The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1238: Retreat from the power of ‘Contract of Stars’

The supreme artifact ‘Palace of Gods’ and the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array’, no matter who is stronger or weaker.

However, the projection of the 'Celestial Star Array' is certainly no match for the 'Paths of Gods' where the main body has descended.

The bright divine light blasted out from the 'Palace of Gods' and directly hit the projection of the 'Celestial Star Array' guarding the 'Starlight Gate'. Although it was blocked by the projection of the 'Celestial Star Array', there was no bombardment. Go to the 'Starlight Gate'.

However, it can be clearly seen that the thirty-four star field projections manifested by the 'Sky Star Array' projection, at this time, one of the star field projections was shattered by the divine light bombardment just now, turning it into a chaotic mess. Void chaos.

In other words, the projected ‘Celestial Star Array’ can only withstand a maximum of thirty-four attacks from the ‘Holy Temples’ body.

When the projection of the 'Star Array of Zhou Tian' is projected, the thirty-four star field projections are destroyed by the bombardment of the 'Holy Temples' and turned into chaos and shattered void chaos, then the projection of 'Star Array of Zhou Tian' will be If it is completely destroyed, the 'Starlight Gate' guarded below will naturally be directly attacked or even destroyed.

And it obviously wouldn't take much time for the 'Holy Temples' to launch thirty-four attacks in the God Realm itself.

This means that Liang Ji and others do not have much time to retreat.

Once you are dragged and blocked by the gods of the God Realm, and miss the retreat of the 'Starlight Gate', it may be difficult to escape.

Even in this super civilized god world, facing eighth-level or even ninth-level gods, it is difficult for the star master to be reborn in his natal star after falling.

Liang Ji believes that in the super-civilized God Realm, there is absolutely a way to locate and even attack the natal star through the star master, destroy the natal star, and completely cut off the star master's path to rebirth.

After all, the Star Alliance and the God Realm have been fighting and fighting for so many years. How can they not understand each other's methods? They must have created various ways to restrain the other's methods.

Therefore, after the principal 'Tianchen Immortal' issued the order to retreat, and after seeing the huge 'Starlight Gate' opened in the void, all the Star Lord monks who invaded the 'Beast God Star Territory' did not hesitate at all. Hesitating, they all gave up their goals and retreated towards the 'Starlight Gate', hoping to withdraw to the Covenant through the 'Starlight Gate' as soon as possible.

Liang Ji also directly gave up a few of the half-harvested 'divine stars' and directly activated the sacrificed 'star map' spiritual treasures, but instead of collecting the 'divine stars', he Nearly half of the 'divine stars' collected were spit out, moved, and blasted towards the gods that were coming around.

Using these nearly half of the 'divine stars' as weapons, the gods who rushed towards them did not dare to make a heavy move for fear of destroying these 'divine stars'. After all, they were all their believers and the source of their strength. The guarantee of rebirth cannot be easily destroyed.

On the contrary, in the face of the 'divine stars' that Liang Ji bombarded, they even had to carefully accept them and try their best to ensure the normal survival of the believers and creatures in them.

Then, these "divine stars" must be returned to their proper positions in the galaxy to stabilize the operation of the galaxy and ensure the safety of the "divine stars" and the safe survival of believers and creatures in them.

This further hindered the gods who came to kill them.

Liang Ji took this opportunity to recall the remaining family members, dragon beast elemental spirits, gods, underworld heroic legions, dragon beast starships, etc. to their natal stars one after another. Then, before he could clean up the battlefield, he headed towards the void. The huge 'Starlight Gate' opened in the middle and escaped.

In doing so, although he lost a few 'divine stars', it gave him the greatest chance of escape and time to escape. Naturally, Liang Ji did not hesitate.

After all, the 'divine star' is gone, and you can still try to find it, but you only have one life.

What's more, although this invasion of the 'Beast God Star Territory' didn't last long, he had already harvested a lot of 'divine stars'. The number had already exceeded nine, which was more than he needed.

