The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1244 The urge to use body and Tao, the beginning of refining the void

In the edge area of ​​the Manggu Star Territory, Liang Ji stood in the void, looking at the 'Starlight Portal' that had just been opened in front of him. Through this 'Starlight Portal', he could see one of the illusory and real galaxies, and his eyes were on the first Time locked on one of the stars, which was his natal star.

This is also the first time that Liang Ji stands in the void beyond the stars from his own perspective, watching his own stars and galaxies, looking at the familiar stars, and the dragon souls entwined above the stars, and feeling the connection with the stars. The connection between them was as close as one body, and Liang Ji felt an inexplicable emotion surging in his heart, which made him shake and excited.

After a while, he suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, stepped across the 'Starlight Portal' in front of him, passed through the isolation and blockade of the 'Celestial Star Array', and came to his own natal stars and evolved galaxies.

Behind him, the opened 'Starlight Portal' was directly closed. Before Liang Ji completed the refining and formation of his natal star galaxy to ensure that his natal stars had sufficient protective power, the 'Celestial Star Array' was hidden, isolated and protected. , will not disappear.

Liang Ji came to the galaxy first, and merged with his "Star Spirit Body" and "Heavenly Emperor Body" in front of the natal star.

"I've met fellow Taoist!"

Suddenly, Liang Ji's body, the body of the Star Spirit, and the body of the Emperor of Heaven greeted each other at the same time, and then they all smiled.

Although he had experienced this trinity feeling for many years, it was the first time that he met them face to face, which made him feel quite novel.

At the same time, looking at the star spirit body in front of him and the natal stars below, Liang Ji always had an urge in his body to jump directly into the stars below, merge with the star spirit body, and merge with the natal stars.

However, Liang Ji quickly suppressed this impulse.

He knows that this is because he is too closely connected with his natal stars. From his essence to his great avenues, etc., they are all closely connected with his natal stars. The two are already one, so he can't help but immerse himself in them and merge with them. The feeling of oneness.

However, now is not the time for him to plunge into it and become one with his natal stars.

This is a practice that Star Lord monks can only perform when they advance to the eighth-level Star Lord and the second-level Hedao realm. The star master is in harmony with the natal stars and merges with the star avenue, which is the Hedao!

This step is a matter of life and death for high-level star masters. If an unprepared seventh-level star master rashly aligns himself with his natal stars and engages in combined cultivation, he will undoubtedly die and will only be transformed into his natal stars.

Like Liang Ji, even the refining and formation of the natal star galaxy has not been completed, and the seventh-level star master stage has not been completed. If he jumps into the natal star and merges with the natal star at this time, he will definitely die, and even more Not to mention advancing to the eighth-level Star Master and the realm of Hedao.

For this reason, they are worried that the seventh-level star masters will not be able to withstand the attraction of their natal stars and will devote themselves to it in advance and attack the realm of unity. Therefore, the seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance will go to their natal stars in person as little as possible.

For example, Liang Ji has not yet practiced the natal star system and set up formations. Although he has cultivated to the seventh-level star master before and can come to the natal star in person, he has never come to check it out, so this is the first time he knows His natal star is at the edge of the Manggu Star Territory.

The Star Alliance also recommends that all seventh-level star masters should only go to their natal stars to meet their natal stars for the first time after they are ready to refine their bodies and set up formations.

Lest you lose control when you first meet, throw yourself into it, use your body to match the Tao, and die in vain!

This is also the experience that the Star Alliance has developed over hundreds of thousands of years, accumulated by the blood and lives of the previous Star Lords.

Therefore, it was not until now that Liang Ji came in person and met his natal star in the void star sea for the first time.

"Lianxu! Lianxu formation..." After a long while, Liang Ji withdrew his gaze with difficulty and turned to the surrounding galaxies that were derived from the 'Zhou Tianxing Array'.

The seventh-level star master's refining and formation of the natal star galaxy is not only a part of cultivation and growth, but also not only to protect the natal star. This refining and formation of the natal galaxy is also a layer of restraint and protection, which can definitely The degree of weakening and isolating the attraction of the natal star to the star owner itself.

As long as the natal galaxy is refined and the formation is completed, Liang Ji's true body will stay here forever, and he can resist the attraction of the natal stars under the protection of the natal galaxy.

You can even take this opportunity to slowly try to align with your natal stars, looking for opportunities to advance to the eighth-level star master and the realm of harmony.

There are many seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance. This is the case. After the natal galaxy is refined and the formation is completed, they will stay in the natal galaxy and slowly try to merge with the natal stars and find opportunities for union.

For this reason, although there are many seventh-level Star Lords in the Star Alliance, they are not common within the Star Alliance. Most of them are either traveling, exploring, and searching for treasures and opportunities in the outer star sea, or they are working in various places in the Star Alliance. On the battlefield in the outer world, or huddled in their respective star systems, looking for opportunities to advance to the Hedao realm.

Unless there is a big battle like opening up the star field, it will be difficult to gather most of the seventh-level star masters.

At this time, Liang Ji gathered his mind and used the starlight escape method to go directly to the center of the galaxy derived from the 'Celestial Star Array', in front of the star.

Regarding the refinement and arrangement of his natal star system, Liang Ji already had a mature plan in his mind after hundreds of years of experiments, deductions, and plans.

The first step in refining the void is to refine the most important thing in the center of the galaxy, which maintains the operation of the entire galaxy and the existence and development of life, the star!

He circled around the star in the center of the galaxy several times, and ran the 'Star Spirit Pupil' to check the entire galaxy inside and outside several times. Then with a thought, he summoned a large number of seventh-level dependents, third-level consecrated gods, and gods from the natal stars. Seventh-level dragon beast elemental spirits, etc.

At this time, he is in the void outside the natal star. When he summons these dependents, gods, etc., he does not need to open the 'Star Gate'. It is just a summons. These seventh-level dependents, gods, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc. can be directly summoned. Fly out from the natal stars and enter the void beyond the stars, into the galaxy derived from the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Then, these seventh-level dependents, gods, etc. began to fly to various locations in the Evolution Galaxy according to Liang Ji's instructions, settling near important stars everywhere, and were responsible for suppressing these stars and the void area.

At the same time, Liang Ji also took out some 'star maps' that sealed various stars and gave them to these seventh-level dependents, gods, etc., so that they could cooperate with him in the subsequent refining and formation.

After all, the galaxy that Liang Ji needs to refine and set up is the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' that he designed himself. Although it has been verified by many experiments and he is fully confident, this is after all related to his own stars and his own life. , it’s always good to be more prepared.

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