The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1228 Star Temple Gate of Star God

It was Liang Ji's first time to participate in this kind of action, and there were many things he didn't understand.

I don’t know what the ‘Star God’s Gate’ is, and I don’t know why I have to wait here instead of going outside the ‘God Realm’ star field. I am full of confusion.

At this time, the eighth-level star master on the side, Vice Principal Huntian, seemed to see his doubts and explained: "The 'Star God's Gate' is a teleportation opened by the gods arranged by our Kunlun Star Palace in the God Realm. 'Gate', just like the 'divine gate' opened by the evil god of the 'Pantheon' in the Covenant."

"When the 'Star God's Gate' opens, we can directly enter the God Realm through the 'Star God's Gate' to take action."

"As for the 'Star God', just like the God Realm supports the 'Pantheon' in our Star Alliance, our Star Alliance also supports an organization in the God Realm called the 'Star Temple'."

"Because they are all gods enshrined on our star's natal star, they are called 'Star Gods'."

"Of course, the gods in the God Realm do not recognize them as gods. Instead, they call them 'false gods'. The 'Star Temple' is also known as the 'false temple'."

"Later, after the 'Star God's Gate' is opened, it will lead to all parts of the 'Beast God Star Territory' in the divine world. If you put your spiritual sense into the 'Star God's Gate', you will be able to see clearly." For the situation opposite the Star God's Gate, just choose the place you want to go to, launch an attack, and take action."

"Of course, the 'Star God's Gate' is our most important retreat. After passing by, remember to protect the 'Star God's Gate'. Once we encounter an opponent that is difficult to resist on the opposite side, there is a risk of being cut off from our retreat. Remember first Time goes back.”

After listening to Vice Principal Huntian's explanation, Liang Ji suddenly understood the next action. He nodded and said, "Thank you, Vice Principal, for the explanation."

Vice Principal Huntian smiled and said: "You're welcome, this is not a secret. If you participate in such actions a few more times in the future, you will naturally understand everything."

At this time, Liang Ji had already recalled that when he was an intern in the Star Alliance's "Security Department", he had carried out many operations against the "Pantheon" cult organization. He also remembered that he had encountered the "Pantheon" at that time. The evil god opens the 'divine gate' and summons gods from the divine world to come to the Star Alliance to fight and fight with them.

Now it seems that this operation should be similar, but this time the process is opposite. He will be an invader, summoned by the 'Star God' supported by the Star Alliance to come to the God Realm, fight and fight with the gods of the God Realm, and seize himself. Required resources, divine stars, etc.

I still remember that when he was an intern in the 'Security Department', he fought against the gods who invaded the Star Alliance. In most cases, he killed the invading gods, and only a few of them escaped back to the God Realm.

However, those were his actions as a low-level star master, and all he was exposed to were invasions by low-level gods in the God Realm, so the battle situation and outcome cannot be used as the basis for current judgments.

He believed that the Star Alliance must have encountered invasions by mid-level or even high-level gods. He just didn't know how the Star Alliance fought against those mid-level and high-level invading gods?

What is the kill rate? What is the escape rate of gods?

It is a pity that after he advanced to the fourth level Star Master, he left the Star Alliance's "Security Department" and went to travel and explore the outer star sea, so he did not participate in the subsequent battles with the mid-level and high-level invading gods. Don't know much about these situations.

Liang Ji now only hopes that in the next invasion of the God Realm, he can successfully grab the 'divine stars' he needs and successfully retreat from the 'God Realm'.

After all, he could already see that participating in the collective action of Kunlun Star Palace this time was probably his best chance to seize the 'divine stars' he needed in a short period of time.

After all, with the current relationship and situation between the Star Alliance and the God Realm and the Spirit World, after the Star Alliance attacks the God Realm this time, the protection and supervision of the God Realm gods within and outside the God Realm will definitely be raised to a higher level.

At that time, with his own personal power, even if he has the various galaxies related to the 'God Realm' and even the layout methods provided by Kunlun Star Palace, he will be able to seize the needed 'divine stars' in the God Realm. almost impossible.

At the moment, Liang Ji gathered his mind and consciousness, stopped thinking, carefully checked himself and the status of his natal stars, and prepared for the next action.

At the same time, he also conveyed the news that he wanted to go to the God Realm to participate in the operation through the "Contract of Stars" with Peng Yue. On the one hand, he informed the other party of his actions; on the other hand, the two signed a contract 'Contract of Connected Stars', if Liang Ji really encounters an irresistible danger during his invasion of the God Realm, then Peng Yue can also give him certain support through 'Contract of Connected Stars'.

Therefore, this is also a notification to the other party to be prepared. He may need the other party's support and help at any time.

Liang Ji is naturally confident, but he is not arrogant, nor does he have any 'macho' mentality. He believes that he is the only one who protects and rescues Peng Yue, and does not need Peng Yue to rescue him.

Soon, he got Peng Yue's response through the 'Contract of Connected Stars'. At the same time, he also checked the situation between himself and his natal stars. After this period of cultivation and recovery in the three major star palaces, he and his natal stars The state of the stars has been restored, the inheritance of the three star palaces has been repaired, and the seventh-level dependents and seventh-level dragon head elemental spirits lost in the natal stars have also been restored.

It was when he was at his peak.

Therefore, it is just right to go to the God Realm at this time and participate in the attack on the 'Beast God Star Territory'.

Not long after, I heard the principal, ‘Immortal Tianchen’, say in a deep voice: “Here he comes!”

The next moment, Liang Ji saw dozens of portals intertwined with starlight and divine light, quickly opening in the sky of the 'Heaven of Gods'. The starlight and divine light inside flowed and shone. Through this flash, Star God's Gate' Seeing the opposite side, it is a land of God's Realm filled with divine light and dazzling.

"Everyone quickly choose your target and take action immediately!" The principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', immediately raised his voice and ordered: "Remember, protect yourself as much as possible and come back safely! Then, stir up the situation as much as possible and create destroy!"

"Yes! Principal!"

"Don't worry, principal!"

Everyone responded one after another, and at the same time, they had already chosen their gazes, and each manifested their 'Star Spirit Body' and rushed into the 'Star God's Gate', traveling through and descending into the God Realm's 'Beast God Star Domain'.

At this time, Liang Ji had also quickly checked the situation behind more than a dozen ‘Star God Gates’ and quickly selected a place.

The main purpose of his trip to the God Realm this time was to harvest the "divine stars" he needed, so he chose the "Star God Gate" behind which was the place with the largest number of "divine stars" and the most attributes.

But such a place often means that it has the most gods and is often more dangerous.

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