The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1237 Ninth Level Battle: The Collision between the Supreme Artifact and the Innate Spiritual

With the ninth-level Lord God's action, it can be said that Liang Ji and others' goal of attacking the 'Beast God Star Territory' has been achieved.

The huge beast god's light and shadow that shrouded the entire star field opened its huge mouth and swallowed it down, seeming to swallow up the entire 'beast god star field' together.

At the same time, Liang Ji and other invading star masters in the star field also felt the terrifying devouring force coming from above, trying to suck them up and fall into the terrifying beast's mouth.

That is a swallowing power even more terrifying than a black hole.

Other star masters summoned the projections of their natal galaxies to come, using the power of the entire natal galaxy to suppress and protect themselves, resisting the terrifying devouring force in the void.

Liang Ji tried his best to activate the star technique of "Guardian of the Gods", and integrated all the inheritance power of the three star palaces of "God List", "Metal Furnace" and "Bloodline Catalog" into it, divine light and elemental light. , the light of blood merged into one, and the star magic of "Guardian of the Gods" was promoted to an over-limit level. Only then was he able to barely suppress himself and not be swallowed by the terrifying black hole of the beast's mouth in the void.

But continuing like this is obviously not a long-term solution.

In the 'Beast God Star Territory', on various battlefields, there are already a large number of Familia, deity gods, Familia starship teams and other forces summoned by the Star Lord. The devouring power swallowed it up, screamed and flew into the void, fell into the huge beast's mouth of the ninth-level master god, and was swallowed by the terrifying ninth-level beast god.

Even the projection suppression of the natal galaxy that is distributed everywhere and summoned by the star masters has also begun to sway under the power of the black hole of this huge beast's mouth, and is on the verge of collapse.

At this time, I saw a bright golden starlight, which looked very similar to the light blooming from the golden ‘God List’ in Kunlun Star Palace, except that one was divine light and the other was starlight.

Golden starlight fell from the void, like a huge golden spear, directly piercing the huge beast shadow that enveloped the entire 'Beast God Star Territory'.

Amidst the loud roar, the huge beast shadow let out a roar of pain, and the figure rushed straight into the star field below. The projections of many natal galaxies summoned by the star masters were disrupted and shattered, and the 'Guardian of the Gods' raised by Liang Ji The star technique was also shattered in half by the impact of the roar. The projection of the divine decree and the phantom of the manifested gods were all shattered.

The ‘God List’ among the natal stars suffered heavy damage in an instant, with several cracks torn apart.

This even affected and backfired on the natal stars, causing various natural disasters and phenomena such as earthquakes, thunderstorms, and fires to appear on them. Liang Ji's "Body of the Emperor of Heaven" manifested and fully operated the three realms to stabilize the natal stars and resist the backlash.

In the God Realm's 'Beast God Star Domain', Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Body' also suffered impact and backlash, and almost collapsed directly.

"The power of the ninth level is really terrifying!"

After a long while, Liang Ji stabilized his condition, couldn't help sighing with lingering fear, and looked up into the void above the star field.

"Fortunately, the principal took action in time, otherwise we all might not have escaped with our lives!"

But at this time, in the void of the 'Beast God Star Domain', a huge figure of the Beast God was constantly fighting and colliding with another huge figure of the Star Master.

The huge figure of the star master, holding a golden 'God List' in one hand and a golden starlight spear in the other, was the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', who took action.

The power of the two fighting against each other continuously impacted the surrounding void, tearing the void, chaos, and even the deep void into pieces and turning them into powder.

However, both of them seemed to intentionally control the direction of the aftermath, and did not let the aftermath of the fight impact the 'Beast God Star Territory' below.

The ninth-level main god is because this is his territory, and there are a large number of his believers in the 'Beast God Star Domain' below, which is one of his sources of power.

The ninth-level Lord God will naturally not destroy his own territory and the source of his faith.

The principal, ‘Immortal Tianchen’, is because Liang Ji and other star masters are still in the star field.

If the aftermath of their two ninth-level battles were allowed to rush into the 'Beast God Star Territory', he was worried that except for a few eighth-level star masters, the rest of the seventh-level star masters who participated in the operation would be affected by the aftermath of their battle. The star field was destroyed together.

It can be said that the star masters who participated in the attack this time all have the foundation and future of Kunlun Star Palace. It would be a real joke if they were not killed by the gods of the gods, but died in the aftermath of their own battle with the enemy.

However, after the principal 'Tianchen Immortal Lord' took action to stop the ninth-level Lord God on the opposite side, he also issued a new order simultaneously: "Attention everyone, the mission has been completed. Evacuate the God Realm immediately and return to the Star Alliance!"

At the same time, an illusory and real 'Celestial Star Array' appeared in the void, gathering starlight to form a huge 'Starlight Gate'. Obviously, this was the action of the principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', at the same time, mobilizing the innate The Lingbao 'Zhoutian Star Array' opened for them the passage back to the Star Alliance.

"Roar!" The ninth-level behemoth master god who was fighting against the principal 'Tianchen Immortal Lord' also roared angrily when he saw this, and then also ordered: "All the gods of the beast god system, let me keep them forever!"

"If you escape, I will banish you to the 'divine prison' for hundreds of years!"

As he finished speaking, the supreme artifact of the God Realm, the ‘Palace of Gods’, descended from outside the void, bursting out with bright holy light and blasting towards the ‘Starlight Gate’ that opened in the void.

Apparently it was also an attack summoned by the ninth-level behemoth god!

In the God Realm, the supreme artifact "Holy Temples" stands high above all star fields and is the residence of the ninth-level main god.

Similarly, the ninth-level main god can also summon the power of the ‘Palace of Gods’ to launch an attack.

However, above the 'Starlight Gate' in the void, there is an illusory and real 'Celestial Star Array' manifested, which can withstand the bombardment of the divine light of the 'Holy Temples'.

No one knows which one is stronger, the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array’ or the supreme artifact ‘Palace of Gods’.

After all, although the two super civilizations of the Star Alliance and the God Realm have been hostile to each other for many years, they have not developed to the level of direct collision and confrontation with the supreme artifacts and innate spiritual treasures.

If it really gets to that point, I'm afraid it will be a life-and-death battle between two super civilizations, and it will definitely end with the complete destruction of one side.

The greater possibility is that both sides will suffer losses, or even die together!

In today's void cosmic environment, no matter whether it is the Star Alliance or the God Realm, it is naturally impossible for such a life-and-death war to break out.

Therefore, naturally there will be no direct collision or confrontation between the 'Palace of Gods' and the 'Zhoutian Star Formation' to determine the winner.

In more cases, it is the collision and confrontation of the respective projection forces, or the collision and confrontation between one entity and the other party's projection.

Just like the evil god of the Pantheon, he summoned the projection of the 'Pantheon' in the Star Alliance to collide with the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Or maybe it's like this now, with Liang Ji and other Star Lord invaders summoning the projection of the 'Celestial Star Array' to come and confront the 'Path of Gods' itself.

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