The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1265 Gathering Star Alliance Wool and Accelerating the Growth of the Stars

Liang Ji and Peng Yue joined the 'Special Operations Team', and in accordance with the tasks assigned by the Star Alliance's senior leaders, they continuously teleported in the void star sea around the Star Alliance to resist and kill any fish that slipped through the defense line.

Although this task is difficult, there are only a few fish that can slip through the front line of defense, so every time after killing a fish that slips through the net, the two of them can get a long period of rest.

During this rest process, you can use the various resources and benefits provided by the Star Alliance, including unlimited "Three Lights of Heaven", etc., to cultivate and restore the consumption of your natal galaxy and natal stars.

This is also a deliberate arrangement by the Star Alliance's senior management. After all, those who join the 'Special Operations Team' are the top seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance. Even those who can cross-level intercept and kill eighth-level fish that slip through the net are often easy to deal with. It has caused a lot of damage and serious injuries to itself, and needs to be repaired and restored in time.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue joined forces and used the power of the projections of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' and the 'September Galaxy' to form the 'Yin Yang Great Mill' under the 'Contract of Stars'. Although they were blocking and killing some eighth-level fish that slipped through the net, , it can be much more relaxed, and the trauma and damage suffered can also be much less.

But for such an opportunity for cultivation and recovery, the two of them would naturally not miss it.

Liang Ji can take this opportunity to make more use of the resource support provided by the Star Alliance to increase and speed up the operation and work of his own galaxy, the Nine Suns Galaxy.

Whenever he rests, Liang Ji can seize the opportunity to control and operate his own natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy", control and operate the flow of time in his natal stars, and speed up the speed at which his natal stars digest demon pills, spiritual seeds, and spiritual roots. Speed ​​up the cultivation and recovery of family members, gods, dragon and beast elemental spirits, etc.

Liang Ji spent more than a hundred years and took several adventures to collect special stars, refine the void for his own natal galaxy, and arrange the "Nine Sun Galaxy". In addition to strengthening the protection of his natal stars as much as possible, he also did more to Control the flow of time above the natal stars.

The ‘Nine Yang Galaxy’ can do this.

It is a pity that every time the "Nine Yang Galaxy" is operated to accelerate the flow of time above the natal stars, it requires a large amount of consumption of the origin of the natal stars and the power of the natal galaxy.

Every time it doesn't run for long, it has to stop.

The power of his natal star source and natal galaxy cannot support the acceleration of time for a long time.

But now, after joining the 'Special Operations Team', with the free and unlimited 'Three Lights Sky Dew' and other resource support provided by Star Alliance senior officials, Liang Ji can freely operate the natal galaxy 'Nine Yang Galaxy', accelerating The speed of time above the natal star.

Whenever running the 'Nine Yang Galaxy' consumes too much and the power of the natal stars and the natal galaxy cannot keep up, he directly applies for support from resources such as the 'Three Lights Sky Dew' as a member of the 'Special Operations Team'. If it is scattered in the natal stars and natal galaxies, the power of the natal stars and natal galaxies can be quickly restored, and the "Nine Yang Galaxy" can continue to operate, accelerating the flow of natal stars and time.

This will not only speed up the development of the natal stars, improve the strength of the dependents, gods, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc., but also save a lot of meritorious deeds.

Otherwise, with him so frequently accelerating the time flow of his natal stars and consuming the origins of his natal stars and the power of his natal galaxy, just restoring the resources consumed by the origin and galaxy power would cost him no idea how much merit he has achieved.

This is also one of the main reasons why Liang Ji and Peng Yue are willing to join the "Special Operations Team". They can take the opportunity to harvest the wool of the Star Alliance and use it for the cultivation and development of their own natal stars.

Although Peng Yue's 'Nine Moon Galaxy' cannot achieve the powerful effect of Liang Ji's 'Nine Sun Galaxy', it is also very beneficial to the development and growth of his own natal stars, especially for the elements of his practice. The Tao has greater benefits, and naturally requires the assistance of a large amount of resources and strength such as "Three Lights of Heavenly Dew". It also needs to take the opportunity to gather more wool from the Star Alliance.

In fact, this is also a major benefit that the Star Alliance senior management intends to provide to the members of the "Special Action Team" when they form it.

After all, the Star Lords who can join the 'Special Operations Team' are basically those who can fight against eighth-level enemies across levels with the power of seventh-level Star Lords. They are all top talents in the Star Alliance.

The senior leaders of the Star Alliance are also willing to give them more support and help them grow and develop as quickly as possible. This will strengthen the power of the Star Alliance.

Especially now, when the Star Alliance is almost surrounded by enemies, it is even more necessary for these top talents to grow up as quickly as possible.


On top of Liang Ji's natal star, the dragon soul entwined with the natal star raised its head and roared, swallowing and refining another seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill planted, and then sent it into the spiritual veins of the natal star.

Above the starry sky, nine suns were distributed in nine directions, and they began to accelerate.

As the sun rises and sets, the nine suns rotate, and the flow of time above the natal star gradually accelerates. The seventh-level Void Green Bull Demonic Pill that has just been planted in the natal star's spiritual veins begins to be digested at an accelerated rate, turning into the growing power of the natal star's spiritual veins.

As the natal star's spiritual veins grew, the origin, foundation, upper limit, etc. of Liang Ji's natal star began to slowly increase.

The strength and upper limits of the dependents in the natal stars, the consecrated gods, the elemental spirits of dragons and beasts cultivated, the heroic spirits of the underworld, etc. have also begun to gradually grow and improve.

After all, although they both belong to the seventh level, there is often a big gap in strength and upper limit.

Although for Liang Ji today, more combat power lies in the natal galaxy 'Nine Yang Galaxy' and the 'unlimited' combat power achieved by the inheritance and fusion of the three star palaces. The dependents and gods in the natal star are , dragon beast elemental spirits, underworld heroic spirits, etc., the improvement and help to his combat power has been very limited.

But as these are part of the Star Lord's strength, or even the foundation, it is always good to be able to improve. Moreover, there are always some large-scale battles, and Liang Ji also needs to use these family members and subordinates.

What Liang Ji is more worried about now is how long can this war in which all parties besiege the Star Alliance last? How long can he and Peng Yue harvest Star Alliance wool?

If time passes, the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill in his hand may not be enough.

For this reason, he has tried his best to collect the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill through various means.

"Husband, someone is selling the seventh-level Void Green Bull Demon Pill again on the Frontline Star Network. I have already taken it."

At this time, Peng Yue spoke up.

"Okay, thank you madam." Liang Ji's eyes brightened and he said with a smile.

This time, all parties besieged the star sea around the Star Alliance, including many void monsters, including the seventh-level void green bull.

Liang Ji had already posted a request to buy the seventh-order Void Green Bull Demon Pill on the Frontline Star Network, and he had successfully purchased a few during this period.

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