The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1245 Refining the Void Stars and Arranging the Stars

Liang Ji was in his natal star galaxy, and he held up a spiritual treasure of the "Star Map". The "Star Map" unfolded, and the endless blazing, good-natured, and sacred star light bloomed in it.

It can be seen that a huge star is slowly rotating among them. This is the first "created one color" star created by Liang Ji, and it is also the most special among the nine stars he collected and created.

Not only is it the largest in size, it also contains the highest stellar energy, and it also contains the power of the ninth-level sky demon that he discovered in the 'Broken Star Galaxy'.

Over the years, as Liang Ji continued to create this star, he had already integrated the power of the ninth-level celestial demon contained in it with the star and created it into one. Not only did this star's size, mass, and energy far exceed those of other stars. Stars contain many unique charms and powers, which are of great benefit to the entire galaxy and the stars in the galaxy, including his natal star.

Therefore, Liang Ji chose to refine this largest and most special star in the center of his natal galaxy, refining it into a star derived from the ‘Celestial Star Array’ in the galaxy!

boom! boom! Rumble...

When this huge star was released and occupied the illusory star position that was originally derived from the 'Celestial Star Array', the huge energy, blazing light, huge stellar gravity, magnetic field, etc. it contained began to evolve here. spread in the galaxy, impacting and affecting the void, chaos, stars, etc. of the entire galaxy.

There were bursts of roaring sounds, the void was torn apart by the huge stellar energy and power, and the stars were ignited and shaken by the blazing stellar light.

Liang Ji's entire natal galaxy suffered a violent impact, crumbling as if it was about to collapse and be destroyed.

Even his natal star was shaken slightly by the impact of the virtual reality, huge stellar power, and magnetic field. At the same time, the temperature on the star began to rise, affecting the growth of plants and animals on the star. .

On the other hand, extraordinary beings such as dependents, spiritual beasts, gods, and elemental spirits can feel the changes in their natal stars, but they can still endure them.

This is the danger of seventh-level star masters refining the void and setting up formations.

In particular, Liang Ji chose the galaxy array he designed himself, instead of refining and arranging the galaxy based on the whiteboard model derived from the 'Celestial Star Array Diagram' itself. The danger contained in it was naturally greater.

Moreover, when he refined the star, he did not use the core of the star to ignite it, and then slowly grow and change, bit by bit refining the void into reality, and the false into reality, but directly replaced it with a huge star that had been sacrificed and created. The evolved illusory star can refine the imaginary into the real and the false into the real at once, and its impact and influence will naturally be greater!

If you are not careful, you may destroy the entire galaxy and destroy your own star. That is the real act of suicide.

However, Liang Ji was already very clear about this. He had conducted no less than a thousand experimental studies on the outer star sea in the past hundred years or so, with the purpose of perfecting the galaxy refinement and formation he designed. Naturally, he had already known about this. Prepare.

On top of the natal star, the body of the star spirit and the body of the Heavenly Emperor immediately led the remaining family members, gods, elemental spirits, underworld heroic spirits, etc. in the star to hold various sacrifices, operate various grand formations, and operate the origin, laws and order of the stars. Wait, protect and stabilize your natal stars with all your strength.

At the same time, in the galaxy derived from the 'Celestial Star Array', bright starlight burst out from the stars everywhere. These starlights criss-crossed and suppressed all directions in the evolved galaxy, exploding huge stars. The light, gravity, magnetic field, etc. suppressed less than half, and tried their best to stabilize the surrounding galaxies.

This is the power of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array’!

Before the star master's natal galaxy completed the refining and formation, it was originally derived from the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", which contained a large amount of power of the "Zhoutian Star Array".

When the seventh-level star master begins to refine the void and set up the formation, the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' contained in the evolved galaxy is naturally one of the stars' help in refining the void and setting up the formation. This is also the Star Alliance's support for the seventh-level star master. A great help from the Star Lord, every seventh-level Star Lord who refines the void has it.

If the seventh-level star master directly refines and deploys the array according to the "whiteboard galaxy" model derived from the "Zhoutian Star Array Diagram", then the power contained in this derived galaxy is enough to ensure that the star master does not have any problems in refining the void and deploying the array. , can complete the refining and formation of the void very smoothly, completely and quickly.

Neither the natal stars nor the galaxy will be impacted or affected, let alone in danger of destruction.

However, if you do this, the natal star system that has completed the refining process will be limited in its protection and assistance to the natal star of the seventh-level star master. It can only provide assistance at the most basic level, and it will not be able to help the star master in subsequent eighth-level, ninth-level cultivation, etc. What a boost.

If you want to use this to attack the eighth-level star master or even the ninth-level star master, unless there is a better opportunity in the future, there is basically no hope.

Therefore, among the Star Alliance, even those who are ordinary Star Lords and can reach the seventh-level Star Lord level will basically not use this 'blank slate galaxy' mode to refine the void and set up formations, even if they cannot design it themselves. If you create a suitable and better galaxy refining and formation template, you will also accumulate merits to exchange for a better and more effective galaxy refining and formation template from the Covenant treasury.

Of course, these 'Galaxy Templates' exchanged from the Star Alliance's treasury are also long-proven templates in the Star Alliance. Although refining and deploying them are equally dangerous, the dangers are much smaller. Basically, seven or more templates are redeemed. The star masters can safely refine the void and complete the layout.

Only Star Masters like Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others, who have higher ambitions and are more confident in themselves, can design their own star system templates for refining and setting up formations, even if they are exchanged from Star Alliance and Star Palace. The template is for reference only.

Naturally, Liang Ji designed it by himself, and it was an extreme galaxy like the Nine Suns Galaxy, so the danger of refining the void and setting up the formation was also the greatest.

As the power of the star system derived from the "Zhoutian Star Array" exploded, it could not completely suppress the impact and influence caused by the huge stars.

The seventh-level dependents, third-level gods, seventh-level dragon beast elemental spirits, etc. that Liang Ji had previously summoned from his natal stars were now taking action.

Some suppress the impacted void and chaos, while others protect the affected stars.

Others sacrificed the 'Star Map' spiritual treasures that Liang Ji had given them before, released the various stars sealed in them, and moved and placed them at the positions designated by Liang Ji.

Some of them directly replaced the stars in the evolved galaxy of the 'Sky Star Array', while others were placed in the void chaos where there were no evolved stars.

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