The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1257 The invitation from the top of the Star Alliance to ‘Star Spirit Body’ cross the Star G

As early as the beginning, when the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, summoned them to attack the ‘Beast God Star Region’ of the God Realm, Liang Ji had already learned about the current situation of the Star Alliance.

Because of the opening of the subsequent path of the ‘Earth Immortal Daoism’, a large number of third-grade immortals in the Star Alliance began to sacrifice ‘Life Stars’ as ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Lands’ and embarked on the path of cultivation of the Earth Immortal Daoism.

As a result, the combat power of the Star Alliance declined in a short period of time. In addition, with the ascension of ‘Tianhe Saint’, the Star Alliance lost one more than the top ninth-level combat power. Therefore, the Star Alliance has a tendency to fall behind in the battles and confrontations with the God Realm and the Spirit Realm.

That’s why the Wanxiang Star Palace attacked the ‘Black and White Star Region’ of the Spirit Realm, and the Kunlun Star Palace attacked the ‘Beast God Star Region’ of the God Realm.

The purpose is to disrupt the interior of the Spirit Realm and the God Realm, and reduce the pressure on the Star Alliance team in the ‘Void Sea’ battlefield and the ‘Chaos Sea’ battlefield.

Liang Ji participated in both actions and successfully achieved the goals.

However, after attacking the God Realm's 'Beast God Star Domain' and obtaining enough 'divine stars', Liang Ji's attention and energy were all focused on refining the void and setting up the formation of his and Peng Yue's natal star star systems.

He did not know much about the war situation inside the Star Alliance, and between the Star Alliance and the God Realm, the Spirit Realm, etc.

Now, after more than ten years, he and Peng Yue have finally completed the refining of the void and setting up the formation of their own natal star systems, but they did not expect to suddenly get the news that the God Realm, the Spirit Realm, and even the Void Demon Clan, the Ten Thousand Demons Hall Demon Cultivators, etc., jointly launched an attack on the Star Alliance!

In particular, those earth immortals who refined the 'life stars' in the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance into the earth immortal blessed land are the key targets of these gods, elemental spirits, void demons, and demons.

For a time, many 'earth immortal blessed lands' in the outer domain of the Star Alliance were almost everywhere reporting danger and asking the Star Alliance for help.

When Liang Ji contacted and asked Vice President Hun Tian and others about the situation, Vice President Hun Tian and the Star Alliance leaders even asked him if he was free, and wanted to ask him to join the protection of the outer domains around the Star Alliance to resist attacks from the God Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Void Demon Clan, the Demon Cultivators, and protect the earth immortals who were refining in the outer star sea.

After all, these earth immortals are not only meritorious officials who have made many contributions to the Star Alliance, but also have many complicated relationships within the Star Alliance, and they cannot be abandoned.

More importantly, these earth immortals will be an important combat force of the Star Alliance in the future. As long as one in ten thousand of them can successfully cultivate to the eighth level, or one in ten thousand can cultivate to the ninth level, it will greatly increase the top combat power of the Star Alliance.

By then, the strength of the Star Alliance will be increased several times, and it is not impossible for the Star Alliance to sweep across the star sea and destroy the God Realm and the Spirit Realm.

The gods of the divine world and the spirits of the elements in the spirit world naturally took these into consideration, so they joined hands to launch an attack on the Star Alliance, especially the earth immortals who were offering sacrifices to the ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’, who were the main targets of their attacks.

After Liang Ji understood the situation, he also agreed to their invitation and joined Peng Yue in this action to protect the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance and the Earth Immortal Blessed Land.

This is not only a contribution to the Star Alliance and can earn a lot of merits; it is also an opportunity to get to know many ‘Earth Immortals’ in the outer star sea around the Star Alliance and leave a favor for protection. In the future, as long as these favors can be returned by one percent or one thousandth, it will be of great benefit to Liang Ji, Peng Yue and the families, relatives, Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce behind them.

Therefore, Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally had no intention of refusing.

What's more, Liang Ji and Peng Yue are only seventh-level star masters. The Star Alliance invited them to guard the "Earth Immortal Blessing" of the outer star sea. The enemies assigned to them will only be seventh-level enemies. Those eighth-level enemies that come will naturally be dealt with by the eighth-level star masters of the Star Alliance.

Now that he has verified the combat power of his natal star system, the "Nine Suns Star System", Liang Ji is naturally absolutely confident that he can deal with and defeat the enemies of the same seventh level.

In this way, Liang Ji naturally has no reason to refuse an action that can earn merits and favors without much danger.

However, before accepting the task arranged by the Star Alliance, he needs to solve the problem of his teammate Chu Yue's "Earth Immortal Blessing" being attacked and asking for help.

At this moment, Liang Ji sensed the "Star Gate Road Sign" left near the "Yuyang Star" at the beginning, and used the "Road Sign" as an anchor point to directly open the "Star Gate" and lead directly to his natal star.

At the beginning, Chu Yue chose to sacrifice and refine the ‘Yuyang Star’ as the ‘Earthly Immortal Blessing’. Liang Ji was worried that the ‘Yuyang Star’ was outside the Star Alliance and had a considerable safety hazard. So after discussing and agreeing with Chu Yue, he left a ‘Star Gate Beacon’ near the ‘Yuyang Star’. In this way, once the ‘Yuyang Star’ was attacked and Chu Yue asked him for help, he could directly open the Star Gate through the ‘Star Gate Beacon’ and send out the clansmen, gods and other combat forces on his natal star to rescue and fight.

Not only near the ‘Yuyang Star’ of Chu Yue and others, but also near the ‘Earthly Immortal Blessing’ stars that his parents and Peng Yue’s parents had sacrificed and refined, Liang Ji and Peng Yue’s ‘Star Alliance Beacon’ were left, just in case.

Before Liang Ji had yet to refine his natal star system and set up the formation, the ‘Star Gate’ opened through the ‘Star Gate Beacon’ could only be joined by the clansmen and gods nurtured in his natal star to join the battlefield.

But now, as Liang Ji completes the refining and formation of his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy, the natal stars are being protected and suppressed by the natal galaxy, becoming more and more stable, and the Zhoutian that protects and covers their natal stars. The star array's power has been removed, and its natal stars and natal galaxies have emerged in the Manggu star field and merged into the star field.

Under such circumstances, Liang Ji's "Star Spirit Body" can directly pass through the "Star Gate" opened through the "Star Gate Beacon" and land on the battlefield on the other side of the "Star Gate".

Therefore, when Liang Ji's "Star Spirit Body" stepped out of the "Star Gate" and arrived at the void area near "Yuyang Star", he immediately saw clearly the attack and fighting situation that "Yuyang Star" was suffering.

Those who attacked the 'Yuyang Star' were not demons, but only void demons, and there were no eighth-level void demons among them.

However, among the wave of void demons that attacked the 'Yuyang Star', there were quite a few various seventh-order void demon clans, more than ten in total.

Liang Ji even discovered several seventh-order void mirages in it, but they were old acquaintances. When the 'Yuyang Star' suffered disaster and was almost destroyed, it was destroyed by the void mirages and almost turned into void mirage eggs. The place of incubation.

But now, this 'Yangyang Star' has been attacked by the Void Monster Clan again, and it has attracted several seventh-order void mirage monsters. I don't know if there is anything special in this 'Yangyang Star' that attracts void mirages so much. The demon clan!

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