The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 125 Peng Yue’s method (please subscribe)

One day later, Peng Yue came with the Ice Soul Snake Family to join them.

The two exchanged some experiences on this star, and they encountered similar experiences. Peng Yue also saw various natural disasters erupting, and saw the indigenous family members on the star fighting each other, fighting, and weird sacrifices.

Similarly, Peng Yue also met the ‘geniuses’ from other star regions. Some invited them to accompany them, while others were wary of them.

Liang Ji also told the other party what he had seen in the past few days, and also talked about the city hundreds of miles away in the south, as well as the method of sacrifice mentioned by Yan Feicheng in the 'Yunxiao Star Region'.

When Peng Yue heard this, he shook his head slightly and said, "I don't think this is a good idea."

"Perhaps there is really a hidden enemy behind this star. But judging from the sacrifices performed by the indigenous people, the natural disasters will disappear after each sacrifice."

"I'm afraid, this sacrifice is exactly what the enemy hiding behind needs."

"If we perform sacrifices in the same way, we will only fall into the enemy's routine, and there is a high probability that it will even increase the enemy's power."

"That classmate Yan Feicheng may have some special means to find the enemy behind him through this sacrifice."

"But we don't have such means."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this. This was what he was worried about, so he didn't take any action. Instead, he waited for Peng Yue to come and ask for his opinion.

After all, the other party's family background must know more information than him.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Liang Ji couldn't help asking.

"If you ask me, don't worry about what's weird about this star, or what's behind the indigenous sacrifices. Let's directly perform blood sacrifices to give birth to the 'root of spiritual veins' of this star."

Peng Yue said directly at this time:

"The spiritual vein is the foundation of this star. If there is really a hidden enemy behind it, no matter what the other party wants to do, it must be achieved by relying on the power of the star's spiritual vein."

"As long as we continue to perform blood sacrifices, generate and seize the 'root of spiritual veins', we can continue to weaken the power of the spiritual veins of this star."

"In this way, we can benefit, and no matter what the enemy's plans are, they will all fail because of the lack of spiritual power!"

"Even in the end, the hidden enemy may be forced out due to insufficient spiritual power."

"Isn't this better than following the enemy's routine?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this. Peng Yue's method can be said to go straight to the root.

"In fact, along the way, I have seen students from other star regions choose this method."

Peng Yue continued:

"I estimate that in a few days, when more and more Star Master students will use blood sacrifices to induce the 'root of spiritual veins' and weaken the spiritual veins of this star to a certain extent, if there are really enemies, they will be forced to Out."

In the end, Liang Ji chose Peng Yue's method. Compared with the sacrifices that he didn't know the consequences of, and the 'totem icons' and 'rune seeds' that didn't know how long it would take to produce them, Peng Yue's method could at least harvest some things first. The root of spiritual veins'.

The two of them immediately took action.

In the past day or so, Liang Ji had already sent out a half-dragon scout team to search hundreds of miles around. He was very clear about the surrounding terrain, the branches of the indigenous alien races, etc., and he was also aiming directly at the target when he took action at this time.

Snake people, lizard people, bear people, werewolves, and various indigenous alien races were captured by their family members.

There were also mutant giant tigers, giant eagles, giant pythons and other exotic beasts that were also captured.

This star is already approaching its end. Various natural disasters and earthly disasters occur from time to time. The various alien races living in it are constantly conquering and fighting each other, killing their enemies and then performing sacrifices to eliminate various natural disasters and earthly disasters. disaster.

And Liang Ji and other Star Master students who participated in the college entrance examination, leading the family members to join in, can be said to have completely turned the chaotic war on the star into boiling water and muddy soup.

Battles, killings, sacrifices, and blood sacrifices are constantly taking place across the stars.

When Liang Ji's Familia half-dragons were searching for indigenous alien races, as well as birds and giant beasts, they began to encounter more and more Familia teams of Star Lord students from other star regions.

They are also searching for alien races and giant beasts.

After the two sides meet, they avoid each other in most cases, and there are few collisions and exchanges.

A few people had exchanges with each other, and Liang Ji also got to know several ‘geniuses’ from other star regions.

Of course, an attack was inevitable, but after Liang Ji's half-dragons counterattacked strongly, and the other party realized that they were no match, they fled in panic.

The attacker's family was particularly good at speed. Although Liang Ji's half-dragon's combat power exceeded that of the opponent, it was really difficult to catch up and had to give up.

As the blood sacrifice continued, results were finally seen after a few days.

The mountain range on which the lizardman village relied, the huge pit where the sacrifices were held, and the murals were, cracked open, and rich spiritual energy burst out from it.

A giant lizard-like beast rushed out from the cracked mountain range. It was more than thirty feet in size. It was like a small mountain and rushed towards the two families.

Seeing this, Liang Ji directly sent out five and a half thousand dragon warriors, activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', raised his giant hammer and rushed forward, colliding with the rampaging giant lizard, with a loud roar and the ground. The mountains are shaken.

At the same time, Peng Yue's Ice Soul Snakemen also started to take action, but they saw runes appearing on their bodies, and the snake tails behind them were torn apart and turned into twin tails, one blue as ice and one red as fire.

The arrows shot also contain the power of ice and fire. When they hit the giant lizard, the ice and fire collide and explode, which is full of lethality.

Compared with before, Peng Yue's Ice Soul Snake Man has now been able to turn the 'splitting tail' method into almost a routine method, which is obviously a huge improvement.

Under the siege of the two family members, the giant lizard was unable to hold on and was quickly killed and fell to the ground.

From the giant lizard's body, the two harvested four 'bloodline seeds', and then found two 'spiritual vein roots' in the cracked mountain range.

"This harvest is less than expected!"

Liang Ji couldn't help frowning.

Peng Yue also raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "This can only show that the spiritual veins of this star are already very weak, almost to the point of being weakened."

"I just don't know. Is this the reason why other candidates are performing blood sacrifices and seizing the 'root of spiritual veins'? Or is it because the enemy behind the scenes is also extracting the power of spiritual veins?"

boom! Rumble...

At this time, the familiar earth shook and roared.

Liang Ji couldn't help but look up at the mountain peak not far away. Sure enough, he saw the mountain peak split open, and earth fire and magma spewed out from it.

Another natural disaster caused by a volcanic eruption came suddenly!

Only this time, there are no indigenous aliens around who can offer sacrifices to the volcano and pray for it to be extinguished.

Liang Ji and Liang Ji had no intention of sacrificing or interfering with it. Instead, they each led their family members to wait near the erupting volcano, wanting to see what kind of changes it would have.

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