The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1273 The Fall of the Ninth Order

Outside the Star Alliance, in the nearby void, Liang Ji looked at the expanded 'Zhoutian Star Formation', and included the surrounding battlefields and the areas where the Earthly Immortals and Blessed Lands were under the newly expanded 'formation' .

I immediately understood the Star Alliance’s plan!

"I didn't expect that after more than 300,000 years of research and planning, the 'Taihao Star Palace' not only developed the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array', but now it is actually able to control the 'Zhoutian Star Array'. Expand and include the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance under the shroud and protection of the 'Star Array'!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but marveled, and said to Peng Yue aside.

You know, there has been no such precedent in the hundreds of thousands of years of Star Alliance history.

Every time the Xiantian Lingbao's Zhoutian Star Formation expanded, it was because the Star Alliance conducted a pioneering war to open up and capture a new star field, and then used the entire star field as the base of the formation to be able to draw the Zhoutian Star Array. The array's expansion included the newly developed star fields into the 'Celestial Star Array'.

As it is now, the Star Territory has not been developed, and there is no Star Territory as the base of the formation, but it is actually able to directly control and guide the "Celestial Star Array" to expand to the surrounding areas, including the void, chaos, galaxies, etc. in the surrounding areas of the Star Alliance. In the Zhoutian Star Formation'!

But it is unique!

"I don't know when this was a method researched and mastered by the 'Taihao Star Palace'. It seems to be related to the 'imitation of the Zhoutian Star Array'?"

Liang Ji said with some doubts.

Peng Yue on the side also nodded slightly and said: "But in this way, the problem of this war has indeed been solved!"

"The expansion of the Zhoutian Star Formation covers the area around the Star Alliance, but it also includes most of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' in the outer star sea under the protection of the Zhoutian Star Formation!"

"From now on, there is no need to worry even if there are enemies from the God Realm, Spirit Realm, Void Demon Clan, etc. attacking us again."

Liang Ji looked at the 'Celestial Star Formation' that was rapidly expanding and covering the surrounding void battlefield, but he said thoughtfully:

"This time, the Star Alliance was jointly attacked by the God Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Void Monster Clan, and the Demonic Evil Cultivator, but it suffered a lot of losses. There are many high-level Star Lords who have fallen in the sky, as well as the Earth Immortal Blessed Land, etc.! "

"This time, the Star Alliance has successfully planned to expand the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation' to cover the battlefield. I am afraid it is not just about protecting these 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' in the outer realm!"

Before Liang Ji could finish his words, he had already seen large swaths of stars, galaxies, and even star fields rotating on top of the 'Star Array of the Sky' that expanded and enveloped all directions. There were countless starlights rising from the sky above the 'Star Array' 'It fell down and blasted directly towards several void battlefields in the distance!

And those places, looking at the movement, are also the places where the ninth-level Star Lords of the Covenant are fighting and fighting with the incoming ninth-level enemies.

Obviously, the Star Alliance's various plans are to take this opportunity to severely damage or even kill one or two ninth-level enemies with the help of the expanded "Zhoutian Star Formation".

In this way, it not only protects the "Blessed Land of Earth Immortals" in these outer star seas, but also severely damages the enemy, rebalancing the balance of power between the Star Alliance, the God Realm, the Spiritual Realm, etc., and making the Void Sea Battlefield, Chaos Sea Battlefield, etc. , the pressure on the Star Alliance can also be weakened a lot.


boom! Rumble...

Liang Ji was spinning his thoughts in his mind when he heard a roar in the distance from a ninth-level battlefield. The battlefield was unknown how far away from here, but wherever the roar passed, It actually shattered the void, chaos, stars, etc.

Even in the areas surrounding the Star Alliance, many of the 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Lands' have been impacted, with the potential to be unsustainable and shattered.

At the critical moment, above the void, the expanded 'Celestial Star Formation' dropped a large swath of starlight, suppressing and protecting the surrounding area, and only then could it withstand the impact of the terrifying roar.

And immediately after this roar, there was another earth-shattering roar and explosion coming out of the battlefield.

The impact of this explosion was more terrifying than the roar. The 'Zhoutian Star Array' fell down, and a large number of stars that suppressed and protected the surroundings were impacted, shaken, and shattered. The star array dropped more starlight before it stabilized again.

However, for Liang Ji and others, they really couldn't care less about this. They stared at the battlefield and could see countless blazing stars blooming, as if a huge star bloomed in an instant, but when it bloomed to the extreme It began to collapse rapidly, as if it was about to turn into a huge black hole.

However, at this moment, a huge 'star map' was seen sweeping past, enveloping and containing the 'stars' that were blooming fiercely and rapidly collapsing.

In the blink of an eye, the movement in the void battlefield in the far distance disappeared.

Even so, Liang Ji and Peng Yue had already judged the situation there through this brief movement and vision.

"Did you kill a ninth-level demon?"

Peng Yue said with some uncertainty.

Liang Ji nodded directly and said: "This is a ninth-level star master who killed a ninth-level heavenly demon!"

"Sure enough, since the Star Alliance has so many plans, how can they easily let go of these incoming enemies if they expand the 'Sky Star Formation' to the surrounding areas and cover the entire battlefield this time!"

"Perhaps these ninth-level enemies are the real targets of the Star Alliance's plan and action this time!"

As Liang Ji spoke, his eyes quickly turned to several other ninth-level battlefields.

For the Star Alliance, killing a ninth-level demon can be considered a victory, but it is not a big victory.

After all, compared to the ninth-level demon, the ninth-level gods of the God Realm and the ninth-level elemental spirits of the Spirit Realm are the biggest threats to the Star Alliance and the enemies they want to kill the most.

And sure enough, as the ninth-level demon was killed, the remaining ninth-level battlefields suddenly changed.

It can be seen that the ninth-level gods and ninth-level elemental spirits who were fighting with the ninth-level star masters of the Star Alliance began to fight and walk, with the appearance of escaping and escaping.

They also saw the purpose of the Star Alliance and began to plan a retreat!

However, the Star Alliance planned a lot this time, and even sacrificed many high-level star masters and earth immortals. How could they easily let these fish in the net escape!

The ‘Zhoutian Xingshu’ spread throughout the ‘Zhoutian Xingchen Formation Map’ accelerated its operation at this time, and the ‘Star Map’ covering the battlefield also rotated faster and faster, and the starlight falling down became more and more, and stronger and stronger!

At the end, Liang Ji seemed to see that the thirty-four star regions of the Star Alliance were summoned and led to suppress those ninth-level battlefields.

Then, another battlefield exploded, and countless blazing divine lights burst out, infecting and distorting the surrounding void, chaos, stars, etc., as if turning into a divine domain, but in an instant it was suppressed by the starlight of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map", and then also swallowed up by a "star map" that swept past!

"This is the beheading of a ninth-level main god of the divine realm!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji's eyes suddenly brightened.

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