The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1263 Teleportation Order ‘Starry Sky Map’ of the area surrounding the Star Alliance

The attack suffered by the Star Alliance this time was the joint action of the two super civilizations of the God Realm and the Spirit Realm. In addition, they also drove away the Void Monster Clan and the Demonic Dao who saw an opportunity to join in.

In particular, the main target of these attackers is not within the Star Alliance, but in the area surrounding the Star Alliance, the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' created by many third-order immortals who have sacrificed the 'Stars of Life'.

These 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' are not within the Star Alliance. Although they can also receive a certain amount of protection from the 'Sky Star Array', they are very limited and their protective power is far inferior to that within the Star Alliance.

Even among the Star Lords of the Star Alliance, the fighting and fighting in the areas surrounding the Star Alliance, the geographical conditions, external assistance, etc. they occupy are far inferior to those within the Star Alliance.

Under such circumstances, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance have tried their best to arrange manpower to guard the areas surrounding the Star Alliance to stop these incoming enemies and protect the 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals' everywhere.

But it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net, break through the interception of the eighth-level star masters in front, and rush into the void and star sea area around the Star Alliance where the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' is located.

The eighth-level void demon clan that attacked Peng Yue's guarded area was one of them!

However, judging from what the ‘Thousand Falling Star Lord’ means, this eighth-level Void Demon Clan is obviously not the only fish that has slipped through the net.

Therefore, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance organized some seventh-level star masters with sufficient means and strength to form a special "special operations team", which roamed the outer areas of the Star Alliance and the offshore areas where the "Earthly Immortal Blessed Lands" were located, specifically to solve the problem. Those fish that slipped through the front line of defense!

Liang Ji and Peng Yue teamed up to easily kill the eighth-level Void Demon Clan, which obviously met the requirements of the 'Special Operations Team'.

"When you join the special operations team, the enemies you need to face are stronger, but the merits you can earn and the materials you can obtain are naturally higher!"

"Furthermore, after joining the special operations team, the Star Alliance will provide you with additional subsidies, because you are required to cross-level to deal with the enemy, so during the operation, the 'Three Lights Sky Dew' can be used directly to restore the origin of the stars at any time, and No need for merit in exchange!”

"Furthermore, if you are able to kill enemies across levels, the Star Alliance will also record it. In the future, you will have a higher chance of participating in some special actions, harvests, etc. in the Star Alliance..."

"In the future, if you exchange for some special resources and limited treasures in the Star Alliance treasury, you will also have higher exchange rights and sequences."

"Finally, even if you encounter an enemy that is difficult to deal with, the Star Alliance will allow you to retreat, but if you can hold the enemy back until the support of the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance, you will receive more meritorious rewards and rewards. subsidy……"

Lord Qianluo Xing explained to Liang Ji and Peng Yue the benefits of joining the ‘Special Operations Team’.

After just a brief discussion, the two agreed to join the 'Special Operations Team'.

After all, Liang Ji had been able to fight, fight, and even kill some eighth-level enemies across levels by relying only on the power of his own natal galaxy, the Nine Suns Galaxy, and his own 'unlimited' combat power.

What's more, after they joined the 'Special Operations Team', they acted together, cooperated with each other, and fought together. With the power of the 'Contract of Stars', their combat power was even stronger, even when facing eighth-level gods, Eighth-level elemental spirits and so on can at least protect themselves!

Under such circumstances, the two of them are naturally more willing to join the "Special Operations Team" to gain more merits and better resource supply.

At that moment, the two of them directly agreed to the invitation of the 'Thousand Falling Star Lord', and the 'Thousand Falling Star Lord' forwarded the video record of the two people's native star system projection and jointly killing the eighth-level Void Demon Clan to the senior members of the Star Alliance. , their application was quickly approved and they were included in the "Special Operations Team".

Afterwards, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance quickly assigned them new tasks. They no longer asked them to patrol the designated areas around the Star Alliance, but directly assigned them a 'starry sky coordinate' where they needed support. .

The 'Thousand Falling Star Lord' handed each of them a token made of starlight. The pattern of the 'Zhoutian Star Array' can be seen on the token, and there are even more starlight flowing in it, as if it is running the 'Zhoutian Star Array'. Diagram of Heavenly Stars'.

"This is a special spiritual treasure recently developed by the 'Lingbao Star Palace'. It can temporarily open the 'Starlight Gate' in the void with the help of the 'Celestial Star Array' in the area surrounding the Star Alliance, and transmit it to the surrounding void. , the designated area of ​​​​Xinghai!"

‘Lord of Thousand Falling Stars’ introduced them to the two of them.

This 'Teleportation Order' was obviously developed in recent years by the Star Alliance, who are the Earth Immortals who refine the life stars into 'Blessed Lands' in order to protect the surrounding areas.

Prior to this, the life stars in the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance were only used as resource stars at most, or to provide star source support for some star owners. Although they were also important, they would not attract a large number of enemy attacks like they do now.

Therefore, there was naturally no need to open the 'Starlight Gate' in the void for timely teleportation and rescue before, so there was no need to develop and manufacture such a 'teleportation order'.

Moreover, to directly open the 'Starlight Gate' in the void and conduct long-distance teleportation outside the Star Alliance and the surrounding star array, the consumption is undoubtedly very huge, and even the casting of this 'Teleportation Order' is probably also very expensive. There are many restrictions, so they are exclusively used by the "Special Operations Team".

Liang Ji and Peng Yue learned a lot about the 'Special Operations Team' from the 'Thousand Star Lords'. At the same time, after they joined the 'Special Operations Team', the Star Alliance senior officials also provided a large amount of relevant information. Information is transmitted to two people.

It even includes a complete "starry sky map" of the surrounding areas of the Covenant, as well as the layout of various defense lines and the current battle situation, allowing them to understand the situation of the entire battlefield around the Covenant in real time and make the most timely and correct judgments.

It can be said that these data and information are enough to prove that the two of them made the right choice to join the 'Special Operations Team'.

Not to mention other things, the complete "starry sky map" of the surrounding area of ​​the Star Alliance is something that few people in the Star Alliance can master. Generally, only eighth-level and ninth-level star masters can master it.

Most of the seventh-level star masters only know the "starry sky map" of some areas around the Covenant Alliance. As for the defense arrangements and other information in these surrounding areas, it is even more top-secret.

If you don't have enough strength and status in the Star Alliance, and don't have enough trust from the top leaders of the Star Alliance, you will obviously be out of reach.

Obviously, the personnel selected for the 'Special Operations Team' organized by the Star Alliance this time are not only strong enough, but also have top-notch status and trust in the Star Alliance.

The fact that Liang Ji and Peng Yue were selected is enough to illustrate their status and trust in the Star Alliance.

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