The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1266 Profit and casualties Emergency rescue mission

In fact, it's not just Liang Ji.

This time, the gods, spirits, void monsters, demons, etc. have joined forces to attack the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance to destroy the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands'. The commotion caused, various resources, spiritual materials, interests, etc. generated by fighting and killing , compared to the original development of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', it is no less generous.

Especially this time, the battles are basically high-level battles, with no room for mid-level and low-level participation.

After every battle, the Star Alliance Star Lords harvest materials and resources such as seventh- and eighth-level divine crystals, spiritual crystals, demon pills, and demon materials.

The value of these high-level materials and resources can be imagined, and they are also extremely popular among many high-level Star Lords in the Star Alliance.

Therefore, now in the Star Alliance Frontline Star Network, various bounties for purchasing special resources, various high-end resources, materials transactions, etc. are carried out in large quantities every day.

The income, interests, etc. generated therein exceed most of the gains from the original development of the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’.

However, this time the profits and interests are only circulated among the high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance, but there are basically no opportunities for many middle-level and low-level Star Lords to intervene.

Of course, returns and risks are always equal.

The greater the profit, the greater the risk.

This time, the God Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Void Demon Clan, the Demonic Dao, etc. joined forces to attack the Star Alliance and the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. The damage and lethality caused can be imagined.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue joined the "Special Operations Team" and carried out rescue operations in various areas around the Star Alliance to stop those fish that slipped through the net. They had seen many Star Lords who participated in the operation being bombarded and killed by the enemy, and even together with them. The natal stars fell together.

As for the Earth Immortals who saw the "Earth Immortal Blessed Land" being destroyed by the attackers and killed them directly, there were also not a few.

After all, the enemies attacked this time were too many and too strong, and the battlefield was outside the Star Alliance, and was not shrouded and protected by the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation". Naturally, various casualties were inevitable.

In fact, according to the information received by Liang Ji and Peng Yue, even among the "Special Operations Team" they participated in, some Star Master monks died. They could not resist the eighth-level enemies who broke through the defense line, and were killed by the enemies they intercepted. Fall.

It can be said that the casualties and losses caused by this battle to resist the attacks of the enemies and the fallen high-level star masters will probably exceed the casualties and losses when the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' was originally developed.

After all, when the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' was first developed, the main enemies of the Star Alliance were only the Void Demon Clan. Although the gods of the divine world, the elemental spirits of the spiritual world, etc. also participated in it in the end, it was already in the later stages of development and they were involved. There are also limited gods and elemental spirits, and even fewer high-level ones.

But things are different now. This time, those attacking the area around the Star Alliance are mainly high-level gods from the divine world and high-level elemental spirits from the spiritual world, coupled with a large number of high-level void monsters, demonic forces, etc., in Above the high-level enemies, whether in terms of number or level, they are already far beyond the enemies they faced when they first opened up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Therefore, it is natural that more casualties and sacrifices will be caused.

"Beep! Emergency rescue mission..."

At this moment, Liang Ji and Peng Yue received another rescue mission sent by the Star Alliance's senior officials.

And this time, what was dispatched was not an ordinary rescue mission, but an 'emergency rescue mission', and the content of the mission even shone with a dangerous scarlet color.

For such an 'emergency rescue mission', Liang Ji and Peng Yue have also experienced it. Being listed as an 'emergency rescue mission' means that the enemy they are about to face has killed at least one Star Master on the mission and is about to rescue them. The situation here is very urgent.

And being able to kill at least one seventh-level star master who had completed the Void Refining of his native galaxy in a short period of time, or even more, shows that the enemy's strength is definitely stronger even at the eighth level.

In this case, even the first-level members of the "Special Operations Team" are in danger of falling.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue have teamed up to kill several eighth-level enemies over the years, and have never failed in their rescue missions. However, they have obviously gained quite a reputation among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance, so they would organize such an 'emergency rescue mission' Leave it to them.

Without hesitation, Liang Ji and Peng Yue quickly checked the details of the 'emergency rescue mission' and determined the enemy's identity, level, combat strength, etc.

Although it is said to be an 'emergency rescue mission', which means that the situation in the place where rescue is needed is extremely critical, the Star Alliance has never allowed the members of the 'Special Operations Team' to rush to the rescue blindfolded and without any knowledge of the enemy.

That's not rescue, that's death!

For the Star Alliance senior officials, the top Star Master talents in the "Special Operations Team" are often more important than the objects they need to rescue, so naturally they will not be blindfolded to rescue them.

Every time a rescue mission is arranged, the situation at the rescue site, the enemy situation that needs to be faced, etc. will be listed in the mission in as much detail as possible, and the members of the 'Special Operations Team' will decide how to act.

Even if it is really determined that they cannot cope with it, the Star Alliance leaders will allow members of the 'Special Operations Team' to refuse rescue.

Of course, there is a limit to the number of such rejections, and after rejection, their impression, status, and even the resources and interest support they enjoy among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance will naturally be reduced.

So, it all depends on everyone's own choice.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue had already seen the 'emergency rescue mission' sent to them, but the enemy was an eighth-level god who broke through the frontline defense!

No wonder it can cause huge killing and destruction in a short period of time, forcing the senior leaders of the Star Alliance to issue an 'emergency rescue mission'.

However, even the eighth-level gods were able to break through the defense lines of the previous eighth-level star masters, rush into the area surrounding the Star Alliance, attack and destroy the patrolling seventh-level star masters and the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'!

When Liang Ji saw this information, he became more and more worried about the situation on the frontline battlefield.

"After this operation, you must find someone to inquire about the situation!"

Liang Ji had a thought in his mind.

At this time, Peng Yue also looked over and asked, "Husband, do you want to refuse?"

"No need!" Liang Ji shook his head directly and said, "I have long wanted to fight against the eighth-level gods."

"With my current combat power, even if I can't kill the eighth-level god, at least I won't be defeated easily."

"Besides, Madam, you are here to help me!"

As he spoke, he had already accepted the 'emergency rescue mission', activated the 'Teleport Order', and opened the 'Starlight Gate' to the place where the eighth-level gods were wreaking havoc.

Seeing this, Peng Yue didn't give any more advice. He also accepted the task and took action together with Liang Ji.

The two of them crossed the 'Gate of Starlight' and arrived at the battlefield of the 'Emergency Rescue Mission'. As expected, they saw that a large area of ​​void and chaos had been destroyed by the eighth-level gods. There were visions of the fall of the seventh-level star field and their guards. The scene of the destruction of the 'Blessed Land of Earthly Immortals'.

Moreover, more than one 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' was destroyed by the eighth-level gods. In the large void area, there were seven destroyed 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands'. Naturally, the earth immortals of these 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' were sacrificed. It has also fallen with the destruction of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

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