The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1272: Expansion of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Chen Diagram’

Taihao Star Palace is the first of the nine Star Palaces of the Star Alliance, with the longest heritage. The ‘Taihao Star Region’ where it is located is also the first Star Region controlled by the Star Alliance, the origin of the Star Alliance, and the center of the Star Alliance.

Similarly, the ‘Taihao Star Region’ and even the ‘Taihao Star Palace’ are also the origin and core of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

In this core area, the ‘Zhoutian Star Hub’ enshrined in the Taihao Star Palace is the key to the Star Alliance’s conditioning, operation, and even control of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’.

All of these, everything, all illustrate the importance of the ‘Zhoutian Star Hub’ enshrined in the ‘Taihao Star Palace’.

But now, the Star Alliance has activated and sacrificed the "Zhoutian Xingshu" of the "Taihao Xinggong". It is not the "Zhoutian Xingshu" of the natal star of the eighth-level star master or the ninth-level star master, but the "Zhoutian Xingshu" that regulates, operates, and controls the entire "Zhoutian Xingchen Formation"!

Liang Ji has never seen or even heard of such a movement. He has only seen a few records in the history of the Star Alliance.

But according to the records in the history books, every time the Star Alliance activates the "Zhoutian Xingshu" enshrined in the "Taihao Xinggong", it is extremely critical and even related to the life and death of the Star Alliance.

And every time the "Zhoutian Xingshu" is activated and a victory is achieved, the Star Alliance will usher in a period of rapid development and growth. In the history of the Star Alliance for hundreds of thousands of years, the total number of times the "Zhoutian Xingshu" has been activated has not exceeded ten times.

Moreover, most of these times were when the Star Alliance just started and rose in the star sea to deal with strong enemies.

After the Star Alliance expanded its territory to more than ten star fields, the activation of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Shu’ was rarely seen. In the following two hundred thousand years, the total number of activations was even only three times!

Liang Ji did not expect that he would be able to see the activation of the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Shu’ of Taihao Star Palace, which was only seen in the Star Alliance history books.

However, thinking of the situation that the Star Alliance is facing now, it is attacked by the gods and spirits, and there are also the Void Demon Clan and the Demon Dao intervening, which can be said to be one against four.

Moreover, the many ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Lands’ formed by the three-grade immortals who sacrificed the life stars in the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance are indeed a key to the rise and development of the Star Alliance in the future, and the enemy cannot be allowed to destroy them!

Therefore, looking at the current situation, compared with the several dangerous situations and critical moments recorded in the Star Alliance history books, it seems that there is nothing wrong, and it is indeed necessary to use the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Shu’ of Taihao Star Palace!

According to historical records, every time the Star Alliance uses the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’, the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ will be fully utilized!

After all, the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ enshrined in the Taihao Star Palace is the key to operate and control the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’.

“So, what Star Lord Zhou An said before, that this war is about to end, is this what he meant?”

“It means that the Star Alliance is ready to activate the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ and use the power of the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ to eliminate all the enemies that will attack?”

“But now, the battlefield and the enemies that are attacking are all outside the Star Alliance, not under the cover of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’. How can we use the power of the ‘Star Formation Map’ to eliminate the enemies and end the war?”

Liang Ji had a thought in his mind, and more doubts arose.

At this time, Liang Ji suddenly saw a new change in the Star Alliance.

Then he saw that in the center of the Star Alliance, the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ worshipped by the Taihao Star Palace appeared in the void, and spread out to the four directions of the Star Alliance with it as the center. After a certain distance, there were also rays of starlight rushing out of the Star Alliance, manifesting in the void above the Star Alliance’s star sea, condensing into large and small ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’!

Seeing these ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’, Liang Ji understood that these should be the star master monks from the Taihao Star Palace, who sacrificed the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ cultivated and refined in their own natal stars, and cooperated with the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ they worshipped and learned.

These ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ sacrificed by the star master monks of the Taihao Star Palace are distributed in the thirty-four star fields of the Star Alliance. The closer to the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ of the Taihao Star Palace, the larger and stronger they are, indicating that the star master monk who sacrificed the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ is stronger.

The closest ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ worshipped by the Taihao Star Palace in the center of the Star Alliance is the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ worshipped by the Star Master. It is the largest and strongest. The light and power it emits are almost as strong as the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ worshipped by the Taihao Star Palace in the core.

Liang Ji almost instinctively knew that it must be the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ worshipped by the principal of the Taihao Star Palace, the ninth-level Star Master ‘Tianhao Xianjun’.

These ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ worshipped by the Star Masters of the Taihao Star Palace in various star regions of the Star Alliance are shining, connecting with each other, and finally connecting to the largest and strongest ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ in the central area of ​​the Star Alliance.

Not only that, at this time, in the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance, the surrounding void and sea of ​​stars where the Star Alliance has been fighting with the attacking enemies, there are also rays of starlight rushing into the void, turning into ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’!

Even these ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ that appeared in the void and starry sea battlefield in the area surrounding the Star Alliance seemed to be larger and stronger than most of the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ that appeared in the Star Alliance!

Liang Ji understood at a glance that these ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ that appeared in the void and starry sea in the area surrounding the Star Alliance must have been sacrificed by the seventh-level and eighth-level star masters from Taihao Star Palace, so they were far superior to the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ sacrificed in most areas of the Star Alliance!

Among the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ sacrificed in these areas, Liang Ji saw a familiar one, which was the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ of the eighth-level star master Zhou An, whom he had seen before.

Even, Liang Ji saw that the location where Zhou An sacrificed the ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ was exactly where the other party had killed the eighth-level gods before.

Liang Ji instantly thought of the action of seeing Zhou An Star Lord arrange the ‘Imitation Zhoutian Star Array’ there.

As his mind turned, Liang Ji had already understood the Star Alliance's plan and means.

However, before he finished thinking, he saw the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array Map" in the Star Alliance emerge, like a huge "star map", covering the entire Star Alliance, and gradually expanding under the operation of many "Zhoutian Star Pivots" below, expanding towards the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance, with the "Zhoutian Star Pivots" sacrificed in the surrounding areas as the base point.

In just a short time, the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array Map" covering the Star Alliance has expanded a lot towards the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance, covering all the battlefields where the Star Alliance star masters in the surrounding areas fought and killed the incoming enemies, and encapsulated them under the control of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map"!

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