Although many of them have the same attributes, not all other required attributes have been collected yet.

However, there are more than a dozen Star Lords who have invaded the 'Beast God Star Territory' this time, and other Star Lords have naturally harvested 'Divine Stars' with different attributes. He can wait until he returns to the Star Alliance to meet with these seniors and sisters. , the seniors of the Star Palace exchanged and purchased to gather the 'divine stars' with different attributes that they needed.

But it is safer and more convenient than wasting time here and collecting more ‘divine stars’.

Not only Liang Ji, but also the dozen or so Star Lords who invaded the 'Beast God Star Territory' are naturally experienced and experienced people on the battlefield. Therefore, they did not hesitate at all when receiving the order to retreat, and not only gave up their actions decisively. The above actions also use various means to block and intercept the enemy.

Even when Liang Ji was escaping towards the 'Starlight Gate', he also saw some star fields in the 'Beast God Star Field' that had not been attacked or had been re-suppressed and repaired by the gods. At this time, Roaring explosions erupted one after another, causing chaos and destruction, attracting the energy and attention of the gods in the star field.

Obviously, these are the methods arranged in advance by the seniors, seniors, and seniors of Xinggong. When they carried out the invasion battle, they not only focused on the present, but also made many arrangements for the subsequent retreat. At this time, they launched one after another Get up, provide cover for their retreat, and attract the attention and energy of the gods.

Seeing this, Liang Ji also shouted in his heart: I learned it!

By following these seniors, seniors, and seniors from the Star Palace who have been on the battlefield for a long time and have rich experience, he can indeed learn a lot of useful experiences and methods.

The next time there is such an action, he will know to prepare means and leave a way out for the subsequent retreat while taking action.

However, although Liang Ji, as well as the Star Lords and others used various means to escape towards the 'Starlight Gate', the gods in the 'Beast God Star Territory' were obviously not willing to let them escape easily.

Especially with the orders of the ninth-level Lord God and the threat of the 'divine prison', many gods fought desperately, even ignoring the safety of some stars and galaxies, just to intercept the escape of Liang Ji and others.

After all, for some gods, especially high-level gods, the divine stars and believers are important, but the orders of the ninth-level god master are more important. Even if the divine stars and believers are destroyed, they can still find new life stars afterwards. , taming the lives within them into believers, and refining the stars into 'divine stars'.

Under such circumstances, Liang Ji saw that he had already fled to the 'Starlight Gate', but was finally stopped by a high-level beast god.

Even in order to ensure that they take down an invading Star Lord, these high-level beast gods no longer attack or intercept the same level, but instead attack the Star Lords below them.

At this time, the person who intercepted Liang Ji was an eighth-level beast god.

"Leave it to me!"

Standing in front of Liang Ji was an eighth-level bull god, roaring and bombarding him with terrifying eighth-level divine power. Not only did he want to keep him, but he also wanted to severely injure him.

Liang Ji looked behind the eighth-level Ox God, and saw the 'Starlight Gate' that seemed so close yet so far away. Without any hesitation, he directly contacted Peng Yue through the 'Contract of Stars' and said in a deep voice:

"Ma'am, I need your help!"

The next moment, he activated the ultra-limited 'Instant Element Divine Kingdom' star technique and raised the 'Elemental Giant Hammer' to blast towards the eighth-level Ox God blocking the way in front.

It's just that compared to the previous 'Elemental Hammer', the 'Elemental Hammer' blasted out this time is twice as big. It is no longer a 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace', but is composed of two 'Ten Thousand Methods Melting Furnace'. change.

Not only does it gather the power of the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas’ in Liang Ji’s natal star, but it also gathers the power of Peng Yue’s ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas’ and his natal star!

And this is the power of the 'Contract of Connected Stars', which allows the two of them to be separated by countless star fields, but they can integrate the power of two natal stars and fight together!

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