The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1234 Temple Galaxy The Strength of Powerful Gods

The seventh-level Eagle God summoned more than a dozen large and small temples, with his own Eagle Temple as the center, and the other large and small temples surrounding it to form a large array, which looked very similar to the operation of the galaxy.

And its Eagle Temple is the central sun of this ‘Temple Galaxy’!

boom! boom! Rumble…

The 'Temple Galaxy' collided with the 'Four Symbol Galaxy' summoned by Senior Sister Wan Ning, and there was a roar and explosion. Some temples were smashed, and some projected stars were blasted.

Even the natal star galaxy summoned by Senior Sister Wan Ning shook and shook.

When Liang Ji and Senior Sister Wan Ning saw this, their expressions were slightly stunned and a little solemn.

Being able to summon the temple to descend, form a 'temple galaxy', and compete with Senior Sister Wan Ning's natal star galaxy projection to descend, it is obvious that this seventh-order eagle god is definitely a mature and advanced existence among the seventh-order gods, and is the veteran seventh-order eagle god. Ranked gods.

Its strength and combat power far surpassed the seventh-level bear god that Liang Ji defeated before, and also surpassed the seventh-level wolf god on the other side who was still attacking Liang Ji's "Guardian of the Gods" star technique.

Senior Sister Wan Ning also looked solemn at this time and said loudly: "Senior Brother Liang, this Eagle God is a powerful guy. I must concentrate my strength to fight him. I won't be able to help you anymore, it's all up to you!"

With that said, Senior Sister Wan Ning even took the initiative to shrink the projection and descending natal star galaxy, and released some of the angel legions, divine servant legions, and middle gods and lower gods that were suppressed in it, so as to shrink more power to deal with the seventh-order eagle. Gods and the 'Temple Galaxy' attack and battle.

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately raised his voice and said: "Senior, don't worry, I'm very grateful for being able to block the Eagle God. Leave the rest to me!"

As he spoke, Liang Ji also urged the blank 'star map' spiritual treasures more and more quickly to harvest the selected 'divine stars'.

This even caused the movements to be a little rough, causing one or two of the harvested 'divine stars' to be shaken, damaged, or even broken or dropped, but Liang Ji couldn't care less.

At this time, we are racing against time. Even if some of the 'divine stars' are damaged, they can be repaired slowly afterwards. But now, we have to speed up the harvest of the 'divine stars' and take out our hands to fight and kill the incoming gods. Important matter!

Soon, several 'Divine Stars' were included in the 'Star Map' spiritual treasure. Liang Ji turned over and put away the several 'Star Maps', and at the same time turned to the seventh-level wolf god who was constantly attacking outside the 'Guardian of the Gods' .

In just a short period of time, in the process of harvesting the 'Divine Stars', although the 'Guardian of the Gods' blocked the opponent's attack, the 'Guardian of the Gods' also suffered a lot of impact and damage at this time.

There are even many 'divine decree' projections that have been broken and fragmented. These 'divine decree' projections can exert a power that is not weaker than the main body, and can maximize the 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique. The projection is originally related to the main body. Directly connected to extract the power of the body.

Therefore, the shattering and cracking of the projections of these 'divine edicts' will directly backfire on the main body, causing many of the divine edicts in Liang Ji's natal stars to be shattered, and even lead to the fall of the edicted gods, and even cause the origin of the natal stars, The turbulence and destruction of the power of law.

Fortunately, Liang Ji had already been familiar with this kind of battle, and the natal star had already prepared. Various formations were operating to stabilize the natal star, so that the turmoil and disaster would not expand.

At the same time, he used star magic to put away the "Guardian of the Gods" that had been shaken and damaged for a long time, and turned it into the offensive star magic "moment element".

The giant hammer shining with the light of elements and divine light appeared in his hand, and activated the 'Instant Elemental Divine Kingdom' to directly hit the seventh-level wolf god.

Star magic collided with the flames of destruction, and the power of the kingdom of gods and elements that emerged and died in an instant tore it into pieces, annihilated it, and directly hit the seventh-level wolf god.

The Wolf God roared, and various defensive magics and even defensive artifacts erupted from his body, but they were all destroyed one after another by Liang Ji's 'Elemental Hammer' and the operating 'Instant Elemental Divine Kingdom' star magic!

Liang Ji discovered that this seventh-level wolf god should have advanced not long ago. He was almost a novice at the seventh level like him. Not to mention his combat power was not comparable to that of the veteran seventh-level eagle god beside him. It was even worse than what he had defeated before. The seventh level bear god.

However, even though they are both novices, this seventh-level wolf god does not possess power far beyond that of the same level like him.

Therefore, after Liang Ji successively launched the 'Elemental Hammer' and Lianxu hit the 'Instant Elemental Divine Kingdom' four times, he killed the seventh-level wolf god on the spot.

It is a pity that the wolf god can grow to a seventh-level god. Although this wolf god is weak, he still has the means and knowledge of a high-level god. Therefore, when he was killed, the opponent also shattered the god crystal and flew to the entire star field, choosing He used the fragments of the divine crystal to escape, waiting to be reborn in the faith of believers.

Liang Ji intercepted most of the divine crystal fragments this time, but still allowed the opponent to escape a small half of the divine crystal fragments. This way, there was still a chance for rebirth, and it was not considered a complete kill.

Although he had regrets in his heart, Liang Ji quickly suppressed his thoughts and quickly crossed the void with the mention of the 'Elemental Hammer' and arrived at the battlefield between Senior Sister Wan Ning and the seventh-level Eagle God.

"Senior Wan, help control it!"

As soon as Liang Ji arrived on the battlefield, he immediately raised his voice and shouted.


Senior Sister Wan Ning obviously had some understanding of Liang Ji's combat prowess, and when she saw him coming to help, she agreed without any hesitation, and directly reversed the summons of the 'Four Elephant Galaxy' that came, and strangled the opposing 'Temple Galaxy'. And used this to suppress the seventh-level eagle god among them, making it difficult for him to evade and escape.

Liang Ji was not polite when he saw this. He activated the super-limited 'Instant Element Divine Kingdom' to the extreme and directly bombarded the seventh-order eagle god.

boom! Click! Rumble…

As a result, in the 'Temple Galaxy' controlled by the Eagle God, a lower-level god's temple exploded and collapsed.

This seventh-level eagle god is actually able to deflect the attacks he suffers, allowing the temples in the "Temple Galaxy" he controls to bear the attacks and destruction on his behalf!

Even though the temple is not its own, but the temple of a subordinate god under its command, it can still be used by it to ward off disasters!

It can be seen that this mature seventh-level god has the means and strength!

Moreover, as the temple of the lower god collapsed, the 'Temple Galaxy' controlled by the seventh-order Eagle God also became incomplete and no longer complete. Instead, it took this opportunity to escape from the entanglement and suppression of Wanning's 'Four Symbol Galaxy' .

Then, without any hesitation, the seventh-level eagle god detonated three more temples on the spot, two lower-level temples, and one middle-level temple. Through the self-destruction of the temples, it broke through the surrounding suppression and obstruction. The seventh-level eagle god took the remaining temples with him. He actually ran away without any intention of staying to fight or kill Liang Ji and Wan Ning.

Obviously, it has been seen that he is definitely not the enemy of Liang Ji and Wan Ning.

Liang Ji and Wan Ning were slightly stunned when they saw this, but they had no intention of pursuing them. After all, their main purpose in coming to the 'Beast God Star Territory' was to destroy and destroy, rather than to waste time chasing the gods.

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