The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1250 Controlling the time flow of natal stars

In his native galaxy, the Nine Suns Galaxy, Liang Ji contacted the border troops of the Manggu Star Territory. He thanked the other party again for his help and said that he would cooperate more in the future, and then hung up the contact.

His natal stars and natal galaxies are located near the edge of the Manggu Star Territory. Liang Ji does not have the ability to move these natal stars and galaxies away. This will doom his future contact and cooperation with the border troops of the Manggu Star Territory. Indispensable.

After all, if an enemy really launches an attack on the Covenant from the border area of ​​the Manggu Star Territory, and if the opponent breaks through the border defense, then his natal stars and galaxies on the border will undoubtedly bear the brunt of the enemy's attack.

Therefore, whether it is for the Star Alliance or to protect his own star and his own life, Liang Ji must strengthen his cooperation with the border army, help the border army resist the incoming enemies, and block the enemies who attack the Star Alliance on Manggu Star. Only outside the domain will it cause no threat or damage to his natal star.

The garrisons at the border of the Manggu Star Territory obviously also know this, so the star owners whose natal stars are close to the border area are more likely to have contact and cooperation.

What's more, Liang Ji had just proven in the test of the Void Monster Clan that his "Nine Sun Galaxy" natal galaxy was so powerful that even the eighth-level Void Monster Clan could not defeat it, and was suppressed instead.

Such a powerful Star Master with a promising future is naturally their first choice to win over and cooperate with him.

The Bianjun even invited Liang Ji to visit and play with the Bianjun when he was free.

These border troops have been stationed on the edge of the Manggu Star Territory for tens of thousands of years. They manage the border area, as well as the large void and star sea areas outside the Manggu Star Territory. There are still many good things and good places in them.

Liang Ji was naturally very interested in this and agreed.

But obviously not now.

With the help of the border troops, Liang Ji was quite satisfied with the fact that he tested the defense and combat power of his natal galaxy, the Nine Sun Galaxy, with the Void Demon Clan.

But then, there is a more important test to be conducted.

It is to strengthen the control test of the natal stars through the natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy"!

In particular, see if you can control the flow of time above your natal stars!

The reason why Liang Ji spent more than a hundred years, wasting countless resources, treasures, and even destroying a large number of stars and galaxies, conducting thousands of experiments, arranging such a complex and dense "Nine Yang Galaxy", and controlling the time flow rate of his natal stars is that one of its main goals.

If this goal is not achieved, then the natal galaxy he arranged for the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' can only be regarded as half a success, and has not fully achieved his goal.

At this time, Liang Ji's real body was standing in the center of his natal galaxy, which was under the stars of the central galaxy of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' and above the natal stars.

As for the summoned star spirit bodies, dependents, gods, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc., they have all returned to their natal stars at this time, and are ready to feel the next changes in their natal stars.

Liang Ji used the power of his soul and mana to rapidly expand and merge with the entire "Nine Suns Galaxy". The entire galaxy seemed to be under his control, and a star map of the "Nine Suns Galaxy" seemed to appear in front of him. His hands reached inside, caressing the entire galaxy.

The entire galaxy began to operate according to the designed plan.

Above the natal stars, Liang Ji's body of the star spirit and the body of the Emperor of Heaven all raised their heads to look at the sky.

It can be clearly seen that as Liang Ji's body activates and operates the entire "Nine Sun Galaxy", the nine suns in the sky gradually begin to rotate faster, and the day and night flow faster and faster!

The body of the star spirit is aligned with the origin of the stars, and the body of the Heavenly Emperor is aligned with the law of the stars. At this time, you can slowly feel that the flow of time above the natal stars is slowly accelerating.

And this speed is getting faster and faster. Gradually, the gods, dependents, dragon beast elemental spirits, and even various spirit beasts and spirit birds in the natal stars can sense and detect the acceleration of the flow of time.

Above the stars, the growth rate of vegetation, spiritual plants, wild beasts, spiritual beasts, etc. is accelerating.

In the star spiritual veins, the digestion speed of the seventh-order Void Green Bull Demonic Pill that was planted just a few years ago is accelerating. Some seventh-order spiritual roots and seventh-order spiritual seeds planted in the natal stars are also accelerating their reproduction and growth, turning into various forms. Spiritual plants and spiritual minerals!

Even when Liang Ji pushed the operation of the "Nine Yang Galaxy" beyond the stars to the extreme, some areas above the natal stars began to gradually show signs of "changes in the sea".

Lakes and seawater expand or shrink at an accelerated pace, mountains rise or disappear...

However, as soon as the signs of such changes appeared, the nine accelerating stars in the sky suddenly stopped and resumed their normal operation speed, and the flow of time above the natal stars also returned to normal in an instant.

Beyond the natal stars, in the Jiuyang Galaxy, Liang Ji's body instantly disconnected from the induction and control of the natal galaxy, and he took a long breath with a pale face.

This is a manifestation of too much consumption. Controlling the entire "Nine Yang Galaxy" and accelerating the flow of time above the natal stars are still too much for him, and he can only do this in a short time.

And this is not only the consumption of his body, but also the star source of his natal star has been consumed by more than half in this short period of time, reaching the warning line, and he has to temporarily stop the operation of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' and the natal star time. Control and acceleration of flow rate.

But even so, Liang Ji could not help but smile on his pale face.

The test just now has successfully proved that the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' he designed and arranged has successfully achieved his goal and can control the flow of time above the natal stars!

"Now that we are not strong enough, we can only speed up the flow of time above the natal star to a level that is getting faster every day, which is equivalent to the time of a fifth-level star master!"

"However, as my strength improves later, I will definitely be able to control the flow of time above my natal stars more deeply, reaching the level of one day, one year, or even ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, etc. Then I will really be able to control the flow of time. The world has changed a lot since I thought about it!”

"Even, as long as the origin and energy of the natal star are sufficient, and the resources, treasures, etc. are sufficient, it can be like the low-level star master, after killing and injuring a large number of family members, gods, elemental spirits and other combat forces, it can regenerate in a short time. Nurture, cultivate!”

"And these quickly cultivated are high-level combat capabilities, which will definitely greatly enhance my combat capabilities!"

"Also, with the improvement of my cultivation strength, I will have more and more in-depth control over the flow of time above my natal stars in the future. I will definitely be able to do various things such as slowing down the flow of time, checking the past time, and even predicting the future time. The means of the great road..."

When Liang Ji thought of this, the joy on his face suddenly became brighter. These can greatly improve his combat power and even his cultivation prospects. Naturally, he couldn't help but be happy!

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