The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 126 Enemies of the Star Alliance (please subscribe)

The volcano erupted, and fire and magma continued to gush out, coating the surrounding area with charcoal.

No one has ever offered sacrifices to it, which seems to have angered the volcanic disaster, or the existence behind the volcanic disaster.

The volcano that died down quickly last time is spewing more and more fiercely this time. The ground fire and magma continue to surge higher into the sky, spreading to the surrounding mountains and forests further away, swallowing up and destroying the mountains, forests, vegetation and trees.

Many birds, animals, insects, and snakes living in mountains, forests, and vegetation were swallowed up by the ruthless fire and magma before they had time to escape.

boom! Rumble...

Finally, the local fire and magma surged to the highest peak, and after a loud roar was heard from the volcano, the eruption stopped.

However, the eyes of Liang Ji and the two men were slightly bright, because they clearly noticed that something was rushing out of the volcano that had stopped erupting.

Soon they saw what it was.

Snake people, lizard people, werewolves, etc., corpses of indigenous alien races, with lava flowing and fire burning on their bodies, rushed out of the volcano. They seemed to be sensing and searching, and then headed towards Liang like a tide. Ji's family members' team rushed towards them.

"Is this...a zombie?"

"Disaster of the Undead?"

Liang Ji and Liang Ji were slightly stunned.

In the Star Alliance and on the Star Network, there are also many games, movies, etc., which also have the concept of 'disaster of the undead', but Liang Ji did not expect to actually encounter it here.

It suddenly became clear to him that many games, film and television content on the Star Network were not necessarily imaginary, but perhaps more likely to be taken from the reality in the Star Sea.

After all, this star sea is so big, anything can happen.

"These zombies are probably the corpses of the indigenous alien races who were sent to the volcano for sacrifice!"

Peng Yue said in a deep voice.

Liang Ji also nodded slightly, which further proved that among the stars and behind the natural disaster sacrifice, there was indeed a mastermind hiding behind the scenes.

"Draw the bow!"




In the battlefield below, the two families were already fighting against the incoming waves of alien zombies.

The Ice Soul Snake Man shoots out bursts of arrows, and the collision of ice and fire continuously produces explosions and impacts, killing the alien zombies that are flowing with magma and burning with earth fire.

The half-dragon warrior activated the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", raised his giant hammer and rushed forward to block the impact of the alien zombies, and killed the alien zombies one by one with one hammer.

Because these zombies were covered with lava flowing and burning with earthly fire, the giant hammers raised by the half-dragon warriors charged this time carried the power of ice and poison.

Ice and fire collided and exploded, and the giant hammer slammed down with brute force. No alien zombie could withstand the bombardment of these half-dragon warriors.

As for the magma carried by the alien zombies, the burning of the ground fire, the volcanic gas, and the poison of the zombies, it is difficult to break through the defense of the half-dragon warrior's "overlord body".

The half-dragon warrior is like a solid city wall, blocking the front and blocking the impact of all magma and earth-fire zombies.

In the end, tens of thousands of zombies rushed out of the crater. They barely managed to break out of the defense line composed of half-dragons at the foot of the mountain before they were all bombarded by the two families.

In mid-air, Peng Yue, who was manifested by starlight, watched the fighting and killing of Liang Ji's half-dragon warriors, and exclaimed: "Liang Ji, your family's 'overlord body' is getting stronger and stronger!"

Liang Ji also smiled and replied: "Nearly one million spiritual stones have been invested before and after, as well as the help provided by the city. If we don't have any decent combat power, wouldn't we be letting everyone down?"

Click! Click...

boom! Boom!

However, just as the two families were preparing to clean up the battlefield, check out these alien zombies, and even prepare to explore the volcano from which the zombies rushed out.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and abysses opened in the earth below.

The two families immediately fell into the abyss of the earth, falling continuously, and finally seemed to pass through a curtain of light and enter a dark space.

"This is……"

The starlight-manifested figures of Liang Ji and others also followed the dependents into this dark space, but they could feel that there was a force in this dark space, suppressing them and the dependents.

Even the starlight that manifested their figures seemed to have become much dimmer here.

And this suppressive power comes from the sky in this dark space, where there is a black sun hanging high, shining with dark sunlight, covering the entire space.

At the same time, Liang Ji's 'Xingjian' suddenly received news, which was the first news he received after taking the college entrance examination and entering the extra-question Xingchen.

Congratulations to the candidates, entering the additional questions of the college entrance examination.

Bonus question: Enemies of the Covenant.

The vast sea of ​​​​stars, with countless stars, contains countless miracles of life and miracles of civilization. The Star Alliance divides these civilizations into levels one to nine according to the star level, and ultra-levels beyond the ninth level.

The enemies of the current Star Alliance, the evil spirits of the super-level civilization 'God Realm', were severely injured and fled into this star with the damaged 'divine crystal', hoping to devour the star's spiritual veins and repair the damaged 'divine crystal' .

The goal of this assessment: to kill the enemies of the Star Alliance and the evil spirits of the gods; to fight for the divine crystal.

Tip 1: This place is a "pseudo-god realm" created by the evil spirits of the divine world who swallowed the spiritual veins of the stars with the 'divine crystal', which will have a suppressive effect on the star master and the dependents.

Tip 2: Kill the enemies in the 'Pseudo God Realm' and destroy the 'Pseudo God Realm' to force out evil spirits and 'divine crystals'.

Liang Ji couldn't help but be confused when he saw the sudden message.

He discovered that after entering the star, he did not receive any information about the additional questions for the college entrance examination. He just followed the habit of the third model and thought that invading the star was an additional question for the college entrance examination.

Unexpectedly, just entering the stars has not officially entered the additional questions. Only entering this dark space can it be considered as truly entering the additional questions.

Liang Ji turned to look at Peng Yue. The other party had obviously also received the information about the additional questions, and he also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Peng Yue, do you know anything about this world of gods, evil spirits, divine crystals, and pseudo-god realms?"

Liang Ji couldn't help asking.

He chose to go with Peng Yue in the additional questions of the college entrance examination, on the one hand to enhance his strength, and on the other hand because the other party's family background could often help him answer questions.

But this time, Peng Yue shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know much about the details. This information seems to be blocked from low-level monks in the Star Alliance."

"Only because of Chen Yuan's incident in the fifth middle school, which involved the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, I asked my grandma for information about the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the Pantheon, and the Ten Thousand Saints."

"I seem to have heard her say that there seems to be some connection with the divine world behind the Pantheon."

"Pantheon! God Realm!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly as he listened. He remembered that his former head teacher, Mr. Du, once told them that the reason why Pantheon was designated as an evil organization by the Star Alliance and wanted by the Star Alliance.

An important reason is that the Shinto monks in the Pantheon spread their faith among the humans of the main star and harvest incense, which violates the prohibition of the Star Alliance.

If the Pantheon is really connected with this so-called God Realm, then from the actions of the Pantheon, we can see a bit of the God Realm.

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