The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1271 The Star Alliance's Methods

Listening to what Star Lord Zhou An said, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were both surprised.

After all, in their opinion, the current situation does not seem to be good for the Star Alliance. Even the eighth-level gods have rushed through the interception in front of them and came to the surrounding area of ​​the Star Alliance, killing the seventh-level star lords, destroying several earthly immortals, and destroying large areas of the void and the galaxy.

No matter how you look at it, the situation of the Star Alliance is at a disadvantage!

Liang Ji asked the other party when such a war would end, but he just wanted to find out the situation of the battlefield at the eighth or even ninth level in front, to see if there would be more eighth-level gods, eighth-level elemental spirits, etc. rushing through the defense line and coming to the rear, and they needed a "special action team" like them to deal with them, so as to have a clear idea.

Unexpectedly, Star Lord Zhou An actually told him that the war was about to end!

Could it be that the Star Alliance was about to win the battle on the eighth and ninth levels, and had killed and driven away the enemies such as the gods of the divine world, the spirits of the elemental world, the void demons, and the demons, so it was about to end?

It couldn't be that the Star Alliance was about to lose, and the Star Alliance star master was about to collapse on the eighth and ninth levels, so it was about to end, right?

But looking at the performance of Star Master Zhou An, he had no intention of losing at all.

However, Star Master Zhou An only mentioned this, and Liang Ji and Peng Yue wanted to ask more about the situation, but the other party didn't say much, just said: "You should take the time to recuperate and recover, and persist in this last period of battle. When this war is over, you will definitely benefit."

After that, he didn't say anything more, but continued to arrange in this battlefield.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and Peng Yue didn't rush to leave, but stayed to watch the other party's actions and arrangements, and Star Master Zhou An didn't mean to let them leave, just let them watch.

While watching, Liang Ji quickly understood that Star Lord Zhou An used the power of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Shu’ to reorganize this chaotic and broken land of void that was destroyed by the eighth-level gods, and used the ‘Star Map’ spiritual treasure to set up a ‘simulated Zhou Tian star array’ here.

Liang Ji was most familiar with this ‘simulated Zhou Tian star array’ because of the refining and array of his natal star system, so he naturally saw it at a glance.

After seeing Star Lord Zhou An’s arrangement, Liang Ji couldn’t help but have some flashes of inspiration in his heart, and vaguely understood the other party’s intention.

The ‘simulated Zhou Tian star array’ that Star Lord Zhou An arranged in the surrounding area of ​​the Star Alliance at this time may be related to the other party’s claim that the war would end quickly.

However, Liang Ji couldn’t see the specific situation for a while.

At this time, new instructions came from the Star Alliance leaders, and there were new fish that slipped through the net that they needed to deal with. They could only put aside the things here, bid farewell to Star Lord Zhou An, open the "Starlight Gate" to teleport, and rush to the next battlefield.

At this time, Liang Ji and Peng Yue's natal stars and natal star systems, with the help of the "Three Lights Sky Dew" and other "Zhoutian Star Arrays", have recovered the consumed origin and power, and have stabilized again.

It's just that the inherited power of "Investiture of the Gods", "Million Law Furnace", "Bloodline Atlas" and other inherited powers have not been fully restored, and the combat power has not reached its heyday.

However, the Star Alliance leaders obviously know this, so the tasks assigned to them are not powerful enemies, but much easier than before. There are not even eighth-level enemies, but some powerful seventh-level enemies, which are powerful enemies that ordinary seventh-level star masters patrolling the surrounding areas cannot deal with.

But such "powerful enemies" can be easily dealt with by Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Not to mention that they can’t use the power of Star Palace inheritance such as ‘Investiture of the Gods’, ‘Furnace of All Laws’, ‘Bloodline Atlas’, and even the power of ‘Star Contract’ can’t be used.

To deal with these seventh-level ‘powerful enemies’, Liang Ji usually just summons and guides the projection of his natal star system ‘Nine Suns Galaxy’ to descend, and he can directly suppress and kill these enemies.

There is no need for Peng Yue to take action, and there is no need for ‘Nine Suns’ and ‘Nine Moons’ to transform into the Galaxy Yin-Yang Grinder, and they can easily defeat them!

For Liang Ji and Peng Yue, such a battle is no different from the period of recuperation and recovery.

And just when Liang Ji and Peng Yue defeated six or seven such seventh-level ‘powerful enemies’, and the Star Palace inheritance power such as ‘Investiture of the Gods’ and ‘Furnace of All Laws’ in their natal stars had been completely cultivated and recovered, they estimated whether the Star Alliance’s high-level would arrange some eighth-level enemies for them.

Suddenly, there was a fierce roar coming from the void and chaos in the distance.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue were startled and looked in the direction of the loud noise. They only saw the far-off void shattered and chaos rolling. They could vaguely see some stars shattered, galaxies rotating, and star fields moving, colliding with the vast and boundless divine light and temples.

In another direction, in the far-off void, the void was also shattered, chaos rolled, and the star fields were faintly seen rotating, colliding and fighting with the vast sea of ​​elements.

"This is the ninth level fighting..."

Liang Ji instantly recognized the movement. It was the ninth-level star master of the Star Alliance fighting and fighting with the invading ninth-level land.

This attack on the Star Alliance launched by the God Realm and the Spirit Realm seems to have entered the most critical moment.

After all, no matter how fierce the fight is below, no matter how many seventh-level and eighth-level beings are killed or injured, for super-civilized beings such as the Star Alliance, the God Realm, and the Spirit Realm, only the ninth-level beings are the real key to victory, life and death.

If the ninth-level beings win, or even kill the opponent, that is the real victory.

Otherwise, even if the seventh-level and eighth-level beings below win many times, but the ninth-level beings lose, it is also a big defeat!

At this time, not only Liang Ji and Peng Yue, but also countless beings inside and outside the Star Alliance are paying attention to the situation of several ninth-level beings fighting in the far-away void, and decide the next action according to the victory or defeat of the ninth-level beings.

At this time, Liang Ji suddenly sensed that his natal star and natal star system had moved, and he couldn't help but look back in the direction of the Star Alliance.

Peng Yue on the side seemed to sense something as well, and also looked back at the Star Alliance.

Then, above the vast sea of ​​stars of the Star Alliance, a brilliant starlight rushed into the void, condensed and manifested into a huge ‘Star Pivot’ in the void.

“Zhoutian Star Pivot!”

Liang Ji naturally recognized it at a glance. This was the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ that he had seen before from the Star Lord Zhoutian, and that the Star Lord of Taihao Star Palace had practiced, learned, and mastered.

However, the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ that flew out of the Star Alliance and unfolded in the void at this time, no matter how big or powerful it was, was far from being comparable to the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ that the Star Lord Zhou An had sacrificed.

From the ‘Zhoutian Star Pivot’ that flew out, Liang Ji sensed some familiar charm and feelings, just like the golden ‘List of Conferred Gods’ enshrined in the Kunlun Star Palace, the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws’ enshrined in the Wanxiang Star Palace, and the ‘Bloodline Atlas’ enshrined in the Taiyi Star Palace that he had seen before.

Following this familiar feeling, Liang Ji suddenly understood and realized that the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' that appeared above the Star Alliance was probably the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' enshrined in the Taihao Star Palace. It was the source of the 'Zhou Tian Xing Shu' inheritance that all the star masters of the Taihao Star Palace learned and practiced.

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