The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1262 Special Operations Team to Suppress the Eighth-Level Void Demon Tribe

Liang Ji circulated the power of his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy, and cooperated with his wife Peng Yue's battle, but some doubts emerged in his heart.

It stands to reason that Liang Ji and Peng Yue are both seventh-level star masters. They accepted the invitation from the top of the Star Alliance to participate in such a war to guard the edge areas of the Star Alliance and the Earthly Immortal Paradise. The enemies they had to face were at most the same as them. Level 7 enemies.

Eighth-level enemies higher than them should be intercepted and resisted by the eighth-level star masters in the Star Alliance first, and they should not attack the void and star sea areas guarded by Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

But now, there happened to be an eighth-level void monster clan that broke through the blockage of the eighth-level Star Lord of the Star Alliance and attacked the area guarded by Peng Yue!

This is undoubtedly a bad signal, saying that the Star Alliance's senior officials, eighth-level star masters, etc. did not have the upper hand in the battle against the attackers, and may even have fallen into a disadvantage and become stretched.

That's why the eighth-level void demon clan rushed through the interception, became a fish that slipped through the net, and attacked the area guarded by the seventh-level star master.

This is undoubtedly not a good thing for the Star Alliance, nor for Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

If the attacks of these enemies cannot be blocked and the defense lines are continuously broken through, the "Earth Immortal Blessed Land" where a large number of third-level immortals worship and practice in the void and star sea areas around the Star Alliance may suffer heavy losses or even be destroyed. Fairy'.

This will undoubtedly be a major blow to both the Earth Immortal Dao Lineage, which has just begun to improve, and the Star Alliance.

It may even lead to many negative consequences in the future, such as the death of a large number of earth immortals in the outer star sea, which caused the immortals of the Star Alliance to be unwilling to choose to sacrifice life stars in the star sea outside the Star Alliance to become the "Earth Immortal Blessed Land". To seize and refine the life stars within the Star Alliance.

Not to mention the resulting disputes and battles, it may even cause some immortals to take desperate risks and attack some "life stars" within the Star Alliance that have already been recognized and protected by the Star Alliance, thus causing more chaos.

Of course, for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, if the eighth-level star masters in front cannot stop the incoming eighth-level enemies, causing more and stronger eighth-level enemies to rush into the void and sea of ​​stars behind, the enemies they will face will be , fighting will naturally become more difficult.

In fact, most of the seventh-level star masters do not have the strength to fight against eighth-level enemies across the ranks. If the guardians of the seventh-level star masters collapse, it will be completely out of order and allow the enemies to invade the Star Alliance. .

"I hope this is just an accident and a special case!"

Liang Ji looked at the eighth-order void monster clan that had been transformed into the Yin-Yang Great Mill by the projection power of the Nine Suns Galaxy and the September Galaxy, and couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart.


With the last desperate roar of the eighth-level void demon clan, the eighth-level void demon clan that attacked the area guarded by Peng Yue was finally suppressed and killed by the combined power of the two's native galaxy projections.

"What a trick!"

At this time, a sound of appreciation was heard, and the 'Star Spirit Body' of an eighth-level star master walked out of the void and came to the battlefield where Peng Yue had just killed the eighth-level void demon clan.

The other party looked at the projections of the 'September Galaxy' and 'Nine Sun Galaxy' that were still connected together, and quickly identified the mystery.

"The bond between the stars and the natal galaxy that complement each other is really rare!"

"There is also this 'Nine Yang Galaxy'. So, you are the wife of Star Lord Liang Ji, Lord Peng Yue!"

The other party said and looked at Peng Yuedao.

Since Liang Ji refined the void and formed the "Nine Suns Galaxy", his reputation among the Star Alliance, especially among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance, has suddenly risen again. He has attracted the attention of many high-level star masters, and they have basically studied the "Nine Suns Galaxy" provided by Liang Ji. Yang Galaxy' information and data.

Naturally, they also knew the relationship between Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

"Exactly!" Peng Yue nodded and saluted the other party: "I have met my senior. How do I call him?"

"You can call me Qianluo." The eighth-level star master Qianluo Star Master said with a smile: "I want to apologize to you. It was my mistake this time that allowed this eighth-level void demon clan to break through the defense line and attack here. Come!"

"Fortunately, you and Star Master Liang Ji joined forces to suppress this eighth-level void demon clan. Otherwise, if they had caused any damage or casualties, I would have been greatly responsible!"

"I should thank you!"

As he said that, the other party took out an eighth-level 'Elemental Spirit Crystal' and threw it directly to Peng Yue, saying: "Peng Yue Star Master is a star master who was born in the Vientiane Star Palace. He should have practiced the inheritance of the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace'. It just so happens that this eighth-level ' The Elemental Spirit Crystal is a trophy I harvested on the battlefield of the Sea of ​​Chaos, so I will give it to you as an apology."

"This is too expensive..." Peng Yue immediately stretched out his hand to stop it, not daring to accept it.

Lord Qianluo Star smiled and said: "Take it, it's just an eighth-level elemental spirit crystal. Compared with the eighth-level Void Monster Clan, it's nothing at all!"

Peng Yue was still hesitating. Naturally, she valued this eighth-order 'Elemental Spiritual Crystal' very much. Although she was only a seventh-order star master now, with the inheritance of the Vientiane Star Palace, she was able to absorb and utilize some of these eight-order elements in advance. The power in the 'Elemental Spirit Crystal' can greatly increase her cultivation, combat power, and even the combat power of her natal star system!

"Take it!" At this time, Liang Ji had already passed through the 'Star Gate' and also came to this void area, saying to Peng Yue.

Afterwards, he saluted Master Qianluo Star and said, "I have met Senior Qianluo!"

Liang Ji knew Qianluo Star Lord. He couldn't be said to be familiar with him, but he had at least met him a few times and knew that he was an eighth-level Star Lord who was born in the Bitter Sea Star Palace.

However, the other party did not serve as the vice-principal of Kuhai Xinggong, but held an important position in the high-level organization of the Star Alliance and the military.

With Liang Ji's current reputation and status in the Star Alliance, he had had several interactions with the other party, so he was considered to be acquainted with each other.

Not long ago, the other party also asked him for some information and information about the 'Nine Sun Galaxy'.

"Star Lord Liang Ji!" Lord Qianluo Star nodded immediately when he saw Liang Ji, and said at the same time: "The Jiuyang Galaxy is indeed extraordinary. It is able to kill the eighth-level Void Monster Clan across levels. It is indeed a record for the Star Alliance. The ultimate ‘digital’ galaxy layout!”

When Liang Ji heard this, he said humbly: "Senior Qianluo, I'm so grateful. I didn't just join forces with my wife and use the 'Contract of Stars' to combine the power of their natal galaxies, so I was lucky enough to kill this eighth-level void demon clan."

Lord Qianluo Star smiled when he heard this, and did not get entangled in this matter. Instead, he changed the topic and said: "The virtuous couple have joined forces and have been able to kill eighth-level enemies across the ranks. They just stay here to deal with those seventh-level enemies. But it’s such a waste.”

"I wonder if you two are interested in joining the special operations team, which is responsible for plugging leaks and dealing with powerful enemies that rush through the frontline defenses and attack the rear?"

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