The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1252 The popular ‘Nine Yang Galaxy’

Liang Ji refined the celestial body and formed the formation of his natal galaxy, the Nine Sun Galaxy, which broke many records and limits of the Star Alliance over the past hundreds of thousands of years.

Prior to this, the highest level of seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance only had the record of refining the void and deploying seven stars, and the owner of that record failed when he advanced to the ninth-level star master.

The highest record of successful ascension to sainthood is the six stars in the natal galaxy of the ‘Tianhe Saint’ who had previously ascended.

Liang Ji is now directly refining the void and arranging nine stars in his natal galaxy, reaching a "number limit". No matter whether he can advance to the eighth-level star master or even the ninth-level star master in the future, but now in the seventh-level star But in the main game, it broke the record and reached a limit.

What's more, in the Star Alliance's hundreds of thousands of years of history, how could there be no star masters who dared to think and dare to set up a "number of extremes" galaxy like "Nine Suns"?

However, they all failed. Some saints who were about to ascend even made deductions and believed that the "Nine Suns" are extremely numerous and cannot be successfully deployed. Once deployed, the star owner's natal star will be directly destroyed.

But now Liang Ji has succeeded in his arrangement. Although the knowledge, strength, experience, etc. mastered by the Star Alliance are constantly improving and surpassing their predecessors, the arrangement of refining the void deduced and denied by the saints in the past can now be successful. Finish.

On the other hand, the star masters of the Star Alliance are naturally very interested in such a formation of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy'.

In fact, it is not only the border guards who are interested in the Nine Suns Galaxy, there are also many Star Lords and forces in the Star Alliance who are interested.

After Liang Ji and Peng Yue visited the border guard station and communicated with the border guards of the Manggu Star Territory, they returned to the Tianyao Star Territory to gather and celebrate with their families, relatives, and friends.

Many Star Lords and forces in the Star Alliance came to visit after receiving the news.

For example, Kunlun Star Palace, Wanxiang Star Palace, Taiyi Star Palace, etc., three star palaces that are close enough to the two people contacted and visited them immediately.

In addition, there are some eighth-level star masters who have interacted with Liang Ji, such as Yunyin Star Master, the eighth-level star master ancestor of the Liu family, star masters who have cooperated with him, such as Xue Zhaoyue, Yang Yanni, etc., as well as seniors, senior sisters, junior Liu Xu, etc. , as well as those that we have cooperated with, such as Xian Delou and Herborist Group, etc., and we have visited them frequently.

As for the senior members of the Star Alliance, they have been in contact for a long time!

In addition to congratulating them on their successful completion of the refining and formation of the natal star galaxy, Liang Ji was most concerned about the refining and formation of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy'.

Exceeding the Star Alliance record and reaching theoretically unattainable limits will naturally interest many people.

It is impossible for Liang Ji to open his natal galaxy, the Nine Suns Galaxy, for them to explore and study. This is also not allowed in the Star Alliance to prevent the star master's foundation, trump cards, etc. from being leaked and studied and mastered by the enemy. Harm the Star Lord himself.

In the Star Alliance, only after ascending to sainthood or completely falling, the star master's natal star and natal galaxy will be opened according to conditions for research and development by outsiders and other star master monks.

Just like when the 'Tianhe Saint' ascended, the natal star 'Tianhe Star' and the 'Tianhe Galaxy' he left behind were just opened under the auspices of the Star Alliance, allowing some people with sufficient status, authority, and merit to enter and gain insights. , Study the other party’s natal stars and natal galaxy.

And it will be opened to some star owners, companies, organizations, etc. in the future, allowing them to enter and carry out some resource development and management activities.

Another example is the 'Giant Shark Star' that Liang Ji entered when he was a first-order star master. After the death of the star master, the natal stars were limitedly opened under the control of the Star Alliance for some first-order star masters who met the conditions to enter the mining industry. Resources, opportunities.

No matter whether the Star Lord ascends or falls, the natal stars and galaxies will be opened, and they will only be opened to a limited and conditional extent. This is the Star Alliance's protection measure for the Star Lord!

Therefore, naturally no one or organization asked Liang Ji to directly disclose his practice of refining the void and forming the "Nine Sun Galaxy". They wanted to get some experimental data about the "Nine Sun Galaxy" from Liang Ji. , information, etc.

Through these data and galaxies, these star owners, companies, Star Alliance organizations, etc. may not be able to deduce and experiment on their own to create some nine-sun, eight-sun, seven-sun, or even six-sun galaxies.

Even the 'Six Sun Galaxy' can only be completed by a genius star master at the level of the 'Tianhe Saint'.

Moreover, with the power of the 'Tianhe Saint', after refining the void and arranging the 'Six Yang Galaxy', he almost failed to ascend to sainthood. In the end, he relied on the way to capture the ninth-level Heavenly Demon Xuanqi in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. Only by integrating into one's own great path can one successfully complete transformation and ascend to sainthood.

It can be seen from this that even among the Star Alliance, the arrangement and control of the 'Many-Sun Galaxy' are far from adequate.

Among the Star Alliance, the truly mature "multi-sun galaxy" arrangement is only the "three-sun galaxy". The "multi-sun galaxy" arrangement above the three suns is basically the means mastered by some individual star masters, and does not have It is universal and cannot be controlled and arranged by many star owners.

The Star Alliance has always been researching and experimenting with more, higher, and universal "multi-sun galaxy" layout methods.

This will not only allow more seventh-level star masters of the Star Alliance to deploy stronger 'multi-sun galaxies' when refining their natal star systems and setting up formations, but it will also greatly improve the combat power and strength of the entire Star Alliance. beneficial.

Not to mention other things, let's talk about the 'imitation star array' that the Star Alliance has been researching and improving. If all the galaxies arranged in the 'array' can be arranged into a 'multiple sun' with more stars, Galaxy', the increase in power and combat power of the 'imitation Zhoutian Star Array' is naturally very huge.

If it can really be done, and every galaxy in the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' is arranged into a 'Nine Yang Galaxy', then the power of this 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' will not be as powerful as the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhou Tian'. "Star Formation Diagram", I'm afraid it will definitely be honored among the ninth-level acquired spiritual treasures.

Therefore, many people and organizations at the top of the Star Alliance are very interested in the "Nine Sun Galaxy" where Liang Ji refines the void and deploys the formation.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue received these visitors at the Dragon Snake Star in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and provided varying degrees of experiments, research data, and information based on the distance of their relationship.

Although due to the regulations of the Star Alliance, no one would ask to directly comprehend and study his natal galaxy, the Nine Sun Galaxy, such hospitality and exchanges made him quite impatient.

Although every star master, company, organization, etc. who came to visit him asked for data, they also gave him a lot of resources, spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc., allowing him to make a lot of money, but it was still too much. Have impatience.

It was in this impatience with communication that Liang Ji suddenly received news from the ‘Three Holy Stars’: The Three Holy Stars had been attacked!

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