The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1251 The mutual improvement of the ‘Nine Sun Galaxy’ and the ‘September Galaxy’

It took more than a hundred years, went through thousands of experiments, destroyed countless stars and galaxies, and even ventured into the spiritual and divine worlds to seize stars and resources.

It can be said that after a lot of hard work, Liang Ji finally completed the refining and formation of his natal star galaxy. The effect of the galaxy fully met his requirements, which naturally made him very happy.

Since then, although his natal star has refined less than half of the seventh-level demon pills, he has completed the refining and formation of his natal star system, and he is already considered a veteran and mature star master among the seventh-level star masters.

In the future, when he fights with the enemy, he will continue to be able to use various 'unlimited' treasures and high-level astrological combat powers. He can also summon and guide the projection of his natal galaxy like other veteran and mature seventh-level star masters. Come and help him suppress and kill the enemy!

Liang Ji believed that with the help of his unprecedented "Nine Yang Galaxy" natal galaxy, and his original "unlimited" combat power, he would definitely be able to not fall behind even if he faced an eighth-level enemy across different levels. .

It is no longer like before, relying on the 'unlimited' combat power or the power of the star palace guardian, resisting one or two, without any fighting power.

So after Liang Ji tested the data, performance, and effects of his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy, he felt quite impulsive and wanted to find another eighth-level enemy and test the limits of his own combat power himself.

However, eighth-level enemies are not easy to find. Even the eighth-level void monsters are much rarer in the star sea, so Liang Ji quickly suppressed this impulse.

He checked the situation on Peng Yue's side through the 'Lianxing Contract'.

Peng Yue had refined and arranged the natal galaxy several years before him, and the 'September Galaxy' she needed to arrange was much simpler than Liang Ji's 'Nine Sun Galaxy'.

Therefore, it was arranged several years earlier than Liang Ji.

As for Liang Ji's natal galaxy 'Nine Yang Galaxy', it took more than ten years to refine it and arrange it.

In the Nine Suns Galaxy, the layout of each sun took more than a year, and the final overall adjustment took about three years.

Although the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' is complicated, the time it took Liang Ji to refine the void and set up the formation was not that long in the Star Alliance. Historically, the time it took to refine the void was much longer than it was for him.

This is because Liang Ji has fully done the derivation, experiments, and resource preparation of his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy. He did not encounter any accidents or waste time during the process of practicing and setting up the formation.

In the Star Alliance, there are many seventh-level star masters who are not prepared when refining the void and deploying the natal galaxy, or they make mistakes when refining the void and deploying the natal galaxy. It takes time, and even if problems are discovered during the layout, it has to be dismantled and re-researched, the virtual formation re-refined, etc.

In history, there are many seventh-level star masters who spent more than a hundred years to successfully refine the void and set up formations.

It can only be said that Liang Ji spent more than a hundred years of research, deduction, and experimental preparations, plus sufficient preparations for stars, treasures, resources, etc. This preparation time was enough for him to truly refine the virtual formation formation. The galaxy was completed in one go, and no time was wasted.

Of course, Peng Yue was also very well prepared, so when he refined the void and set up the natal galaxy, the September Galaxy, he did it in one go. He did not waste time in vain. He completed the practice and formation several years earlier than Liang Ji.

At this time, with the completion of the layout of Liang Ji's natal galaxy, the "Nine Yang Galaxy", the "Contract of the Stars" between him and Peng Yue began to work again.

The Jiuyang Galaxy and the other side's September Galaxy began to influence each other through the 'Contract of Stars'.

Liang Ji's 'Nine Suns Galaxy' was influenced by the other party's 'September Galaxy', and began to undergo some gentle changes under the domineering and fierce force of Nine Suns, running more smoothly and smoothly; similarly, Peng Yue's 'September Galaxy' It was also partially influenced by Liang Ji's "Nine Sun Galaxy", which added a bit of domineering, power and power of creation, greatly increasing the power and effect of his "Nine Sun Galaxy".

This was what Liang Ji and Peng Yue had deliberately prepared when they were researching and designing their respective natal galaxies.

It can even be said that Peng Yue's "September Galaxy" was originally derived from the inheritance of the "Wanxiang Senluo Galaxy" of the Wanxiang Star Palace and the "Nine Yang Galaxy" inheritance of Liang Ji.

Many of them have the meaning of cooperating with Liang Ji's natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy", which was done deliberately by Peng Yue.

It can be said that in order to cooperate with Liang Ji, Peng Yue made a lot of sacrifices.

Originally, with the support of the Vientiane Star Palace, she could design, refine, and arrange a natal galaxy that was better than the 'September Galaxy'.

But now, with the completion of the layout of Liang Ji's "Nine Suns Galaxy", the two natal galaxies have begun to influence each other under the connection of the "Contract of Stars", and her "Nine Moon Galaxy" has also begun to undergo some transformation and improvement. The final results, combat power, effects, etc. will definitely reach the top.

Moreover, Liang Ji's "Nine Sun Galaxy" will also be improved and transformed beyond the current limit under the influence of the opponent's "September Galaxy", pushing it to a higher level.

The two influence each other and transform together, and they will eventually reach the highest and strongest level together.

After checking Peng Yue's star system and confirming that the influence of the 'Contract of Stars' was correct, Liang Ji and Peng Yue went to the edge of the Manggu star field to visit and visit the garrison.

Peng Yue and Liang Ji were in the same group who worked together to refine the Death Star into the natal star through the "Zhoutian Star Array" and embarked on the road of star master.

The opponent's natal star is naturally also in this Manggu star field. Although it is not like Liang Ji's natal star, which is almost in the border area, the distance is not too far.

If the Manggu Star Territory border defense force is breached, Liang Ji's natal star is the first line of defense, then the area where Peng Yue's natal star is located is the second line of defense.

The natal star is in such an area, so it would be best to have a good relationship with the border guards and have more cooperation.

Naturally, the border guards welcomed talented people like Liang Ji and Peng Yue who were born in the Star Palace and had top combat capabilities, especially since they had seen the powerful combat power of Liang Ji's natal star, the Nine Suns Galaxy.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue were stationed at the border of the Manggu Star Territory and exchanged a lot of information and resources. They also learned about the situation in the outer void and star sea outside the Manggu Star Territory, as well as the main enemies, resources, etc.

If an enemy attacks the border of the Manggu Star Territory in the future, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others will be able to know in time who the enemy is and how to fight.

Similarly, the border guards welcome them to participate in the exploration and development of the void and star sea resources outside the Manggu Star Territory.

Of course, Liang Ji and Peng Yue gained a lot from the border garrison, and the border garrison also wanted something from them, especially Liang Ji's "Nine Suns Galaxy".

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