The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1247 Two pairs of eight sun galaxies facing each other, nine suns shining brightly

In Liang Ji's natal star galaxy, Liang Ji is carefully understanding and adjusting the 'One Sun Galaxy' surrounding his natal star.

At this time, Peng Yue was also coming to his natal star system through the 'Contract of the Stars', providing him with some suggestions from the perspective of a spectator.

Even the natal galaxies that the two are refining and arranging are also influencing and connecting each other through the 'Contract of Stars' at this time, and in this way, the existence and operation of their respective galaxies are strengthened and stabilized.

The ‘Contract of Stars’ has many restrictions, but once it is achieved, there are naturally many benefits!

Using the power of each other's natal stars to fight is just one of them.

Now that both of them have begun to refine and form their natal galaxies, more benefits of the 'Contract of Stars' have begun to appear, allowing them to use the other's galaxy as an anchor to further stabilize the refinement, operation and existence of their own natal galaxies. .

This can make the operation effect and stable existence of the two people's natal galaxies far superior to those of the same level.

This stabilization and adjustment of the core "Yiyang Galaxy" lasted for several years. Only when it was confirmed that there was no problem at all did Liang Ji feel relieved.

In fact, if he only maintains the existence and operation of this "one-yang galaxy" at this time, it can also be the natal galaxy of his natal star.

However, its effect is far inferior to the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' designed by Liang Ji.

What's more, the types and quantities of elemental stars, divine stars, bloodline stars, etc. that have been refined and arranged in this core 'Yiyang Galaxy' are still far from the attributes and characteristics contained in their natal stars!

Therefore, Liang Ji naturally would not give up the arrangement of the remaining "Eight Sun Galaxy".

However, the layout of the remaining "Eight Sun Galaxy" is becoming more and more troublesome.

In Liang Ji's design, the nine-yang galaxy is generally arranged in the direction of nine palaces, with the core "one-yang galaxy" in the middle, and the other eight-yang galaxies surrounding the "one-yang galaxy" in all directions.

In thousands of experiments in the past, Liang Ji has already verified that for the remaining "Eight Sun Galaxy" arrangements, each arrangement must have two stars and two "fake galaxies" at the same time, each in opposite directions. superior.

Otherwise, there will definitely be an imbalance. Not only will the remaining "Eight Sun Galaxy" be unable to be deployed, but it will even implicate the core "One Sun Galaxy" that has been deployed, causing the deployed galaxy to collapse and be destroyed, and even endanger its own stars.

In the past thousands of experiments, Liang Ji deployed the "Nine Yang Galaxy", and there were many imbalances, which led to the collapse and destruction of the experimental galaxy he arranged.

Despite the failure and destruction in the experiment, there is still a chance for a comeback.

However, once the refining and arrangement in the natal star galaxy are officially out of balance, failure, or destruction, there will be no chance to start over again!

Therefore, Liang Ji attaches great importance to and is careful about the ‘Eight Sun Galaxy’ that will be deployed next.

After exchanging some experiences with Peng Yue on refining and arranging formations, and deducing the refining and arrangement of galaxies, he gathered his thoughts and summoned the 'Star Spirit Body' from his natal stars.

Next, every time he arranged the 'fake galaxy', he had to arrange two at the same time, one person next to his body. Liang Ji was worried that there would be errors and problems, so he summoned the 'Star Spirit Body', and the 'Star Spirit Body' The body' cooperates with his body and arranges the remaining eight suns' imitation galaxy' at the same time.

In this way, we will try our best to maintain the balance and stability of the "Eight Sun Galaxy" when deploying it.

As for the natal stars, it is enough to leave the ‘Body of the Emperor of Heaven’ to suppress and operate.

Anyway, now that the 'Yi Yang Galaxy' surrounding the natal star has been laid out, with the suppression, protection and stability of the 'Yi Yang Galaxy', Liang Ji's natal star will also become safer, more stable and more orderly, relying only on the 'Emperor of Heaven' The body' can be suppressed and operated.

Liang Ji glanced at the 'Star Spirit Body', and after greeting each other, he each took some seventh-level family members, third-level conferred gods, seventh-level dragon beast elemental spirits, etc. to both sides of the 'Yiyang Galaxy' that had been arranged. , relative direction.

Then they each took out the prepared 'Star Map' spiritual treasures, refining materials, treasures, etc., and began to refine the 'Yi Yang Galaxy' and arrange the remaining 'Eight Sun Galaxy'.

This 'Eight Sun Galaxy' is located in all directions, facing each other.

In Liang Ji's design and layout, in the two opposite 'fake galaxies', the attributes of life stars, mineral stars, resource stars, elemental stars, divine stars, bloodline stars, etc. are all relative.

Water and fire face each other, wind and earth face each other, gold and thunder face each other, and poisonous wood faces each other!

Similarly, in the 'fake galaxy' with opposite attributes, stars with corresponding attributes are also arranged.

In the water-type 'fake galaxy', there are life stars mainly composed of water-type indigenous life forms, as well as various water-type mineral veins and resource stars, as well as water-type elemental stars, water-type divine stars, and water-type divine stars. The bloodline stars of the Water Familia Chi Kiss bloodline.

The same is true for other simulated galaxies.

Arranged in the fire-type ‘fake galaxy’ are various fire-based life forms, resources, elements, divine stars, and Suanni bloodline stars.

The lightning-type ‘fake galaxy’ is decorated with Biyan bloodline stars and so on!

The stars arranged in the two opposing 'fake galaxies' have opposite attributes, so it is naturally more difficult to achieve a balance. The only way to connect and adjust is with the 'one-yang galaxy' at the central core.

Even the 'One Sun Galaxy' located at the central core not only has to maintain the balance of the two opposing 'imitating galaxies', but also has to deal with the conflict of the power of the two opposing elements. In the end, it even has to connect them into one and form a beam. It is part of the "Nine Yang Galaxy" and the "Imitation Zhoutian Star Array" designed and arranged by Ji.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Every time two opposite 'fake galaxies' are arranged, Liang Ji spends more time observing and sensing the arranged galaxies in detail, and makes large or small adjustments based on various feedback situations. .

Moreover, every time the relative 'fake galaxy' is arranged, it will have a certain impact on Liang Ji's entire natal galaxy and natal stars.

During this process, Liang Ji also had to do his best to maintain and stabilize the operation of his natal galaxy and natal stars to prevent unexpected or destructive changes.

Of course, as each 'fake galaxy' is refined and arranged, although the difficulty becomes higher and higher and Liang Ji spends more and more time and energy, the benefits are also getting greater and greater.

Each 'imitation galaxy' contains the power of the stars of creation, as well as the spirit of the elements, the power of the body, the power of the blood, the power of the stars, the power of the galaxy, etc., operating through the arranged galaxy array. , reaching above the natal star, the influence and benefits on the formation of Liang Ji's natal star are also increasing.

Above the natal stars, the 'Body of the Heavenly Emperor' can clearly sense that the speed at which the stars digest demon pills, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc. is constantly increasing.

When the arrangement of the two opposing 'Eight Sun Galaxies' is completed, and the Nine Suns shine above the natal stars, the influence and effect on the entire natal stars will reach its peak.

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