The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1235 The difference between unrestricted combat power and native galaxy combat power

"Junior, senior, I will take my leave now!"

After the seventh-level Eagle God escaped, Liang Ji and Wan Ning had no intention of pursuing him, and the other party had no intention of continuing to act with Liang Ji.

After all, their mission on this trip is to cause as much damage as possible in the 'Beast God Star Domain'. If they can destroy the entire star domain, they will overfulfill their mission.

At this time, they naturally acted separately and carried out destruction and destruction in as many locations and galaxies as possible in the 'Beast God Star Territory', in order to achieve better results.

The two of them always gather in one place. Although the speed of destroying a galaxy may be faster, the damage and destruction of the entire "Beast God Star Field" will be much lower.

What's more, the two of them are always together. Although their strength is greatly increased, they may also attract more and stronger enemies of the gods.

By then, they may not be opponents. Let alone destroying the 'Beast God Star Territory', it will be difficult for them to save their own lives.

Therefore, not only them, but also the dozen or so star masters who came to the 'Beast God Star Territory' also acted separately, and rarely acted together.

Unless they are like Liang Ji and Wan Ning, they will fight against the enemy together within a short time when they meet.

"Thank you very much, senior. I will definitely treat you to a guest and thank you very much when I get back!"

Liang Ji also thanked the other party again, then parted ways with the other party, each rushing towards the next chosen galaxy target.


In the new galaxy selected by Liang Ji, there was a seventh-level giant crocodile god entrenched in it. After Liang Ji came to kill him, he raised his head and roared, opened his mouth and sprayed out a large amount of void power, and even the void and chaos were destroyed wherever he passed. destroy.

Liang Ji used his 'star spirit body' to integrate the inheritance of the three star palaces, and operated the high-level star technique of the ultra-limited 'bloodline origin body', like a chaotic giant descending, walking in the destroyed void and chaos.

The broken void and chaotic chaos cannot harm him. Instead, wherever the 'Chaos Giant' passes, he suppresses the broken void and restores the chaotic chaos.


The Chaos Giant formed by the 'Star Spirit Body' operating the 'Blood Origin Body' strode into the galaxy, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and a bright divine light burst out from his fist, directly blasting towards the seventh-order crocodile god.

This crocodile god possesses the rare divine power of the void, and the galaxy he controls also has rare 'divine stars' with void attributes. This is the main reason why Liang Ji chose to attack this galaxy.

However, the strength of this seventh-level crocodile god who masters the divine power of the void is somewhat beyond Liang Ji's expectations. Although he has not reached the maturity and veteran level of the previous eagle god, he is extremely flexible with the divine power of the void he controls. , stronger combat power.

Liang Ji used the ultra-limited star technique 'Bloodline Origin Body' to manifest the state of a chaotic giant, and exploded the power of the 'Bloodline Catalog' and 'Apotheosis of the Gods' with all his strength. However, he was only on par with him. He wanted to defeat him in a short time. It's almost impossible to beat.

Seeing this, he simply changed his fighting ideas and fought with all his strength against the opponent.

At the same time, he threw out several blank 'star map' spiritual treasures, and the third-level golden edict gods such as Wu Shanshan summoned by him took control and harvested the 'divine stars' with various unique attributes in the galaxy.

Wu Shanshan and other third-grade Golden Gods have also reached the seventh level. Although their strength is far less than that of Liang Ji, they are enough to sacrifice the blank 'star map' spiritual treasure, but the speed of harvesting the 'divine stars' will be much slower.

Therefore, Liang Ji could only go all out to fight with the seventh-level crocodile god who mastered the power of the void.

This battle lasted longer than his previous battles with the seventh-level bear god, wolf god, etc. Fortunately, no accidents occurred during the entire process. No other high-level gods came to support, nor did he encounter other colleagues. The high-level star master came to help.

Throughout the whole process, although Liang Ji relied on his 'unlimited' combat power to gradually gain the upper hand in the battle with the seventh-order crocodile god, it was obviously not an easy task to capture the seventh-order crocodile god who controlled the power of the void. , it will take at least several months.

If the location, environment, and time allowed, Liang Ji would not mind spending several months to capture this seventh-level void crocodile god and harvest a rare void-attribute divine crystal and a batch of rare void-attribute divine materials. wait.

But now deep in the God Realm, in the home base of the opponent's "Beast God Star Territory", the opponent not only has a geographical advantage, but also support may arrive at any time, so Liang Ji naturally has no intention of continuing to waste it.

Over there, Wu Shanshan and other gods sent word that they had completed harvesting the 'divine stars', and Liang Ji immediately issued an order to retreat.

Then, he stirred up the galaxy, which had lost several 'divine stars', had begun to have magnetic and gravitational chaos, and showed signs of collapse, collision, and destruction, accelerating the chaos and collapse of the galaxy, and then directly led the family, The deities and gods fled.


When the seventh-level void crocodile god saw Liang Ji and others escaping, he roared and wanted to pursue him. However, the accelerating collapse and destruction of the galaxy beside him made him stop and rush into the galaxy to stabilize it. Galaxy, reorganize and restore the normal operation of the galaxy.

Liang Ji looked at the seventh-order Void Crocodile God suppressing the galaxy and felt a little regretful.

Although it is said that he has advanced to the seventh-level Star Lord through the integration of the three-door star palace inheritance, he has "unlimited" power, and can even overwhelm and defeat many veteran and mature Star Lords and enemies of the same level.

But that is only surpassing and defeating in terms of absolute strength. In terms of the methods of many seventh-level star masters, they are still far behind those veteran seventh-level star masters who have completed the Void Refining.

Just like this, facing the crocodile god who controls the seventh level of void power, even if he has "unlimited" combat power, it is useless if he can't defeat the crocodile god who can control the void and be flexible in vertical and horizontal directions.

It is not as good as Senior Sister Wan Ning, who summons the natal star galaxy to come, suppress, suppress and block the void chaos. On the contrary, it has a more restraining effect on the seventh-order crocodile god who controls the power of the void.

At this time, Liang Ji was more and more looking forward to completing the process of refining the void, setting up formations, and mastering the power of his natal stars and galaxies.

When the time comes, the natal star galaxy and the 'unlimited' combat power he has mastered will surely be able to sweep across the same level, and even fight across levels to fight eighth-level enemies.

In the void, thoughts were whirling in Liang Ji's mind. He took several star maps from Wu Shanshan and other gods, and looked at the sealed "divine stars" in them, especially one of the void attributes, which made him very satisfied.

"Very good! Well done!" Liang Ji praised several consecrated gods, and then said: "Next goal!"

boom! Rumble...

However, just when Liang Ji led his family members, imperial gods, etc. to the next selected galaxy, he heard a violent roar and explosion erupting in that galaxy.

Looking up, he saw the eighth-level star master, Vice Principal Huntian, fighting and fighting with an eighth-level beast god in the void not far from the galaxy. The aftermath of the battle between the two eighth-level beings impacted the galaxy. Then half of the galaxy was destroyed, and many stars exploded and destroyed.

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