The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1246 The core one-yang galaxy is completed

The 'Nine Suns Galaxy' designed by Liang Ji has nine stars alone. It is centered on nine stars and has nine 'fake galaxies'. Finally, based on these nine 'fake galaxies', the layout It becomes an 'imitation of the stars in the sky'!

Not to mention the complexity, the area of ​​the designed 'Nine Sun Galaxy', including the number of stars involved, is much larger than the current natal galaxy derived from the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Therefore, when he refines and arranges the natal galaxy, he not only refines the emptiness into reality and refines the phantom into reality for the evolved stars that are already in the galaxy, but also requires many voids inside and outside the galaxy that originally did not have evolved stars. , arrange the stars in chaotic positions.

Ore stars, resource stars, life stars, elemental stars, divine stars, bloodline stars, ordinary stars...etc.!

One after another, either special or ordinary stars, were released by the 'Star Chart' spiritual treasures sacrificed by the seventh-level family members, third-level gods, etc. that Liang Ji had summoned and arranged in advance, and were arranged in the 'Celestial Star Array'. within the natal galaxy.

Although it is the 'Nine Suns Galaxy', the galaxy where his natal star is located and derived from the 'Zhoutian Star Array' is naturally the core and top priority of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' he designed.

Not only are the stars that are refined and arranged among them the largest and most special, but the stars that are arranged among them are also the largest, most comprehensive, and most special.

Not only are there all kinds of ordinary stars, but there are also life stars, elemental stars, divine stars, bloodline stars, etc. specially selected by Liang Ji.

The Life Star is one of the ‘sixth-level stars’ discovered by Liang Ji during his travels and exploration in the outer star sea. Among them, the star natives have reached the highest level of cultivation and growth.

Originally, Liang Ji wanted to move and arrange the seventh-level star master of the 'Three Holy Stars' into his own natal galaxy, as the core of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' and the 'imitation galaxy', in addition to the natal stars. Of the stars.

But later, after hundreds of years and thousands of experimental deductions, Liang Ji discovered that there can only be one seventh-order star in a galaxy. If there are two or more, it will lead to primary and secondary problems. Regardless, it affects the entire galaxy.

No matter how he arranged it, he could not form a complete and stable galaxy. The final result would be the collapse of the entire galaxy, and even his natal stars would be destroyed.

Unless Liang Ji's natal star can be promoted to an eighth-level star, then maybe he can place a seventh-level star in the galaxy.

In short, other stars in the galaxy cannot be of the same order as his natal star, otherwise it will affect the balance and operation of the entire galaxy.

So in the end, Liang Ji gave up the idea of ​​refining the 'Three Holy Stars' into his natal galaxy, and instead chose a sixth-order star that he discovered during his later travels and explorations.

It is one level lower than his natal star, but it is enough to maintain the balance and operation of the entire galaxy.

As for the elemental stars, divine stars, bloodline stars, etc. arranged in this central 'fake galaxy', they are also the largest and most special.

There are three element stars arranged, namely pure yang element stars, pure yin element stars, and ice element stars.

Similarly, divine stars and bloodline stars are also corresponding to dark divine stars, holy light divine stars, ice divine stars, as well as half-dragon bloodline stars and Jiaotu bloodline stars.

Similarly, in this central and most important core 'fake galaxy', the various ordinary stars, mineral stars, elemental stars, etc. arranged by Liang Ji are also the largest in number and volume.

And as the stars are arranged one by one, they are like treasures that suppress the galaxies, void and chaos, suppressing the turbulent and swaying galaxies, and suppressing the void and chaos that are under impact and chaos.

In the center of the galaxy, the blazing light of the huge star, the explosive magnetic field, gravity and other influences are gradually being suppressed and resisted.

The influence and impact on the entire galaxy and the natal stars have gradually weakened and become more stable.

Above the natal stars, Liang Ji's body of the star spirit and the body of the Heavenly Emperor also began to feel new changes gradually taking place on the natal stars.

The blazing power of the stellar light shining down from the huge sun in the sky is mostly blocked and absorbed by the galaxy, and the rest is the power of creation contained in it.

It took Liang Ji hundreds of years to transform this star through repeated experiments and creations, making the star contain the strongest force of creation that merged into one color.

Although the light of creation shines on the natal star, the effect is not as good as the effect of directly stimulating the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball', but this huge star can always shine the light of the natal star, influencing and shaping the natal star at all times. The stars, whether it is the duration or the amount of light of creation stars that shine, are far beyond the occasional light of creation of 'Dragon Balls'.

What's more, this is just the effect of the 'One Sun Galaxy' that has just been laid out. There will be the 'Eight Sun Galaxy' behind it, which will gradually add eight created stars. When the time comes, the light of the created stars that will shine down, whether in terms of quantity, quality, or... The effects, etc., will undoubtedly surpass the light of creation of 'Dragon Ball'.

At this time, Liang Ji could sense that the growth and accumulation speed of various powers in the natal stars, such as vegetation, animals, spirituality, divinity, etc., had increased slightly.

"But it's not enough. It can't speed up the refining of the demon elixir, nor can it speed up the growth and evolution of spiritual roots and spiritual seeds!"

“We still need to arrange the remaining ‘Eight Suns Galaxy’, complete the final Nine Suns Galaxy, and raise the light of stellar creation that shines on the natal stars to the extreme!”

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, but he did not rush to arrange the remaining eight stars and the Eight Sun Galaxy. Instead, he calmed down and carefully felt the operation of the central core 'One Sun Galaxy' that had just been arranged.

The "One Sun Galaxy" in the center is not only the closest to his natal star and has the deepest influence, but it is also the most important foundation and core fulcrum for the subsequent layout of the "Eight Sun Galaxy" and the entire "Nine Sun Galaxy". There must be no mistakes, and it needs to be arranged and operated to the most stable and orderly level before the next arrangement of the 'Eight Suns Galaxy' can be continued.

These are the lessons learned from Liang Ji's hundreds of years and thousands of experiments, so he is naturally not in a hurry at this time. Instead, he sinks his mind and spends several years slowly realizing the meaning of the 'One Sun Galaxy'. Operation, and slowly adjust the position of the stars, and even the direction and path of some void chaotic forces, etc., to ensure the stability and orderly operation of the entire "One Sun Galaxy".

Sometimes, Liang Ji even had to replace some of the already arranged stars in the galaxy, or cut off part of some stars to reduce their size, mass, gravitational field, etc.

After all, there are some differences between experiment and practice. The galaxy layout that has been perfected and has no problems in the experiment may need to be made in practice due to the influence of Liang Ji's natal star.

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