The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1243 Liang Ji reaches his natal star in person

Fifteen years after Liang Ji returned from the God Realm's 'Beast God Star Field', he finally twisted the last round of stars and created 'one color of creation'.

And his natal star, as well as the three inheritances of 'God List', 'Furnace of All Laws', and 'Bloodline Atlas', as well as his clan, the conferred gods, and the dragon beast elemental spirits have all been restored.

The rest of the life stars, resource stars, and various special stars are all ready!

There was also news from Taiyi Star Palace that the 'bloodline stars' he planted in the Star Palace's 'Bloodline Star Field' have also been nurtured and he can go and take them away at any time.

It can be said that the refining and formation of his natal star system are all ready and can be carried out!

Liang Ji had watched Peng Yue refine the void and set up the formation for more than ten years, and he was eager to do it. He did not delay and arranged all the matters at hand. Then he went directly to the 'Bloodline Star Field' of Taiyi Star Palace, and put all the mature 'Bloodline Stars' into the prepared blank 'Star Map' and took them away.

After thanking Taiyi Star Palace again, Liang Ji also took all the prepared stars, resources, treasures, etc. and went directly to the 'Manggu Star Field' to the area where his natal star was located.

The first step of the Star Master of the Star Alliance is to refine a dead star into his natal star with the help of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array Map', and then develop and advance his natal star step by step with the help of the 'Zhoutian Star Array Map', and improve his own cultivation.

For this reason, the natal stars refined by each generation of Star Masters in the Star Alliance are often in the same star field, and are often in the newly opened star field of the Star Alliance.

Most of the natal stars of Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others, including the natal stars of many generations of star masters before and after them, are located in the "Manggu Star Field" that was opened up by the Star Alliance.

In recent years, with the Star Alliance's new opening of the "Tian Yao Star Field", most of the new star master monks in the Star Alliance who have embarked on the path of star master, their natal stars that they have refined through the "Zhoutian Star Formation Map" are mostly in the "Tian Yao Star Field".

Liang Ji, according to his induction with his natal star, turned into light and flew all the way in the "Manggu Star Field", passing through the void, galaxies, various star phenomena, etc., and finally stopped near the edge of the "Manggu Star Field".

Here, Liang Ji can even look up and see the sea of ​​stars outside the "Manggu Star Field", and in the distance he can see the figures of the Star Alliance Guard Corps, as well as the protective measures such as the guardian starlight hanging from the "Zhoutian Star Formation Map".

It can be said that the place where his natal star is located is already on the edge of the Star Alliance, not far from the Star Alliance.

If an enemy attacks the Star Alliance or the Manggu Star Domain from this direction, his natal star may be the first to bear the brunt!

Although Liang Ji's 'Emperor's Body', the Star Spirit Body, and the seventh-level clans and third-grade gods cultivated on his natal star, they have all been able to leave his natal star and enter the outer void star sea.

However, because his natal star star system has not yet completed the refining and array formation, it is still under the protection of the power derived from the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array Map', which is both protection and isolation.

Therefore, Liang Ji has never seen the geography, orientation, environment, etc. of the star sea universe outside his natal star.

Now that he has personally come to the star field void near his natal star, after seeing the location and environment here, he suddenly understands why the Star Alliance has to carry out a pioneering war every ten thousand years or so to open up new star fields.

For example, in the ‘Manggu Star Region’, by his generation, the natal star that was refined was already very close to the border area. It is estimated that there are not many places in the entire star region where the Star Alliance Star Masters can refine their natal stars.

More than a hundred years ago, if the Star Alliance had not opened up the ‘Tian Yao Star Region’, the younger generation of Star Masters of the Star Alliance would probably have no place to refine their natal stars.

“We have to fight for this…”

With a sigh in his heart, Liang Ji retracted his gaze and came to a void in front of him according to the induction of his natal star.

In his induction, his natal star was in this void, but he could not see any stars here at this time, let alone the entire galaxy where his natal star was located.

Liang Ji knew that this was because his natal star was covered and hidden by the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

In addition to the natal star, the stars, stars, and galaxies derived from the ‘Zhoutian Star Array’ are not only the key to creating and nurturing the star master’s natal star, but also the power to hide, isolate, and protect the star master’s natal star.

In order to prevent the star master’s natal star from being exposed to the enemies such as the Void Demon Clan, the Pantheon, and the Ten Thousand Demons Hall before it grows up, and being directly attacked and destroyed by the enemy, thereby slaughtering the star master’s monks!

Such hiding, isolation, and protection are the experience accumulated slowly with blood and lives over hundreds of thousands of years of development of the Star Alliance, and cannot be lax.

Even this hiding, isolation, and protection created by the ‘Zhoutian Star Array’ can only be opened and entered by the star master of the natal star. The other star masters in the Star Alliance, even the ninth-level star masters, have no right to open and enter the hiding, isolation, and protection of other star masters’ natal stars.

The opening of these isolations and protections is either done by the star master of the natal star, or the star master of one of the natal stars has fallen, and the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhou Tian Xing Chen Array' automatically opens the isolation and disperses the protection.

At this time, the Star Alliance can take over the fallen star of the star master, but it is usually difficult to save the star. It can only develop it as a resource point with limited time, while watching the star continue to degrade and decline. , and finally reshaped into a Death Star.

Just like the 'Giant Shark Star' that Liang Ji had seen when he was a first-order star master and a senior high school student.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji mobilized the power of his own soul according to the inheritance and techniques he had received from the Star Alliance, and made a secret in his hand into the void in front of him.

At the same time, hiding and guarding in this void, Liang Ji's body of star spirit and the 'body of the Emperor of Heaven' also manifested on top of Liang Ji's natal star, rushing out of the natal star and standing on the natal star that extended out of the natal star. On top of the pagoda, they are also making secrets on their hands, and they are entering the void and evolving galaxies beyond the stars.

The three magic formulas, the power of the same source, collided and blended in the isolation and protection of the galaxy derived from the "Zhoutian Star Array", and passed the verification.

As a result, bright starlight erupted from the natal stars and the stars, stars, and galaxies derived from the surrounding void, and converged in the void to form a 'starlight portal', leading directly into the void outside, revealing Liang Ji's figure.

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