The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1230 The geographical location of the God Realm and the further integration of the inheritan

Groan! hold head high……

With the sound of the roar of dragons and beasts, Liang Ji's natal star clan, dragon beast elemental spirits, deities, heroic spirit legions, etc. all came out to join forces with all levels of angel legions, god servant legions, and even some middle-aged soldiers who were coming from all directions. The low-level gods fought and fought.

Liang Ji integrated the inheritance of the three star palaces and advanced to the seventh-level star master. His family members, dragon and beast elemental spirits, deities, underworld heroes, etc. in his natal star have been influenced by the inheritance of the three star palaces for many years. , combat power, etc., have also been greatly improved, often far exceeding the same level.

At this time, in the beast god star field of the divine world, even if there is a majestic and brilliant divine light suppressing it all around, the families of all levels, dragon beast elemental spirits, deities and gods summoned by him can be completely suppressed. Enemy angels and divine servants of the same level can even join forces to fight and fight with some low-level and mid-level beast gods.

This shows how strong and powerful they are.

Liang Ji's eyes quickly swept across the battlefield, confirming that his family members, dragon and beast elemental spirits, gods and gods, etc. were basically not at a disadvantage. The current 'Star Spirit Body' also manifested the state of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', and its size increased. To the same level as the seventh-level giant bear god who came from the opposite side.

At the same time, the three star palace inheritances of 'The List of Gods', 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and the 'Bloodline Atlas' flew out from the natal star and merged with his 'Star Spirit Body'. The three star palace inheritances merged into one, immediately integrating his Combat power is pushed to the limit-breaking level.

"I am in the enemy's territory, and the battlefield may change at any time. I still need to harvest a sufficient number and attributes of 'divine stars', but I don't have time to entangle and delay here, so I must fight quickly and deal with the enemy quickly!"

With a thought in his mind, Liang Ji waved his hand and raised the 'Elemental Hammer' transformed from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', pushing his beyond-limit strength to the peak, and faced the seventh-level giant bear god opposite without hesitation.

This seventh-level giant bear god has earth-like divine light blooming all over his body, and he also has infinite power. Even among the generally warlike beast gods, he is also a strong person of the same level who is good at fighting.

At this time, seeing Liang Ji not shying away and approaching him, his eyes suddenly shone with a bright light, and his face showed excitement. He laughed loudly and said: "How brave! How dare you come in our beast god world?" Go head-to-head with this god!"

"Looking at your courage that is not afraid of death, I decided to kill you and leave your head to hang in my temple as a souvenir!"

Before he finished speaking, the charging giant bear god roared, raised his giant axe, and called out: "House of the Gods, help me kill the enemy!"

The next moment, Liang Ji saw that in the direction from which the giant bear god was rushing, there were temples above the stars in several galaxies, temples above the galaxies, and even a temple that looked like a giant bear above the entire beast god star field. , as well as the 'Phoenix Temples' that stand above all the star fields in the entire 'God Realm', with strong or weak divine light blooming and shooting directly into the body of the giant bear god.

Obviously, the temple that stands above the 'Beast God Star Domain' and looks like a giant bear is the temple of the seventh-level giant bear beast god itself. The divine light that erupts and shoots out from it is also the brightest and strongest.

The several galaxies in the direction of the giant bear god are obviously controlled by the seventh-level giant bear god. Among them, the middle god temple towers above the galaxy, and the lower god temple towers above the stars in the galaxy. , are all under his rule, so under his call, they are also blessed by strong or weak divine light.

Finally, there is the 'Palace of Gods' that stands above all the star fields in the God Realm. It is the strongest and most important artifact in the God Realm. Just like the Star Alliance's 'Celestial Star Array', it protects the entire God Realm. boundary.

Similarly, the gods in this divine world, as long as they have sufficient authority, can also summon some of the power belonging to the "pantheon of gods" to bless and help.

Just like the Star Master cultivator in the Star Alliance summoning the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' to help.

Although this seventh-level giant bear god looks reckless and warlike, he is not lacking in thought at all. Once he takes action, he will try his best to make the most of his geographical advantages in the God Realm. He not only summons his own temple, but also the gods under his command. The temples of the gods help, and they even directly summon the highest artifact 'the temples' to help!

It can be seen that the divine light emitted by the 'Holy Temple' is the thinnest and least among all the divine light emitted, but the power and intensity contained in it are even greater than his own 'Bear Temple'.

Under the blessing of the divine light power of these temples, the seventh-level giant bear god roared, and his body expanded again, growing by nearly half out of thin air. His divine light, aura, power, and combat power were also pushed to the peak of the seventh level. .

The seventh-level Bear God felt at this moment that his artifact giant ax could cut off everything, including the Covenant Star Lord rushing from the opposite side!


With a final roar, the giant bear god collided with Liang Ji's star spirit. The artifact's giant ax split the void, cut through the chaos, and slashed directly towards Liang Ji.


At this time, Liang Ji's body seemed to hear a dragon's roar, and the dragon ball of creation loomed in it, and the light of creation bloomed, pushing his aura, power, and combat power to a peak again.


With a loud roar, the 'Elemental Giant Hammer' collided with the seventh-order Bear God's giant ax artifact. The super-limited power finally overwhelmed the seventh-order Bear God and blew away the giant ax artifact in his hand. .


Such a change immediately made the seventh-level bear god stare and roar. When he looked at his hand, not only was the giant ax artifact blown away, but even its divine body was blasted apart, sprinkling earthy divine blood, dripping into the void, like Having divinity seems to be the purpose of deriving living beings.

But in an instant, he was swallowed up by the power of void and chaos stirring in the surrounding battlefield.

Liang Ji had no intention of stopping at this time. He was in the God Realm and the battlefield was ever-changing. His time was limited and there was no room for delay.

Therefore, he once again raised the 'Elemental Hammer' and struck it at the seventh-level bear god.

Star magic, instant element!

When the giant hammer approached, the seventh-level Bear God also reacted quickly and no longer dwelled on his defeat. He roared and a temple instantly appeared around him. It was exactly like the 'Bear Temple', guarding it firmly. Resist Liang Ji's giant hammer.

At this time, on the 'Elemental Hammer' blasted by Liang Ji, there was not only the bright light of the elements shining, but also the powerful flow of divine light, which was the power of the 'God List'.

As he practiced and grew up among the seventh-level star masters, Liang Ji's mastery of the integration of the inherited power of the three star palaces became more and more profound. At this time, he was even able to use the "momentary element" of star magic with the "Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas" as the main body. 'Integrate into and explode the power of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

When the giant hammer hit the 'temple', the divine light on it shone and circulated, suppressing and restraining the power of the gods, and immediately broke open the temple. The 'Elemental Giant Hammer' followed closely behind and directly hit the seventh-level bear. God was hit hard immediately!

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