The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1256 Revenge from the God Realm and the Spirit Realm

As Liang Ji and Peng Yue each completed the refining and formation of their natal star systems, the power of the 'Contract of the Stars' also increased. From the beginning, they mobilized the power of the other party's natal stars to help, and now they can even directly mobilize the other party's natal star system. help.

When Liang Ji and Peng Yue were designing, refining, and arranging their natal star systems, they were cooperating with each other in designing, refining, and arranging the array.

The "Nine Sun Galaxy" and "September Galaxy" they designed not only complement each other, but with the combination of the power of the "Contract of Stars", they can also turn into a Yin and Yang Great Grind of the galaxy, increasing its power to the extreme.

At this time, as the chaos giant transformed by Liang Ji blasted down, even the 'black hole' was blasted and crushed, and large pieces of the 'black hole' fell down.

This time, even if the severely damaged 'black hole' swallows the surrounding void, chaos, stars, etc. again, it will be difficult to quickly regenerate the monsters and devilish energy in it.

At that moment, the 'black hole' escaped directly into the void and was repelled by Liang Ji.

Seeing this, Liang Ji had no intention of pursuing him. He immediately cut off the power of the 'Contract of Stars', and at the same time removed the projection power of his native galaxy 'Nine Suns Galaxy', dispersed the Chaos Giant, and restored his 'Star Spirit Body' appearance.

The 'Contract of the Stars' has many restrictions. In addition, Liang Ji and Peng Yue have just completed the Void Refining and do not have much time to set up their formations. The time and number of times they can fight with the power of their natal galaxy projection are also limited.

As for the strongest attack that uses two galaxies to form a 'Star Connect' and form a 'Yin Yang Great Mill', it can only explode with one blow now.

If we continue to carry out the galactic star attack, it will only injure Liang Ji and Peng Yue's natal galaxies that have not been deployed for a long time, and even damage their respective natal stars.

Only if the two people's natal galaxies continue to improve and grow in the future, becoming more stable and powerful, can the projection battle last longer, and conduct more battles through the 'Contract of Stars'.

At this time, Liang Ji was very satisfied with being able to successfully repel the eighth-level 'black hole monster', which meant that his calculations were correct. With the power of projection and arrival of his natal galaxy, plus his own 'unlimited' combat power, he It is already fully capable of fighting against level eight enemies across levels.

While Liang Ji was summarizing the experience of fighting the eighth-level 'Black Hole Monster' in his mind, summarizing the gains and losses, he descended to the 'Three Holy Stars' to learn about the situation of the 'Three Holy Stars'.

Fortunately, the 'Three Holy Stars' are originally seventh-order stars. In addition, the 'Star Map Array' is arranged with the surrounding galaxies, and it is connected to the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', so the protective power is strong enough.

Moreover, Liang Ji left behind enough powerful family members and gods in the 'Three Holy Stars' to lead the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' to fight against the natives.

In addition, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others arrived in time to rescue the 'Three Holy Stars'.

Therefore, although the entire 'Three Holy Stars' have been breached by demons, and monsters, demonic cultivators, etc. have invaded the 'Three Holy Stars' and caused a lot of killing and destruction, but for the entire 'Three Holy Stars', there is no Big deal.

The demonic path had no time to invade the spiritual veins and the origin of the stars of the 'Three Holy Stars'. It did not erode or contaminate the spiritual veins and origin of the 'Three Holy Stars', so there was no big problem for Liang Ji.

As for the indigenous people, dependents, and even deities and gods who were killed or injured in the 'Three Holy Stars', they can naturally be nourished and restored in the future.

Therefore, Liang Ji felt relieved after checking that there was no problem with the 'Three Holy Stars'. As for the indigenous people, dependents, gods, etc. who were sacrificed in the stars, they were handed over to the 'Dragon Emperor Sect' and those who followed this time. Akabane Sage and others can just comfort and deal with it.

Liang Ji focused more of his thoughts and attention on his natal stars and his natal galaxy, the Nine Suns Galaxy.

It is the first time to fight and fight with the power of the native galaxy. After the war, it is natural to carefully check to ensure that there is no problem with the native galaxy and it can withstand such a fierce battle.

After all, it is conceivable that Liang Ji will face more and more fierce battles like this in the future.

If the natal galaxy 'Nine Yang Galaxy' is difficult to support, he must find the problem as early as possible and make some adjustments and enhancements.

However, Liang Ji had not been cultivating for a few days in the 'Three Holy Stars', and had not yet finished checking the post-war situation of his natal galaxy, the 'Nine Yang Galaxy', when he and Peng Yue received another distress message from his teammate Chu Yue!

The 'Yuyang Star' that Chu Yue refined into the Earth Immortal Blessed Land has now been attacked. It can no longer be resisted and eliminated by the opponent relying on the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' and the galaxy 'Star Map Formation' arranged.

Therefore, while the other party appealed to the Star Alliance and the border garrison for help, it also sent messages to Liang Ji and Peng Yue asking for help.

"What a coincidence?" Liang Ji couldn't help but look slightly stunned when he received Chu Yue's message for help.

In the past, he had traveled and explored the outer star sea for more than a hundred years, and the Three Holy Stars and Chu Yue's 'Yuyang Star' blessed land had never been attacked.

But now, the Three Holy Stars and the Yuyang Star were attacked separately, and the time was so close!

Liang Ji instinctively sensed that there was something wrong. He and Peng Yue rushed to Chu Yue's 'Yuyang Star', the Immortal Blessed Land, while contacting some high-level Star Lords and senior officials he knew in the Star Alliance to inquire and understand some situations. .

The situation and information he learned made his expression change slightly, and he secretly said: "Sure enough!"

The attacks on the Three Sacred Stars and the Yuyang Star were not an isolated case.

According to what Liang Ji heard from various sources, during this period of time, there were many life stars around the Star Alliance that were occupied by the Star Alliance, or were occupied by monks, star owners, corporate organizations, etc. in the Star Alliance, and basically all of them were destroyed. There were various attacks.

There are various situations including attacks from demons in the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace', attacks from demons in the void, attacks from gods in the divine world, attacks from elemental spirits in the spiritual world, etc.!

Based on the intelligence and information locked by the Star Alliance, it can be basically judged that most of these attacks are driven and arranged by gods in the divine world and elemental spirits in the spiritual world.

The main purpose is to retaliate against the Star Alliance.

After all, the previous actions of the Star Alliance against the spirit world and the spirit world almost destroyed one of the two super civilizations, causing a lot of killings and losses to the gods of the god world and the elemental spirits of the spirit world.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that the gods of the divine world and the elemental spirits of the spiritual world would launch attacks and retaliate against the various life stars occupying around the Covenant.

On the other hand, these life stars distributed in the void and sea of ​​​​stars around the Star Alliance are now basically refined into 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' by each of the third-level immortals in the Star Alliance, and have entered the Earth Immortal Taoism.

Just like the Immortal Blessed Land of ‘Yuyang Star’ refined by Chu Yue.

The gods of the divine world, the elemental spirits of the spiritual world, etc. are obviously aware of the danger of allowing the Star Alliance to cultivate and develop these "Earthly Immortal Taoism" monks, so they launched an action and wanted to take this opportunity to clean up.

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