The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1229 The same routine, an all-out battle

Liang Ji manifested his 'Star Spirit Body' and crossed the 'Star God's Gate', traveling through the endless void, and the next moment he appeared in the God Realm, in the Beast God Star Domain.

He stood in the void and looked down at the surrounding star fields, galaxies and stars. He could see the bright divine light shining on each star. The stars were completely refined by the divine light, and the spiritual veins of the stars were refined into divine veins. Become a 'divine star'.

On top of these 'divine stars', temples appeared one after another. At this time, the doors of these temples were opened, and the gods were sitting in them, sending out legions of angels and servants of gods to kill some of the 'divine stars'. go.

Liang Ji used the "Pupillary of the Star Spirit" pupil technique, and he could even see that among the "divine stars", there were many creatures that were kept in captivity and domesticated as slaves by the gods, and only provided the power of faith for the gods. Led by figures shrouded in starlight and divine light at the same time, they fought and fought with the legions of angels and servants of gods sent by the gods, constantly destroying the temples and altars of the gods in the stars, trying to overthrow the gods. rule!

Liang Ji could even hear the teams led by the Star Gods of the Star Temple among these ‘Divine Stars’ shouting slogans one after another:

"Overthrow the rule of gods, and all living beings will never be slaves!"

"Freedom of life! Freedom of belief! We all belong to ourselves, not to gods!"

"Overthrow the rule of gods, and all living beings can embark on the path of spiritual practice and become immortals and gods..."

Slogans were proclaimed one after another. As if their souls were awakening, those star beings who were captive and enslaved by the gods launched a deadly attack on the temple and the legions sent by the gods.

At the same time, the "Star God's Gate" opened in the sky, and Liang Ji and others crossed the "Star God's Gate" and descended upon you and other star masters. Naturally, they were also seen by the rebels in these divine stars.

Immediately, the leading star gods began to preach:

"The Star Lord of the Star Alliance has arrived, and this trip will definitely overthrow the rule of the Beast God!"

"All living beings who resist the rule of the Beast God and pursue freedom will be able to join the Star Alliance and become immortals and gods in the Star Alliance..."

After Liang Ji glanced at these 'divine stars', he withdrew his gaze and attention.

No more attention was paid to the Star Gods among them and the resistance forces organized by the Star Gods.

With his previous experience as an intern in the Star Alliance's "Complete Department", Liang Ji was fairly familiar with these resistance organizations.

Whether it is the ‘Pantheon’, ‘Tenance of Ten Thousand Demons’, etc. supported by outsiders in the Star Alliance, or the ‘Star Temple’ supported by the Star Alliance in the God Realm, there is actually no essential difference.

They all look for the shortcomings, injustices, etc. of one force, and then magnify the shortcomings, injustices, etc. as much as possible, and use this to recruit those at the bottom who feel the injustice within this force. Generations, constantly preaching to them the injustice, shortcomings, and disadvantages of this force, and at the same time preaching to them the benefits, beauty, etc. of another world, in order to attract them and join the resistance force.

Just like the 'Pantheon' in the Star Alliance, the evil gods supported by the God Realm basically grasp the unfairness and shortcomings of the Star Lord in the Star Alliance, while the rest of the orthodoxy are suppressed below and never have the hope of ascension.

Then he preaches the ways of the gods in the divine world. As long as he has enough faith, he can grow all the way to the ninth level or even ascend to the ninth level without cultivating the main planetary system!

In this way, those in the Star Alliance who are unable to follow the path of the Star Lord, who cannot see the way forward, the hope of immortality or ascension, will be tempted to resist the rule of the Star Alliance and embark on the path of the evil god.

Similarly, in the God Realm, the 'Star Temple' supported by the Star Alliance naturally grasps the fact that the gods in the God Realm are superior, and all living beings are slaves of the gods. They are kept in captivity by the gods, with no freedom, and no hope of practicing and moving forward. defects and injustices.

Then, using the beautiful scene that all living beings in the Star Alliance are free, do not need to be slaves or servants, can practice cultivation, have hope for improvement, and even become immortals and gods, etc., as bait and targets, attract the deities among the 'divine stars' everywhere. The captive and enslaved beings awaken, resist the rule of gods, surrender to the Star Alliance, etc.!

It can be said that the methods and routines are basically the same, and there is nothing new about them.

Therefore, Liang Ji quickly withdrew his gaze and attention and focused on his own affairs.

Looking around the void, they, the Star Lords, came across the 'Star God's Gate' and naturally attracted the attention of many gods in the Beast God Star Domain and even the God Realm.

Almost at the same time, the 'temples' representing high-level gods standing on the 'Beast God Star Field' quickly opened their doors, and high-level 'gods' rushed out of those high-level temples.

This is the 'Beast God Star Territory', which is under the command and control of a ninth-level Beast God Lord in the 'Paths of Gods' in the God Realm. In the entire Star Territory, whether it is a low-level god, a middle-level god, or a high-level god , or according to the names of the gods, lower gods, middle gods, and upper gods are also various beast gods.

At this time, Liang Ji saw various giant beasts and gods shining with divine light, coming out of various temples and heading towards them.

What was coming towards him was a seventh-level high-ranking god in the shape of a giant bear as big as a star, followed by more than a dozen middle-level beast gods and low-level beast gods.

When these beast gods arrived, they had already opened their 'god realm', summoning various angel legions, god servant legions, etc. from it to rush towards them.

"Roar!" The leader of the giant bear gods roared, then locked his eyes on Liang Ji and roared angrily: "The blasphemers of the Star Alliance dare to invade our world of beast gods. You are looking for death. !”

"Today, I will use your star spirit body to create a new throne!"

boom! boom! Rumble…

In the distance, roars and loud noises could be heard from various places in the Beast God Star Territory. It was the other Star Lords who had also crossed the 'Star God's Gate' like him and descended on the Beast God Star Territory, and they were already fighting with the people in the Star Territory. Various beast gods fight and fight.

At the moment, he did not waste any time and directly opened the 'Star Gate'. Familia in the natal stars, dragon beast elemental spirits, and even the gods of all levels, etc., rode out in dragon beast starships, starships, etc., and fought with those The incoming angel legion and the god's servant legion fought together.

Because he was deep into the enemy's territory and the number of enemies far exceeded him, Liang Ji used all his strength in his attack this time. All the combat power in his natal star, whether it was the family members, elemental spirits, or gods, even the Jiuquan underworld The heroic spirit army was also summoned.

At the same time, low-level, mid-level, and seventh-level dependents, dragon and beast elemental spirits, seventh-level to third-level gods, earth gods, and ghosts were also summoned.

It can be said that everyone went out to fight here!

Before this, there had never been such an all-out battle, even on the battlefield of opening up the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', or on the battlefield of the 'Void Sea', the 'Little Sea of ​​Chaos', etc.

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