting a war, but it’s almost the same as attacking the God Realm.”

As he said that, he glanced at everyone again and said in a deep voice: "Some of you may know, and some of you may not."

"Nowadays, the relationship between our Star Alliance and the divine and spiritual world is very tense."

"Previously, in the Sky Demon Star Territory developed by the Star Alliance, although we repelled the intervention of the gods and spirits, we did not cause much damage to them."

"On the contrary, although we have opened up a new star field, the ascension of 'Sage Tianhe' has caused our star field to lose a lot of ninth-level combat power, and it has actually dropped from the top level of combat power."

"In addition, the aura of the Heavenly Demon has emerged, and evil cultivators are causing trouble everywhere. We, the Star Alliance, have to allocate more power to suppress and monitor the internal affairs. We also need to develop the newly developed 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. It will take a lot of manpower.”

"In addition, the opening up of the path of the 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage' has caused many experienced third-level immortals in the Star Alliance to embark on the path of the Earth Immortal, refining the stars of life into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. Most of the time, they only It is difficult to cultivate and develop in the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals', and it is difficult to form any combat power in a short period of time, which greatly weakens the high-level combat power of our Star Alliance. "

The principal, ‘Immortal Tianchen’, talked about the current situation in the Star Alliance and finally said:

"Because of these reasons, in fact, our Star Alliance has already formed a shrinking front on the battlefield of the 'Void Sea' with the God Realm and the 'Chaos Sea' battlefield of the spiritual world. At a disadvantage in the battle!"

"This has not happened for a long time. You must know that in the past, the strength of our Star Alliance was far superior to that of the gods and spirits. We suppressed them on the two battlefields."

Liang Ji couldn't help but look surprised when he heard the words of the principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord'.

Although he is now a high-level star master and his status in the Star Alliance is not low, he has spent the past hundred years traveling, exploring, and conducting various experiments in the outer star sea. He has focused on his own cultivation and growth, but he has not done much. Pay attention to the situation of the Covenant.

Therefore, this is the first time that through the introduction of the principal ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, I know that the Star Alliance is facing so many problems.

It can only be said that the opening up of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', the opening up of the 'Earthly Immortal Dao Lineage', and even the discovery of the star fusion 'Light of Creation' will be of great benefit to the Star Alliance in the long run. It can greatly enhance the power and combat power of the Star Alliance.

But in a short period of time, before the Star Alliance successfully digests all these benefits and becomes the Star Alliance's real combat power, these effects will be detrimental and weaken the Star Alliance's high-level combat power.

Especially the ascension and departure of ‘Sage Tianhe’ directly deprived the Star Alliance of the top combat power of a ninth-level star master.

"For this reason, the Star Alliance has decided to deal some blows to the gods and spirits, allowing them to allocate some strength from the battlefield to protect their own homes, in order to relieve the pressure on the Star Alliance teams on the battlefield!"

"Before this, the Vientiane Star Palace had completed its attack on the spirit world, and destroyed most of a star field in the spirit world, and attracted a ninth-level elemental spirit back, and was involved in the star field that was almost about to go back. !”

The principal, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, continued.

When Liang Ji heard this, he immediately understood that what the other party was talking about was the attack of the 'Yuxia Star Lord' on the 'Black and White Star Territory'. He had experienced this personally and played a key role in it, so he naturally knew it best.

However, what he didn't expect was that this incident was not only a personal act of 'Yuxia Star Lord' to break through to the eighth-level star master, but also part of the Star Alliance's plan to attack the spiritual world and involve the power of the spiritual world!

It can be said to be an action that kills two birds with one stone.

"Now, it is our Kunlun Star Palace's turn to attack the God Realm, involve the power of the God Realm, and relieve the pressure on our Star Alliance comrades on the battlefield of the Void Sea."

The principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', said, looking at everyone and asking: "Now, I have told you the mission, are there any of you who are unwilling to participate and want to withdraw?"

Everyone in the hall shook their heads and did not want to withdraw.

The principal continued: "I can tell you clearly that the Wanxiang Star Palace's previous actions in the spiritual world were very successful, but it also exposed the intentions of our Star Alliance."

"I'm afraid the gods in the God Realm have also speculated that our Star Alliance may attack their God Realm in order to involve their combat power."

"Now in the God Realm, the gods must have been prepared. Our attack cannot be as easy and easy as the Vientiane Star Palace's attack on the spiritual world. There are likely to be casualties!"

"So..." the principal said, looking at everyone again, and said solemnly: "If anyone wants to withdraw, it is not a problem."

However, no one in the hall left, and even a Star Lord smiled and said: "Principal, everyone who can come here is confident enough. It is just an attack on the God Realm. It has not been done before, so there is no need to ask any more questions." !”

"I believe that everyone can't wait to take action now and go to the God Realm to make a fortune."

After the star master finished speaking, the people in the palace suddenly remembered the laughter and approval of other people, and they all raised their voices:


"Principal, just give the order!"

"Everyone can't wait..."

Liang Ji looked at the performance of everyone in the palace, and there were many people who were eager to try. From the words of some people, he could tell that this was not the first time that these people had attacked the 'God Realm'.

It seems that there have been many battles and attacks between the Star Alliance, Kunlun Star Palace and the God Realm in the past.

"Okay!" The principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's it, everyone is waiting here. The arrangements of the Star Palace have been put into action in the God Realm's 'Beast God Star Territory'."

"When the 'Star God's Gate' opens later, everyone will choose a target to enter."

"The ninth-level Lord God of the God Realm, Xing Gong and I will stop you. Your goal is to plunder and destroy the 'Beast God Star Territory' as much as possible!"

"How much benefit you can get this time depends entirely on you."


"Thank you principal!"

"Thank you Xing Gong!"

" seems like I'm going to make a fortune again this time!"

Many people in the hall suddenly laughed and said.

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