The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1233 ‘Guardian of the Gods’ and ‘Guardian of the Elements’ Sister Wan Ning’s help

Liang Ji quickly withdrew his gaze and saw the combat power and fighting methods of the veteran seventh-level star master. Although he was shocked, he was more positive and excited.

Because he believes that when the "Nine Yang Galaxy" he designed is refined and arranged, and the natal star galaxy is summoned to come, the combat power and combat effect that can be exploded will definitely be far greater than the "Four Symbols" of Senior Wan Ning in front of him. galaxy'.

Therefore, now he just wants to complete the collection of the needed 'divine stars' faster.

In addition, the two seventh-level beast gods chasing behind were already approaching, so there was no time to delay here.

Liang Ji quickly rushed into a nearby galaxy. This galaxy was not even guarded by a high-level beast god. It should have been solved by Senior Sister Wan Ning from the nearby galaxy in the previous battle.

This was convenient for Liang Ji. He directly took out a few blank "star map" spiritual treasures and began to harvest the "divine stars" in them.

At the same time, the 'Star Spirit Body' turned into a high-level star master, put away the 'Elemental Hammer' that used the 'Instant Element', and turned to the high-level star technique 'Guardian of the Gods' with the 'God List' as the core.

The bright divine light burst out and enveloped the four directions. Within it, various white, red, green, purple, and gold 'divine edicts' phantoms appeared, condensing into the figures of gods, guarding around Liang Ji. Blocked in front of the two high-level beast gods who were chasing after him.

In this divine light of 'Guardian of the Gods', there is also the brilliant light of elements flowing at this time, which not only increases the astrological effect of 'Guardian of the Gods' to an over-the-limit level, but also increases the power of elemental guardianship. , greatly increasing the defense power and defensive effect of this 'Guardian of the Gods'.

Ouch! Phew!

A wolf howled and an eagle chirped. The other seventh-level beast god chasing after him was a wolf god and an eagle god. They saw Liang Ji again roaring and chirping after harvesting the 'divine stars' in the galaxy ahead. Attack immediately.

One raised his hand and waved his claws, and flames full of destructive divinity burned out, rushing into the "Guardian of the Gods", but was restrained and suppressed by the divine light and the light of the elements.

The other is that when the wings are flapping, a large amount of divine wind containing tearing divinity blows out, and when combined with the divine fire of destruction, it is just a combination of the 'super limit' that contains both 'divine light protection' and 'element protection' 'Guardian of the Gods' is shaking, just shaking slightly.

At the same time, the angel legions, the family legions, the servants of gods, the elemental spirits of dragon beasts, etc. on both sides once again collided and fought in the surrounding void, turning the place into a chaotic battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Liang Ji ignored the attacks of the two high-level beast gods and defended and resisted with all his strength with the 'Guardian of the Gods'. He himself used all his strength to activate the several blank 'Star Map' spiritual treasures he had sacrificed, and tried his best to harvest the stars in the galaxy. 'Divine Star'.

There are a large number of god believers in the stars, as well as rebellious Star God believers and rebel armies. There are even lower gods and middle gods descending on some of the 'divine stars'.

Liang Ji harvested these 'divine stars', but he packed them all together and put them into the blank 'Star Map' spiritual treasure.

Even the lower gods and middle gods among them are often unable to resist, and they can only escape in embarrassment, or they can only be harvested together with the stars.

The blank 'Star Map' spiritual treasure is a treasure specially refined by the 'Lingbao Star Palace', one of the nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance. It seals the stars that enter it, even the stars of life and divine stars. There are all kinds of life, and it will not have any impact in a short period of time.

The interior of the 'Star Map' is as if space and time have been frozen. Later, Liang Ji will release the stars sealed in the 'Star Map' spiritual treasure and place them in appropriate positions to ensure the stars of life and the stars of divinity. As long as you can still maintain the nurturing and growth of life.

As for whether this will lead to some natural disasters and drastic changes above these life stars and divine stars, or even cause the stars to be downgraded.

Liang Ji didn't care too much, he could only say that he wanted to ensure that these stars were intact and of the same order as possible.

The Star Lord monks of the Star Alliance have practiced all the way to high levels, and they no longer have so much 'Mother's Heart'. How many of those who can cultivate to high-level star masters have never destroyed stars, or even destroyed stars of life?

During the development of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', there were many who wiped out all the monster life on the life stars in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

And it is not impossible to travel in the outer star sea, discover the stars of life, and conquer or even exterminate the indigenous life on them!

It is even more common for one's own family members to suffer a large number of casualties in battles and killings!

Having seen these things of life, death, destruction, and extinction, how many of the Star Lords of the Star Alliance, especially the high-level Star Lords, are ‘merciful Lords’?

Therefore, Liang Ji did not hesitate to destroy the 'Black and White Star Realm' in the spiritual world and the 'Beast God Star Realm' in the divine world. As for the many casualties and destruction caused by this, he no longer cared about it.

"Haha... Senior Brother Liang, do you need Senior Sister to help you stop a beast god?"

At this time, in the nearby galaxy, Senior Sister Wan Ning had arrived as her natal star galaxy, destroying and devouring that galaxy. Seeing the battle here, Liang Ji immediately asked with a smile.

"Thank you very much, senior!" Liang Ji did not refuse. After all, it was a race against time. Senior Wan Ning helped him stop a seventh-level beast god, so that he would have more time and energy to harvest more gods. Sex Star' This is of great benefit to him.

Naturally, Liang Ji would not miss such an opportunity because of some "courtesy" or "self-esteem".

He smiled and thanked: "When I get back, junior brother, I will definitely thank senior sister with a big gift!"

"Okay! Then I will remember what my junior said..."

Senior Sister Wan Ning said with a smile. She had already arrived with the natal star galaxy 'Four Symbol Galaxy' with projections from all around, and directly brought the seventh-level eagle god and a large number of angel legions, god servant legions, as well as some middle gods and lower gods. Gods, etc., directly suppress and include them.

The 'Four Symbols Galaxy' that the projection descended turned into a large formation and moved like a mill, instantly crushing a large number of angel legions, god servant legions, and even some middle gods and lower gods, including the seventh-level eagle god. It is also difficult to resist in it.


Seeing this, the seventh-level eagle god called with a chirp. The next moment, dozens of bright divine lights flew from a distance. When they came closer, they broke into the projection of the illusory and real "Four Symbols Galaxy" before manifesting their true bodies. , but there are more than a dozen 'temples' of different sizes.

The largest among them is the 'Eagle Temple' of the seventh-level eagle god, which is no less than some stars. The other dozen or so 'temples' are temples of various intermediate gods and lower gods, all of which obviously belong to these seven levels. The temples of gods under the command of the Eagle God were also recruited and summoned by him at this time.

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