The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1270 The Power of Taihao Star Palace's 'Zhoutian Xingshu'

Liang Ji looked at the natal stars and natal star systems that the eighth-level star master had brought over, but he discovered that the large formation arranged in his natal star system was also the ‘Imitation of Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram’.

It can even be said that although the natal star system of this eighth-level star master is not the ‘Nine Suns Star System’, the number of stars arranged in the system is actually more than the number of stars arranged in Liang Ji’s ‘Nine Suns Star System’.

Therefore, the ‘Imitation of Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram’ arranged in the natal star system of this eighth-level star master looks even more complex and complete than the ‘Imitation of Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram’ arranged in his ‘Nine Suns Star System’, and is closer to the model of the ‘Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram’!

Liang Ji arranged many stars in his natal star system, and was even able to successfully arrange the ‘Imitation of Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram’, thanks to the nine stars of good fortune of the ‘Nine Suns’ he designed.

And this eighth-rank star master who came to help was able to arrange a large number of stars in his natal star system, even more than his 'Nine Sun Star System', and was able to arrange it into a more complex and more complete 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array Diagram', relying on one thing!

Liang Ji's eyes gradually fell on the natal star summoned and descended by the eighth-rank star master, but at this time, a 'Star Pivot' flew out of the natal star, and the brilliant starlight burst out from this 'Star Pivot', which was able to connect every star in the star system, and also arranged and operated the entire more complex and more complete 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array Diagram'!

"Zhoutian Star Pivot!"

Liang Ji recognized at a glance that the 'Star Pivot' that appeared on the natal star of the eighth-rank star master was the 'Zhoutian Star Pivot' inherited from the Taihao Star Palace in the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance.

Obviously, this eighth-rank star master who came to help was from the Taihao Star Palace!

This Taihao Star Palace is the star palace with the longest inheritance history in the Star Alliance. Its inheritance of the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ is directly connected to the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

The star masters of Taihao Star Palace who have cultivated the inheritance of the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ are all repairmen who regulate and operate the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, and are also the ones who can best mobilize the power of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

Now it seems that the power of this ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ can obviously not only act on the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, but also be used in the refining and arraying of the star master’s natal star system, and can even make the star master’s natal star system where he refines and arranges the array move closer to the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

But it’s not surprising to think about it. The star master of this Taihao Star Palace practices the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’, regulates and operates the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’, and can be regarded as the most familiar and knowledgeable existence of the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ in the Star Alliance.

After hundreds of thousands of years of research, there will naturally be gains.

Liang Ji even suspected that the "Imitation of Zhoutian Star Array" mastered by the Star Alliance was probably first proposed and researched by Taihao Star Palace.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the eighth-level star master from Taihao Star Palace, relying on the power of the "Zhoutian Star Hub", arranged more stars in the natal star system and arranged a more complex and complete "Imitation of Zhoutian Star Array".

At this time, the eighth-level star master sacrificed the "Zhoutian Star Hub" and fully operated and suppressed the "Imitation of Zhoutian Star Array" transformed by the natal star system, and immediately suppressed the outbreak of the eighth-level god.

However, it is obviously unlikely to kill the eighth-level god with this.

But the eighth-level star master who came to help took advantage of Liang Ji's opportunity to delay the eighth-level god, and the means arranged around him began to operate and play a role.

Then he saw a series of galaxies that seemed like illusions emerging in the void around him, connected to the natal galaxy that the eighth-level star master had led and descended to, and suddenly turned into a larger, more complex, and more complete "imitation Zhoutian star array diagram", blessing and improving his natal galaxy.

The power of the natal galaxy of the eighth-level star master was instantly increased by several times. Under the repression again, the eighth-level god could no longer hold on, and the temple burning with divine fire was directly suppressed and shattered, and the eighth-level god was also killed on the spot.

However, when the eighth-level god was killed, the eighth-level star master of Taihao Star Palace fished out half of the "God Crystal" from the broken divine light, and immediately shook his head and said, "Sure enough, these eighth-level gods have left half of their "God Crystal" in the God Realm when they attacked. Even if they are killed here, it is difficult to really kill them!"

"With the half of the "God Crystal" left in the God Realm, the eighth-level gods can be reborn in the faith of the believers."

Shaking his head and sighing, the eighth-level star master threw the half of the eighth-level "God Crystal" directly to Liang Ji, saying, "This half Since the divine crystal is useless to me, I will give it to you, which can be regarded as compensating for the loss you suffered in delaying the opponent before. "

Liang Ji took the half of the eighth-level 'divine crystal', but said: "How can this be done? We delayed the opponent in accordance with the mission of the 'special operations team', not to mention that the Star Alliance will make up for our losses!"

In fact, while they were watching the eighth-level star master of Taihao Star Palace killing the eighth-level gods, their natal stars and natal star systems had already received the repair and compensation of the power of the innate spiritual treasures 'Zhoutian Xingchen Array' such as 'Sanguang Tianlu'.

Their natal stars and natal star systems have stabilized. Even under the power of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Array’, the damage and destruction to their natal stars, natal star systems, as well as the ‘Investiture of the Gods’, ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws’, and ‘Bloodline Atlas’ have been rapidly repaired and restored.

The eighth-rank star master smiled and waved his hands, saying, "What the Star Alliance gave was given by the Star Alliance, and what I gave was what I gave."

"You helped me hold back the eighth-rank god, allowing me to calmly arrange the battlefield and successfully kill an attacking eighth-rank god. You have made contributions and deserve rewards!"

Seeing him say this, Liang Ji couldn't refuse anymore. He immediately took the half of the eighth-rank god crystal and bowed to the other party, saying, "Thank you, senior."

The eighth-rank star master nodded and said, "I am Zhou An. You must be Liang Ji and Peng Yue, right?"

"Yes!" Liang Ji and Peng Yue immediately exchanged formal greetings and said, "Hello, senior Zhou An."

"Not bad! Not bad!" Star Master Zhou An looked at the two of them and nodded repeatedly, saying, "It's great to be able to be a seventh-rank star master. Cultivation, fighting and killing against the eighth-level gods across levels without being defeated, indeed, your methods are not bad, and you live up to your reputation and status in the Star Alliance! "

"Especially Liang Ji..." Star Lord Zhou An said, and then looked at Liang Ji and said: "The 'Nine Suns Galaxy' you designed is very good, which is very helpful for our Taihao Star Palace to study and arrange the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array'!"

"After this guarding battle is over, you can come to Taihao Star Palace, and there are some benefits for you!"

Liang Ji heard this, but he didn't care about the benefits the other party said, but asked: "Senior Zhou, when will this guarding battle end?"

Star Lord Zhou An heard this, but looked in the direction of the Star Alliance, and said with a smile: "Soon! It won't be long before it's over!"

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