The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1236 The Ninth Level Lord God takes action

"Vice Principal Huntian! The eighth-level beast god!"

Liang Ji looked at the eighth-level beings fighting in the void outside the galaxy. From his perspective, the fighting and killing between Vice Principal Huntian and the eighth-level beast god seemed to be on par. No one could do anything to the other. .

Otherwise, the battle between the two would not have caused such serious aftermath leaks, directly causing huge damage to the nearby galaxy.

Of course, it is also possible that Vice Principal Huntian had the upper hand, and the aftermath of the impact on the galaxy was intentionally triggered and impacted by the other party.

But no matter what the situation was, Liang Ji did not hesitate to lead his subordinates, the consecrated gods, etc., to turn directly away from that galaxy and the eighth-level battlefield, and pounce on another galaxy in the distance.

He didn't even bother to say hello to Vice Principal Huntian, let alone interfere in the eighth-level battlefield.

Although he has some "super limit" combat power, Liang Ji still has a very clear understanding of the combat power gap between himself and the eighth-level star masters and gods.

It may be possible to withstand several attacks from eighth-level enemies through "exceeding limit" combat power, but it is far from enough to be able to fight against eighth-level enemies or even intervene on the battlefield where eighth-level enemies exist.

Perhaps, after he completes the refining and formation of his natal star system, and masters his natal galaxy, and then adds the 'unlimited' combat power, he may still be able to resist for a period of time.

But now, he still stays far away. It is the greatest help not to interfere with Vice Principal Huntian's battle.

Congratulating Vice Principal Huntian in his heart for defeating his opponent, Liang Ji left without hesitation and rushed to the next galaxy.

But when they got closer, they discovered that this place had already become a battlefield.

In this galaxy, there is already a seventh-level star master fighting with a seventh-level beast god, as well as a large number of intermediate beast gods and lower beast gods.

This seventh-level star master was also the senior Liang Ji had met in the Kunlun Star Palace's Palace of Gods. At this time, the other party also summoned the projection of his natal galaxy to come and suppress the seventh-level beast god with one person's power. , as well as a large number of mid-level beast gods and low-level beast gods to fight and fight, and even sweep and destroy the galaxy at the same time.

Obviously, this senior is also an experienced seventh-level star master who has already completed the cultivation and formation of his natal galaxy.

When Liang Ji saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. He raised his head and activated the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit', looking at the distant galaxies in all directions.

Wherever you can see battles, it is either the battle between the eighth-order star lord and the eighth-order beast god, or the arrival of the natal galaxy summoned by the seventh-order star lord with all kinds of illusions and realities!

Obviously, when the principal, Immortal Lord Tianchen, was summoned to the Palace of the Gods, the star masters who participated in the raid on the Beast God Star Territory were either eighth-level star masters or had completed the Void Refining of their native galaxy. , the veteran and mature seventh-level star master arranged.

Among the more than ten star masters who attacked this time, Liang Ji was probably the only one who was a 'newcomer' among the seventh-level star masters who had not yet completed the training and formation of his native galaxy.

"Indeed, if they had not completed the training and formation of their natal galaxy and had sufficient combat power, the principal "Tianchen Immortal" would not have chosen them to participate in this dangerous operation."

"On the contrary, it's me. This time, I'm afraid it's probably Vice Principal Huntian who knew that I was going to come to the God Realm to harvest the 'divine stars', so he took the opportunity to pull me in and provide me with opportunities and benefits."

“The principal, ‘Immortal Tianchen’, should have no objection because of my achievements in integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces and my ‘exceeding limit’ combat power.”

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji used his 'Star Spirit Eyes' star technique with all his strength, scanning the surrounding void and galaxies, looking for a suitable galaxy.

The Kunlun Star Palace's invasion of the 'Beast God Star Domain' has reached its climax. Most of the galaxies in the star domain have been destroyed or are the targets of attacks by various star masters.

Therefore, Liang Ji chose two galaxies in succession, only to find that they were already the main battlefields of other stars.

Now, he wants to use the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' to choose a suitable galaxy where no other star master has taken action, and continue to harvest the 'divine stars'.

Soon, Liang Ji locked onto a new star system, which was already on the edge of the 'Beast God Star Territory', but because of its remote location, no other star masters had attacked yet.

Even, perhaps because of the remote location, Liang Ji did not find any high-level gods in that galaxy, which was the best target for him to attack.

At that moment, Liang Ji recalled all his family members, imperial gods, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc., and fled into the void, accelerating towards the galaxy.

In the blink of an eye, Liang Ji checked it and found that, as he expected, there were no high-level gods sitting here, only some middle-level beast gods and low-level beast gods sitting here, guarding the galaxy.

Perhaps there were high-level gods stationed here, but they were attracted by battles in other galaxies.

But no matter what the reason was, it was now convenient for Liang Ji.

He escaped directly from the void, turned into a giant hammer of elements with the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', activated the star magic of the 'Kingdom of Elements', and struck down several hammers in succession, killing several of the middle beast gods one after another.

In the God Realm's 'Beast God Star Domain', his ultra-limited star technique 'Instant Element Divine Kingdom' may require several hammers to kill a seventh-level god of the same level, and it is even difficult to kill him completely, and he will inevitably let the other party escape. Divine crystal fragments.

However, when used to bully the small and kill mid-level gods, the effect was surprisingly good. Not only did it kill one with one hammer, but these mid-level beast gods were harvested directly by Liang Ji before they even had time to explode their divine crystals. , it is impossible to resurrect.

After killing the mid-level beast gods in the galaxy, Liang Ji did not take action on the remaining low-level beast gods. Instead, he handed them over to his subordinates, deities, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc., while he himself Seize the time to sacrifice the blank 'star map' spiritual treasure and harvest the 'divine stars' in the galaxy.

The sudden change caused the remaining low-level beast gods in the galaxy to panic. They had no intention of fighting at all. They screamed and roared and fled away, but it did not prevent Liang Ji from harvesting the 'divine stars'.

There were high-level gods in the distance who noticed what had happened here and rushed over with roars, preparing to attack Liang Ji and stop his actions.

Liang Ji's family members, conferred gods, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc. have also come forward to block these incoming gods, angel legions, god servant legions, etc.

The tragic war broke out again, and a large number of dependents, gods, dragons and beasts elemental spirits began to fall one after another.

"The blasphemers of the Star Alliance! You are so brave, how dare you enter my divine realm to attack and kill!"

At this moment, in the void above the Beast God Star Territory, a huge shadow of the Beast God, which seemed to be larger than the entire Beast God Star Territory, appeared, shrouding the entire Star Territory with terrifying pressure. The sudden suppression came down, making Liang Ji feel like the world was falling apart and it was difficult to escape.

The ninth-level Lord God finally takes action!

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