The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1249 The Unparalleled ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’

The Manggu Star Territory is a place on the edge. It relies on several artificial galaxies and is stationed with a Star Alliance guard army, specifically to protect the border areas of the Star Alliance.

Therefore, the strength here is not weak. Not only are there many seventh-level star masters, there is even an eighth-level star master to lead them, and there are even more various third-level immortals.

At this time, above the border garrison, more than a dozen "Star Spirit Giants" appeared, looking at the "Nine Sun Galaxy" that had just emerged in the void in the distance, with different expressions.

These manifested 'Star Spirit Giants' are all high-level star masters stationed here. They can be said to be well-informed, but looking at Liang Ji's continuous formation of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy', he still can't help but Amazed again and again.

"He actually arranged nine stars in his own galaxy!" One of the star masters couldn't help but exclaimed: "Who is the star master who is refining the void and setting up the formation this time? How bold!"

"I remember that so far in the history of the Covenant Alliance, there are only seven that have the most number of stars in the galaxy, right?"

Another Star Lord raised his voice.

"That's right! It's a star master from 180,000 years ago, but that senior's situation is special. During his practice, he had no chance to refine his body and arrange seven stars in his natal galaxy!"

"Moreover, the senior failed and fell when he advanced from the eighth-level star master to the ninth-level star master. In the end, he did not succeed in ascending to sainthood. The reason for the failure may be that he did not refine the void and deployed too many stars!"

"So far, the person who has refined the most voids, deployed the most stars, and successfully ascended to become a saint is the Saint Tianhe who ascended not long ago!"

"He refined and arranged six stars in his native galaxy. This is the largest number of stars that has been verified and confirmed in the Star Alliance so far and can be refined and arranged..."

Several high-level star owners in the field were discussing, but they all had a negative attitude towards the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' emerging in the distance.

"This star master who refines the void and arranges the array probably doesn't have a good inheritance. He thinks that the more stars he arranges in his natal galaxy to refine the void and arrange the array, the better, but he doesn't consider whether his own natal stars can withstand it... "

"However, the other party was able to arrange this 'Nine Sun Galaxy' and accept the test, which shows that he is quite capable!"

"I hope I won't collapse directly in the next test..."

"Do you think we should prepare ourselves so that if the other party fails the test and the Nine Suns Galaxy that has been refining and forming the formation collapses, we can take action in time to save it?"

"It's not easy for the Star Alliance to produce such a bold seventh-level star master..."

Someone kindly suggested.

"This galaxy belongs to Star Master Liang Ji..."

At this time, a high-level star master in the garrison who was responsible for handing over to Liang Ji revealed Liang Ji's identity.


Someone else asked doubtfully.

"It's the one who successfully integrated the inheritance of the three star palaces of Kunlun Star Palace, 'Apotheosis of the Gods', Wanxiang Star Palace, 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas', and Taiyi Star Palace, 'Bloodline Catalog', and advanced to the seventh level Star Master, becoming the leader of the Star Alliance. The guy who opened a new path in the Star Palace!”

Someone explained immediately.

"It's him!"

"It turns out it was him..."

After hearing this explanation, all the high-level star masters in the field immediately reacted.

"Alas, I remember that the 'Light of the Stars of Creation' that is widely used in the Star Alliance today was probably the first to be fused and developed by Liang Ji!"

"Yes! He was the one who fused and researched it. For this reason, after the previous battle of the Star Alliance to open up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', he ranked directly among the top ten in the Star Alliance's merit list and received many awards. …”

"In this way, he also masters the special 'Way of Creation', plus the avenue of inheritance and fusion of the three star palaces. It is impossible to say that he has carefully deduced and experimented with the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' by refining the void and forming the formation." Yes, it can be successful?”

"Not bad! Not bad! This Star Master Liangji is still quite capable. I wonder if he will actually break the Star Alliance's record this time and successfully refine the void and form the 'Nine Suns Galaxy'..."

Gradually, a group of high-level star masters stationed at the border started to change the direction of the situation.

At this time, they let go of their defenses and even drove away a large number of void monsters. They had already rushed to the "Nine Sun Galaxy" emerging in the distance and invaded the galaxy.

All the star masters used their own methods and turned their star pupils to look around, but they saw a large amount of starlight rushing out of the 'Nine Sun Galaxy', which was like a stormy sea. Among them, there were nine blazing rays of light, obviously nine. The stars were shot out, and their power reached a high level, sweeping in immeasurable starlight. In just a few rounds of impact, they engulfed and killed a large number of void monsters attacking the 'Nine Sun Galaxy'.

Even the leader of the seventh-level Void Demon Tribe failed to stir up a single wave in the starlight.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks!"


"As expected of the Jiuyang Galaxy!"

"Quickly, drive more and more powerful void monsters to attack and see if this little test can't defeat this Liang Ji Star Master..."

Here at the border garrison, the high-ranking Star Lords who were watching suddenly started talking and making suggestions.

However, despite this, the garrison did not directly drive out more and more powerful Void Monsters to launch an attack. Instead, the Star Master responsible for contacting Liang Ji first confirmed that he would continue to intensify the test, and then drove out more and more powerful Void Monsters. The powerful Void Monster Tribe conducts an offensive test.

In the "Nine Yang Galaxy", Liang Ji naturally has no objection to this.

Every star master who refines the void and arranges formations to complete the natal galaxy wants to test the signs of his natal galaxy as much as possible, so that he can know it well, so as to avoid his natal stars and natal galaxies from encountering enemy attacks in the future. The Lord still doesn’t know where the limits of his own galaxy’s defense are.

It's okay if you underestimate it. At most, you can just find some opportunities.

But if you overestimate your defense power, once your natal galaxy or even your natal star is breached by the enemy, that will be the real danger.

So next, Liang Ji directly agreed to the request of the border defenders and continued to drive more and more powerful void monsters to attack.

The number of void monsters increased from thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, and from one to ten or dozens of seventh-order void monsters. Finally, an eighth-order void monster was even put in to attack.

Liang Ji fully controlled the "Nine Sun Galaxy", running the power of the galaxy, setting off endless waves of starlight, shooting out nine blazing star rays, and then stirring up the origin of eleven elements, the power of divine light, the power of blood, etc., and even finally suppressed it The void stirs up chaos, and even directly suppresses and crushes them with galaxies transformed into large mills. No matter how many void monsters come to attack, they are all directly killed.

Even the eighth-order void monster clan that finally came to attack also summoned the seventh-order family members, third-grade gods, seventh-order dragon beast elemental spirits, etc. that Liang Ji summoned to control the seventh-order dragon beast starship and help them in the "Nine Yang Galaxy" Below, they were directly surrounded and killed in the galaxy!

At the border of the Manggu Star Territory, the dozen or so high-level star masters of the defenders looked at the performance of the "Nine Sun Galaxy" that Liang Ji had refined and set up. They were already dumbfounded and amazed.

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